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File metadata and controls

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The Bundle provides mechanism to create forms, embed them into third party sites, store and view data submitted via them. Basically an EmbeddedForm is a FormType. Also it contains custom css and a success message.


This bundle has the following configuration options:

    # The name of the hidden field that should be used to pass the session id to third party site.
    # This allows to use the embedded form even if a web browser blocks third-party cookies.
    session_id_field_name: _embedded_form_sid
    # The number of seconds the CSRF token should live for.
    csrf_token_lifetime: 3600
    # The service id that is used to cache CSRF tokens.
    # If not specified the Oro\Bundle\SecurityBundle\Cache\WsseNoncePhpFileCache
    # will be used that stores data in %kernel.cache_dir%/security/embedded_form
    csrf_token_cache_service_id: ~

The custom CSRF token cache is used only if a web browser blocks third-party cookies. For other cases the default Symfony behaviour is used (CSRF tokens are stored in the PHP session).


The menu item that leads to the list of embedded forms is under the System menu. To list, view and update pages standard UI components are used - grids, filters, sorters, forms. The view page is combined with the "Form Preview" and "Get code" sections.

Adding new FormType

The FormTypes that can be used in embedded forms are registered as services and tagged with the oro_embedded_form tag.


    acme_demo.form.embedded_form.class: Acme\Bundle\DemoBundle\Form\Type\SomeFormType

        class: %acme_demo.form.embedded_form.class%
            - { name: oro_embedded_form, label: 'Embedded Form Type Label Here' }
            - { name: form.type, alias: acme_demo_some_form_type }

The label option is a translatable text used in the select box when creating/updating an embedded form. If omitted, the service id will be used instead.

The other possible option is type. If it is defined then it will be used as the form type (instead of the actual service defined by class parameter). This kind of form types appear in the drop-down list on the create and update embedded form pages.

Default FormType CSS and Success Message

By default, the CSS and Success Message fields on the create new embedded form page are empty. To add default styles or a default success message, a FormType must implement Oro\Bundle\EmbeddedFormBundle\Form\Type\EmbeddedFormInterface.

Changing FormType

It is possible to change the embedded form FormType on/after creation. The related default styles and the default success message will be pulled. If current css and success message are changed - a confirmation dialog will appear.

Success Message

This message will appear after a successful form submitting. You can customize the success message on the create and update embedded form pages. It is possible to set your text for the back link by adding it in the in the {back_link} placeholder using following syntax {back_link|Back link text}.

Get a Code

The "Get code" section is located on the view embedded form page. Example:

<div id="embedded-form-container-2b975a6c-844f-11e3-a31b-001fe24ecc11"></div>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
    new EmbedForm({
        container: 'embedded-form-container-2b975a6c-844f-11e3-a31b-001fe24ecc11',
        iframe: {
            src: "",
            width: 640,
            height: 800,
            frameBorder: 0

The iframe object properties will be directly mapped onto create iframe element properties. So, it possible to change the iframe sizes or add/remove the frame border.

Custom form layout

For backward compatibility, the legacy mechanism of customizing the embedded form layout is supported: for this a FormType should implement Oro\Bundle\EmbeddedFormBundle\Form\Type\CustomLayoutFormInterface.

However, it is advisable to use the Layouts engine from the Oro LayoutBundle to customize the form layout. Embedded forms use the embedded_form layout theme and layout update files should be placed in Acme\Bundle\DemoBundle\Resources\layouts\embedded_form directory.

Layout update files can be placed in a subdirectory corresponding to a route name (e.g. oro_embedded_form_submit, oro_embedded_form_success) if it needs to be applied a specific action only. Please, refer to the LayoutBundle documentation for more information.

Let's consider an example when we need to move the email field before the first name field on the embedded form:


        - @move:
            id:        embedded_form_email
            siblingId: embedded_form_firstName
            prepend:   true                     # place moved block before sibling

            - $context.embedded_form_type
            - 'acme_demo.form.embedded_form' # form type name in container

We need to specify layout update conditions since all embedded forms are using the same route. The condition should check that your custom form type is equal to the form type stored in the layout context. This will make sure that your layout updates are loaded only for your embedded form type.

Note that we are using separate block types embed_form_start, embed_form_end, embed_form_fields and embed_form_field to render the form. This allows us to easily add content inside the form. For all this block fields we need to specify form_name option to bind it to our form. Also we can use only one block typeembed_form which will create three child blocks: embed_form_start, embed_form_fields, embed_form_end.