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Sam Morozov sammorozov
Data Scientist / Web3 dev / ex-Analyst in fintech 🇷🇺


Ariala aria-la
Data Analyst


Julia Hu jhukosh
Web Developer / Paris, France


theprocess tsafacjo
Big data & cloud developer


Yuuto JustYuuto
made @miwalol - managing @takinaosu osu! private server


polo le cool popolecool
je suis cool

popo industeris devant un pc

Jyhad JyjyStudio
One Web to rule them all

Paris, France

Nolwen Major Francès NolwenMaj
En formation à Ada Tech School - alternante à Pass Culture
haha code go brrr
Mattèo Gauthier MatteoGauthier
Junior Web Developer, Freelance at Bordeaux, France

Mathieu Morey moreymat

@datactivist Marseille, France

koro. justekoro
catboy dev | works 4 @Byoss-me as backend dev - do a little helping for @watchlonelil & @PrankGG - former @PalamazonOff backend dev - @FCKanar / @111418

@FCKanar France

Matthias Prévost matthias-prevost
Software Engineer @bamlab - Flutter - React Native

BAM Nantes, France

Jeffmac jeffmac-aix

Google Aix en Provence

Patricia Arakawa Yagi parakawa
Cofounder and CPO at Whatbot | Frontend Developer | BSc. Mathematics Interest: Development web, data science, startups, fintechs, applied mathematics,

Whatbot Paris, France

Romain Le Cellier rlecellier

Python, ReactJs, VueJs Paris / France

Rambaud Pierrick 12rambau
Materials engineer turned Software Engineer and Python enthusiast for Earth Observation applications

FAO @openforis Rome, Italy

Tetiana His tania0808
Junior Front-End Developer 💻


Driss Kaci driss292
Junior web developer. I'm working on JavaScript, Node.js, React, React Native, MongoDB, Express


Mickael GASPAR migasar
AI & Data Consultant

Paris, France

Maximilian Lenkeit mlenkeit

SAP SE Mannheim, Germany

Jenny Patrick Nomenjanahary jennypatrickn
Front End Engineer / Front End Developer Working with React, Redux, Typescript, RxJs make more productive to achieve the goal quickly and efficiently. As an


Clémentine Fouqué Clem-svg
Learned how to not get stuck in a loop @TheHackingProject Now working as a fullstack developer


ajubin ajubin
Senior Software Engineer @muzzo-tech
