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Eriol Fox Erioldoesdesign
Visual, Product & UX designer. Here to do open source design, understand how coding and design do better process and watch cool projects. United Kingdom

hyperbola wdzeng


Christian Paul jaller94
Open-source Node.js/JavaScript developer, Linux on all devices


Banny Tai cssf998811
Digital content application and management @ Wenzao Ursuline University of Languages.

SUNNET Technology Co., Ltd. Taiwan

Ice1187 Ice1187
A CS student/CTF player interested in Security.

National Taiwan University

菘菘 SiongSng
I'm a high school student from Taiwan who loves learning, caring about social issues, and using technology to make a positive impact. ♥️ Love open source.

@LIpoic, @RPMTW, @g0v, @daodaoedu, @Open-Edu-Tw Kaohsiung City, Taiwan

Yeonguk choo121600
Non efficitur ut nunc studeat multum, sed postea ad effectum veniet.

Seoul, Republic of Korea

Gianni Hong kkpan11
Coder. Book lover. Enthusiastic cyclist. T1D.

Taipei, Taiwan

Gerardo Lisboa gvlx
Data Integration Programming discovery BPMN enthusiast Open Source advocate

INFO-CARE Lisboa, Portugal

Cabie Wu cabie8399
Python後端工程師/ 工業聯網平台工程師/ 全端工程師
The best way to predict the future is to invent it!

Digital Nomads

Julie K julienemo
Ruby on Rails + React.js


Lea Ya Li Peng hahahalea
Legispedia project leader

Legispedia Taipei, Taiwan

影凌 KageRyo
NUTC, Taichung, Taiwan. @CodeRyoDeveloper

@CodeRyoDeveloper Taiwan

酷哥 Curtis Lee canscurtis
Master student in Database and System Lab, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, National Sun Yat-sen University, Taiwan.

Database and System Lab, National Sun Yat-sen University, Taiwan Kaohsiung, Taiwan

dillen-hub dillen-hub
i am a developer

@a Taiwan

KennHuang kennhung

NYCU CSIE Chiayi, Taiwan

Chun Cheng Yeh leafoliage
Preffered name: Leaf / Chun

NYCU Taiwan

Sophia Knight sophiaaknight
Currently: Researcher for CASM at Demos Previously: MSc Digital Sociology at the University of Edinburgh