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The goal of OroSegmentBundle is to provide entities segmentation, that can be used for further processing.

Table of Contents


Segment - is representation of some dataset. It based on entity and set of filters.

So first of all segment is filtered data of the given entity type. There are two types of segments:

  1. Static (is also called "On demand")
  2. Dynamic

The difference is that the dynamic segment displays real-time data, and static segment has a set of snapshots. It filters data in the same way as dynamic one and stores state into service table(oro_segment_snapshot). So even if data in real time is no longer correspond filtering criteria it will still exist in dataset of the static segment. So basically static segment is snapshot of filtered data in some point of time.

Also both segment types could have table representation of data. It might be configured from segment management pages.

Frontend implementation

Frontend part of segment management based on condition builder that comes from OroQueryDesignerBundle. See doc for further information. Segmentation filter based on AbstractFilter from OroFilterBundle and provides ajax based autocomplete field in the meantime based on JQuery.Select2 plugin.

Backend implementation


Segment entity is descendant of AbstractQueryDesigner model that comes from OroQueryDesignerBundle. Basically this entity contains entity name(based on), json encoded definition and service fields such as created/updated, owner etc. SegmentType is representation of possible segment types. Default types are loaded by data fixture migration mechanism. SegmentSnapshot is service entity. It contains snapshots data for static segments. It contains link on segment that it belongs to, entityId field that is link to entity of type that segment is based on, and date when this link was created.

Query builders

As described before static and dynamic segments have different way how filtering tool should be applied. There are two strategies how filtering by segment could be applied on query: DynamicSegmentQueryBuilder and StaticSegmentQueryBuilder correspondent.


For table representation of segment used OroDataGridBundle. Configuration of grid is comes from segment definition that provided by SegmentBundle\Grid\ConfigurationProvider. It tries to retrieve segment identifier from grid name and pass loaded segment entity to SegmentDatagridConfigurationBuilder. Datagrid configuration is not process filtering in order to encapsulate filtering logic in the SegmentFilter. So for those purposes were created to proxy classes DatagridSourceSegmentProxy and RestrictionSegmentProxy. DatagridSourceSegmentProxy is overrides definition and provides only segment filter definition. So datagrid configuration builder receives entire definition except filters, only segment filter comes there. RestrictionSegmentProxy used by SegmentQueryConverter in order to do not convert definition of the columns due to query builder need only one field in SELECT statement, it's entity identifier.

Usage examples

Query could be retrieved using following code

if ($segment->getType()->getName() === SegmentType::TYPE_DYNAMIC) {
    $query = $this->dynamicSegmentQueryBuilder->build($segment);
} else {
    $query = $this->staticSegmentQueryBuilder->build($segment);

$query variable will contain instance of \Doctrine\ORM\Query after that it could be added in where statement of any doctrine query in following way:

/** @var EntityManger $em */
$classMetadata = $em->getClassMetadata($segment->getEntity());
$identifiers   = $classMetadata->getIdentifier();

$qb = $em->createQueryBuilder()->select()

$alias = 'u';
// only not composite identifiers are supported
$identifier = sprintf('%s.%s', $alias, reset($identifiers));
$expr       = $qb->expr()->in($identifier, $query->getDQL());


$params = $query->getParameters();
/** @var Parameter $param */
foreach ($params as $param) {
    $qb->setParameter($param->getName(), $param->getValue(), $param->getType());