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Configuration Reference

Configuration Form Definition

The configuration should be placed in Resources/config/oro/system_configuration.yml file in any bundle. The root node should be system_configuration.

Available nodes

  • groups - definition of field groups. More details
  • fields - definition of field (form type). More details
  • tree - definition of configuration form tree. More details
  • api_tree - definition of configuration items available through API. More details


This node should be also declared under root node and contains array of available field groups with its properties Group is abstract fields bag, view representation of group managed on template level of specific configuration template and dependent on its position in tree. This means that group could be rendered as fieldset or tab or like part of accordion list.

        platform: #unique name
            title: 'Platform'             # title is required
            icon:  fa-hdd-o
            priority: 30                  # sort order
            description: some description # add description on the next line after group header
            tooltip: some tooltip         # add tooltip on the same line after group header
            page_reload: false            # if true, page will be reloaded after save if something changed in the group

Groups definitions will be replaced recursive from configs that will parse after original definition. So way to override existed group title is just to redefine group with the same name and title value

            title: 'New title' # overridden title

To customize a group configuration form without implementing own form type, it is possible to use configurator option. The configurator can be implemented as a static method or a service. The signature of the configurator must be function (FormBuilderInterface $builder, array $options).

To specify a configurator the following syntax should be used

  • ClassName::methodName for a static method
  • @service_id::methodName for a method in a service

Please note that a group configuration form can have several configurators and they can be specified in different bundles.


        # string syntax
            configurator: Acme\Bundle\DemoBundle\SettingsFormConfigurator::buildForm
        # array syntax
                - Acme\Bundle\DemoBundle\SettingsFormConfigurator::buildForm
                - '@acme.settings_form_configurator::buildForm'

namespace Acme\Bundle\DemoBundle;

use Symfony\Component\Form\FormBuilderInterface;

class SettingsFormConfigurator
    public static function buildForm(FormBuilderInterface $builder, array $options)
        // put your configuration code here

To customize handling of a group configuration form, it is possible to use handler option. The handler can be implemented as a static method or a service. The signature of the handler must be function (ConfigManager $manager, ConfigChangeSet $changeSet, Form $form).

To specify a handler the following syntax should be used

  • ClassName::methodName for a static method
  • @service_id::methodName for a method in a service

Please note that a group configuration form can have several handlers and they can be specified in different bundles. All handlers are executed only if a group configuration form does not have validation errors and after the changed configuration option are saved. See ConfigHandler for details.


        # string syntax
            handler: Acme\Bundle\DemoBundle\SettingsFormHandler::handle
        # array syntax
                - Acme\Bundle\DemoBundle\SettingsFormHandler::handle
                - '@acme.settings_form_handler::handle'

namespace Acme\Bundle\DemoBundle;

use Oro\Bundle\ConfigBundle\Config\ConfigChangeSet;
use Oro\Bundle\ConfigBundle\Config\ConfigManager;

class SettingsFormHandler
    public static function handle(ConfigManager $manager, ConfigChangeSet $changeSet)
        // put your additional form handling code here


Field declaration have required property type.

  • data_type - must be specified for all fields except ui_only ones
  • type - refers to form type of which field should be created
  • search_type - indicates how to search by field value, read more in the Search Type Provider section
  • tooltip - show additional info about field
  • acl_resource - determines acl resource to check permissions to change config field value(optional)
  • priority - sort order for displaying(optional)
  • ui_only - indicates whether a field is used only on UI and do not related to any variable (optional, defaults to false)
  • property_path - overrides configuration key where field's value will be stored (by default field's name used as path)

Also options available property here, it's just a proxy to form type definition


            data_type: string
            type: text # can be any custom type
            search_type: text
               label: 'Date format'
               tooltip: 'Some additional information'
               resettable: false  # should "use default checkbox" be shown(optional, default: true)
               # here we can override any default option of the given form type
               # also here can be added field tooltips
            acl_resource: 'acl_resource_name'
            priority: 20
            page_reload: false # if true, page will be reloaded after save if field changed


Configuration form tree makes definition of nested form elements. Tree name should be unique to prevent merge of content from another trees. All nested elements of the group should be placed under "children" node. Sort order can be set with "priority" property


                priority: 20
                                - some_field
                                - some_another_field

API Tree

The api_tree section is used to define which configuration option should be available through API, e.g. REST API or SOAP API. Also it can be used to split the options by some logical groups. Using the group name an API client can get only subset of the options.

Please note that

  • An configuration option must be defined in the fields section and must have data_type attribute.
  • Nested groups are allowed. The nesting level is not limited.


        look-and-feel:                                         # group name
            oro_entity_pagination.enabled: ~                   # configuration option
        outlook:                                               # group name
            contacts:                                          # nested group name
                oro_crm_pro_outlook.contacts_enabled: ~        # configuration option
                oro_crm_pro_outlook.contacts_sync_direction: ~
                oro_crm_pro_outlook.tasks_enabled: ~

Search Type Provider

You can add your own rules how system configuration search should work. By default search works:

Defining a Search Provider

Create your own DemoSearchProvider that implements SearchProviderInterface.


namespace Acme\Bundle\DemoBundle\Provider;

use Oro\Bundle\ConfigBundle\Config\ConfigBag;
use Oro\Bundle\ConfigBundle\Provider\SearchProviderInterface;

class DemoSearchProvider implements SearchProviderInterface
    /** @var ConfigBag */
    private $configBag;

     * @param ConfigBag $configBag
    public function __construct(ConfigBag $configBag)
        // use config bag to obtain group or field configuration data
        $this->configBag = $configBag;

     * Determines whether this provider is applicable for the given name
    public function supports($name)
        // example how the field can be determined
        return $this->configBag->getFieldsRoot($name) !== false;

     * Returns configuration search data by given name
    public function getData($name)
        // example how to to filter by `search_type` 
        $field = $this->configBag->getFieldsRoot($name);
        if ($field['search_type'] === 'your_own_search_type') {
            // return your own search data for current field

        return [];

Register your search provider as a service in the DI container with the oro_config.configuration_search_provider tag:

    class: Acme\Bundle\DemoBundle\Provider\DemoSearchProvider
    public: false
        - '@oro_config.config_bag'
        - { name: oro_config.configuration_search_provider, priority: 20 }