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Who Are The Users

greezybacon edited this page Dec 18, 2014 · 2 revisions

End Users

The help desk is used to facilitate communicate between the support Agents and the End Users. Think of a End User as someone who requires assistance or has a question, and seeks an answer through your help desk, through creating a ticket via your client portal, by sending in an email, or by any other channel in your help desk.

Users are identified by their unique email address.


A Collaborator an End Users in addition to the ticket owner who is included on responses and communication in a ticket. Collaborators can be added or removed at any time in the life cycle of a ticket. Collaborators can respond in and contribute to the issue of the ticket.


An agent is a member of your staff that has the ability to login to your help desk system and view, manage, and correspond with End Users on tickets. Tickets may be assigned to a specific agent or team of agents. Your agents will interact directly with your ticket owners as needed to solve their support issues. Agents’ permissions are determined by their group, as granted by administrators.

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