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Conall O'Brien conallob
Site Reliability Engineer | Husband | Father of 2 | Pet Human to a Cat | {Computer, Beer} Nerd | Woodworker | Traveller | Hair Colour May Vary

@docusign, Previously @google Dublin, Ireland

Nicole Guzmán Cleto Logicus03
Just a normal Software Engineer 💻 who loves AI 🤖 and enjoy baking 🍰.

Dominican Republic

John Coleman JohnSColeman
I began my interest in IT with a ZX-81, and then took computer studies at school and an HND at Nottingham Trent University. I have a total of 28 years in IT.

Qbyte Consulting Bangkok

Brendan Murty brendanmurty

Lead Software Engineer at Liquidise Sydney, NSW, Australia

Garrett Walter gguitarw
Programmer, musician, dog dad.

Vancouver, WA

Wade morristech
Software Engineer for the past 9 years, mainly focusing on mobile.

@ShopriteX Cape Town, ZA

Hamza Abbad Hamza5
Computer Science and AI engineer. Programmer since 2010. I use Python with Numpy, Tensorflow, and Django in the backend, and Dart/Flutter in the frontend
