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Mohaddeseh Rashidi MehrAbadi radicaal-2
just a curious student :)


Msv odriew3j
web developer / design (html ,css ,js ,jQuery ,react ,nodejs) ui /ux / wp
Peterson Portella PetersonPortella
Trying to improve in everything, as a developer, father and person!

Desenvovedor Jr. Porto Alegre, Rio grande do Sul

Thiago Wendt Percyak Thiag0WP
I'm Snøw :) Brasil/Brazil

Martin Ndirangu hartl3y94
Security Researcher

Hartley94 Kenya

Osvaldo Filho osvaldofilhoitprofessional
Atualmente sou Técnico em TI na Universidade Federal do Ceará. Desde 2004 atuo na área de TI com experiência em infraestrutura de TI com foco em Software Livre.

Universidade Federal do Ceará

Building bridges with code, not just applications.
Amirreza Ghorbani amirgh82
هنوز خیلی تازه‌کارم! هر روز یک چالش جدیده و هر خط کد یک ماجراست. عاشق کدنویسی هستم. بیا با هم به دنیای جادویی کدنویسی سفر کنیم! 🚀


AmirAli Irvany irvanyamirali
Programming is not my job, it's my life

Life Iran

Burden Haze purtyb1tch92
My son is my everything....

molombitoh1ck3r FIJI

CrimeFog trustdan
Crime the Dog, yes. That used to be my name. I am Crime Fog.

at large