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Graphic User Interface Development Guide


The front end (GUI) of iMars3D is built on top of the holoviz stack, primarily utilizing the panel and param library. The overall design philosophy are:

  • derive the user interface from the backend functions with helper functions instead of building one from ground up
  • consistent choice of widgets for each type of parameter

Widget Design Principles

The widgets derived from backend functions should be constructed with provided (TBD) parsers. Each widget should have a member function called panel to return the overall widgets. When grouping several widgets together, please consider using panel.Accordion as the container. Instead of directly executing the corresponding backend function, the widget should self-serialize its parameters into a dictionary. The dictionary will be passed to an executor function to execute the backend functions in the order of their addition.

(Examples will be updated once the parser and executor function is finalized.)

import panel as pn
import param
import numpy as np

# demo functions from backend
class func1(param.ParameterizedFunction):
    arg1 = param.Integer(default=1, bounds=(0, 100), doc="arg1")
    arg2 = param.Integer(default=2, bounds=(0, 100), doc="arg2")

    def __call__(self, **params):
        _ = self.instance(**params)
        p = ParamOverrides(self, params)
        return p.arg1 + p.arg2

class func2(param.ParameterizedFunction):
    arg1 = param.Integer(default=1, bounds=(0, 100), doc="arg1")
    arg2 = param.Integer(default=2, bounds=(0, 100), doc="arg2")

    def __call__(self, **params):
        _ = self.instance(**params)
        p = ParamOverrides(self, params)
        return p.arg1 * p.arg2

# demo widget
class DemoStage(param.Parameterized):
    data = param.Array(doc="input data array")
    width = param.Integer(default=100, bounds=(0, None), doc="width of the widget")

    def widget_func1(self):
        self.func1 = func1.instance()
        app = pn.Param(
                "arg1": pn.widgets.IntInput,
                "arg2": pn.widgets.IntInput,
            show_name=False,  # disable derived name, use accordion label instead
        return app

    def widget_func2(self):
        self.func2 = func2.instance()
        app = pn.Param(
                "arg1": pn.widgets.IntInput,
                "arg2": pn.widgets.IntInput,
            show_name=False,  # disable derived name, use accordion label instead
        return app

    def panel(self):
        return pn.Accordion(
            ("App1", self.widget_func1()),
            ("App2", self.widget_func2()),

# instantiate and display
demo = DemoStage(data=np.random.rand(10, 10))

The resulting demo will look like:


For most cases, the default row-stacking layout should be sufficient. If needed, one can build the widget one component at a time before manually specify the layout. For example, the member function can also be implemented as below

def widget_func1(self):
    self.func1 = func1.instance()
    arg1 = pn.widgets.IntInput.from_param(self.func1.param.arg1)
    arg2 = pn.widgets.IntInput.from_param(self.func1.param.arg2)
    return pn.Row(arg1, arg2, width=self.width)

def widget_func2(self):
    self.func2 = func2.instance()
    arg1 = pn.widgets.IntInput.from_param(self.func2.param.arg1)
    arg2 = pn.widgets.IntInput.from_param(self.func2.param.arg2)
    return  pn.Row(arg1, arg2, width=self.width)

Now the resulting demo will look like:


Widget Selection

The UI library panel provides multiple widgets for each input type, and it is very tempting to try out all of them in your app. However, it is recommended to use the following recommended widgets for each input type so as to maintain an consistent style throughout the entire frontend.

  • Integers: use panel.widgets.IntInput


  • Floats: use panel.widgets.FloatInput


  • Strings:
    • use panel.widgets.Select when requiring users to select an option from a limited list.
    • use panel.widgets.TextInput when asking users to provide an arbitrary string.



  • Booleans: use panel.widgets.Checkbox


If you are running into situations where the widgets above are not sufficient, please either raise the question during the status meeting (non-urgent case) or contact a senior developer to check if customized widgets are needed (urgent case).

Useful resources for GUI development