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Benedikt Xfox0ne
19 year old coder from Austria. Interested in low-level programming, hardware, computer networking and all domains of IT-security.

HTBLuVa Villach Austria

Marc Stirner mStirner
"Unix was not designed to stop its users from doing stupid things, as that would also stop them from doing clever things." – Doug Gwyn

Germany / Bayern / Fürth

I hate the Infinite Improbability Drive

Heart of Gold Beteigeuze

John Paul Adrian Glaubitz glaubitz

SUSE Linux GmbH Berlin, Germany

OttNorml ottnorml
Michael Worm michaelworm
Senior Frontend Developer

@MHP-A-Porsche-Company Frankfurt, Germany

Philipp R. Proksch prpcodes
Fronted Developer | 🇦🇹 | TypeScript

@Shiffable Vienna, Austria

Don Cato doncato
I'm not a robot;

/dev/null Berlin

Interested in : - Cybersecurity & Pentesting - Reverse engineering - Coding (.Net) - Cloud Computing - Private Mail: