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SQLAlchemy 2.0.0
2023-02-04 07:29:01 -0800

A week ago, SQLAlchemy 2.0.0 was released. Now, the default way to describe ORM models is using declarative type-annotations based definitions. So, the fields instead of id = Column(Integer) can be described as just id: int. In some cases, it can get more verbose, but it pays back by better IDE integration, syntax highlighting, type checking, and other cool stuff that comes with type annotations.

I wanted to try different alternative ORMs with asyncio and typing support, but never got to it. Now I think that it gets quite hard to beat SQLAlchemy. The project, despite being very old, still keeps up the pace (what I can't say about Django ORM, Pony ORM, or Peewee) and has very good support for modern practice. Namely, for asyncio and type annotations.

Anyway, there are some asyncio-powered ORMs that I haven't tried but that look interesting:

  • sqlmodel is a thin wrapper on top of pydantic and sqlalchemy from the author of FastAPI. It's not actively maintained but there is not that much of code for it to be a big problem. This is the most popular ORM on this list because the author is famous.
  • ormar is another wrapper on top of pydantic and sqlalchemy to consider. Don't get deceived by the number of commits, though, they all are from dependabot.
  • tortoise-orm is an asyncio ORM inspired by Django ORM. At this point, I'm not sure anymore that it's a good idea. A long time ago, I used to like Django ORM for its similicity, but now I'm more skeptical about this simplicity as I learned how much of poor performance and testability it costs. Internally, it uses pypika for building the queries.
  • piccolo has quite a nice query builder but model definitions aren't declarative. Also, they say its "fully type annotated" but that's not what you might expect. There is Any all around, and no type safety at all in what the queries return.