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Let's consider integration of Orion Protocol with your UI.

1. Initialization

Orion Protocol's SDK operates with Unit — chain-in-environment abstraction. "Ethereum-in-production", "bsc-in-production", "fantom-in-testing", etc.

import { Orion } from "@orionprotocol/sdk";
const orion = new Orion();
const bscUnit = orion.getUnit("bsc"); // eth, bsc, ftm, polygon, okc available
const ethUnit = orion.getUnit("eth");

2. Signer accessing

When your UI is connected to wallet (through Metamask or Wallet Connect for example), you should get access to signer. Signer is API's entity that allows to sign transactions.

Currently the SDK requires using Ethers.js. Possibly in future we will add common signer interface.

For example, you can access signer through Metamask:

import detectEthereumProvider from "@metamask/detect-provider";
import { BaseProvider } from "@metamask/providers";
import { ethers } from "ethers";

const startApp = async (provider: BaseProvider) => {
  const web3Provider = new ethers.Web3Provider(provider);
  await web3Provider.ready;
  const signer = web3Provider.getSigner(); // ready to go

detectEthereumProvider().then((provider) => {
  if (provider) {
    startApp(provider as BaseProvider);
  } else {
    console.log("Please install MetaMask!");

3. Getting a list of trading pairs

import { simpleFetch } from "@orionprotocol/sdk";
const pairsList = await simpleFetch(unit.aggregator.getPairsList)();

// Response example
// ['ORN-USDT', 'BNB-ORN', 'FTM-ORN', 'ETH-ORN', ...]

That's all. You can easily get tradable assets this way:

const tradableAssets = pairs.reduce((acc, pair) => {
  const [base, quote] = pair.split("-");
  acc.push(base, quote);
  return acc;
}, []);
const uniqueTradableAssets = [ Set(tradableAssets).values()];
const sortedTradableAssets = uniqueTradableAssets.sort((a, b) => {
  if (a < b) return -1;
  if (a > b) return 1;
  return 0;

4. Getting fee assets info

Orion Protocol charges you only with available fee assets. You can get fee assets list:

import { simpleFetch } from "@orionprotocol/sdk";
const feeAssets = await simpleFetch(unit.blockchainService.getTokensFee)();

// Response example:
// {
//   "ORN": "0.2",
//   "BNB": "0.3",
//   "USDT": "0.3"
// }
  • If you choose ORN as fee asset, you will pay 0.2% of your order's amount (quoted in ORN).
  • If you choose BNB as fee asset, you will pay 0.3% of your order's amount (quoted in BNB).
  • If you choose USDT as fee asset, you will pay 0.3% of your order's amount (quoted in USDT).

5. Get swap info

You can swap one asset for another in two ways:

  1. You can specify how much funds you want to spend (exact spend)
  2. You can specify how much funds you want to receive (exact receive)

Each time when user change form inputs, you should get swap info:

const {
  swapInfo, // Contains information about swap (e.g. how much you will receive, how much you will spend, price)
  fee, // Contains fee information. You can display it in UI.
  route, // "pool" or "aggregator"
} = await{
  type: "exactSpend", // Also "exactReceive" is available
  assetIn: "ORN", // What user selected as input asset
  assetOut: "USDT", // What user selected as output asset
  feeAsset: "ORN", // What user selected as fee asset (that we got from previous step)
  amount: 23.89045345, // How much user wants to spend (because we specified "exactSpend" in "type" param)
  options: {
    instantSettlement: true, // Set true to ensure that funds can be instantly transferred to wallet (otherwise, there is a possibility of receiving funds to the balance of the exchange contract)
    poolOnly: false, // Please read note below

When you call getSwapInfo method, internally SDK make request to service, that decides execution route — "pool" or "aggregator".

When you got "pool" that means that you need just call method on exchange contract to make swap (DEX only swap execution). When you got "aggregator" that means that you need to send order to aggregator and wait for execution (aggregator can execute order on CEX'es and DEX'es)

Orion Protocol requires method to transfer your funds from you. When you swap tokens (not ETH in Ethereum, not FTM in Fantom, not BNB in Binance Smart Chain), we use approve to reach this goal. But approve is not always possible. For example, if you want to swap BNB for ORN, you can't approve BNB because BNB is not token. BNB is native currency of Binance Smart Chain. So, in case when native currency is asset in AND route is "aggregator", you should deposit funds (native cryptocurrency) to the exchange contract.

If you don't want to deposit funds to the exchange contract, you can set "poolOnly" option to true.

6. Swap

SDK have multiple ways to make swap:

  1. Call This is the simplest way to swap. All inclusive method. See description
  2. Call unit.aggregator.placeOrder. This is method to place order to aggregator. More verbose. See description
  3. Call method swapThroughOrionPool on exchange contract. This is method to swap tokens through pool. See code example