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Kaleb Rupe Kaleb-Rupe
Full Stack Web Developer | BloomTech School Grad | JavaScript, React, Redux, Node.js, Express | Algorithms, Data Structures | Agile Methodology

Tampa, Florida

Kalio kalio007
Software Engineer.

Lagos, Nigeria

Americanmemes PurpleSquirrelMedia
Building @purple-squirrel-network A Network for the People. Let's take this journey together.

Purple Squirrel Media Solana

Nithin nithinexe
I write code that can work on Mars, but i forget to push it.

Trustless Engineering Corporation India

beeman beeman
Bram Borggreve Nomad. Polyglot. Dev. Ops. Building @pubkeyapp 🅿️ Founder @BeeSoftLabs 🇨🇴. I ❤️ my girl, Open Source Software and education!


AmirSaber Sharifi saberistic

@saberistic-team @Spiral-Safe

matt.sol mattdegods
I build viral web experiences. Cofounder @trustless-engineering

@trustless-engineering New York State

Dan Johnson thedigitaldan
Product Design & Strategy

@trustless-engineering Charlotte, NC

Miles 'wedtm' Smith notwedtm

@trustless-engineering Solana Beach