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Glossary: Kubernetes Basics

Term Definition
Automated bin packing Increases resource utilization and cost savings using a mix of critical and best-effort workloads.
Batch execution Manages batch and continuous integration workloads and automatically replaces failed containers, if configured.
Cloud Controller Manager A Kubernetes control plane component that embeds cloud-specific control logic, allowing integration with cloud providers' APIs.
Cluster A set of worker machines (nodes) that run containerized applications. Every cluster has at least one worker node.
Container Orchestration The process of automating the container lifecycle of containerized applications.
Container Runtime The software responsible for running containers.
Control Loop A non-terminating loop that regulates the state of a system.
Control plane The container orchestration layer that exposes APIs to define, deploy, and manage containers.
Controller Control loops in Kubernetes that watch the cluster state and make changes to move it closer to the desired state.
Data (Worker) Plane The layer providing capacity (CPU, memory, network, storage) for containers to run and connect to a network.
DaemonSet Ensures a copy of a Pod is running across a set of nodes in a cluster.
Declarative Management Expressing the desired state of a resource, allowing Kubernetes to actively maintain the observed state.
Deployment An object that provides updates for Pods and ReplicaSets, suitable for stateless applications.
Designed for extensibility Ability to add features to a cluster without modifying source code.
Docker Swarm A tool for automating the deployment of containerized applications, designed to work with Docker tools.
Ecosystem A composition of services, support, and tools available within a given environment or platform.
etcd A highly available key-value store containing cluster data, serving as the source of truth for cluster state.
Eviction The process of terminating one or more Pods on Nodes.
Imperative commands Directly creating, updating, and deleting live objects.
Imperative Management Defining actions and steps to reach a desired state.
Ingress An API object managing external access to services in a cluster, typically for HTTP.
IPv4/IPv6 dual stack Assigning both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses to Pods and Services.
Job A finite or batch task that runs to completion.
Kubectl The command-line tool for communicating with a Kubernetes cluster's control plane via the Kubernetes API.
Kubelet The primary "node agent" running on each node, responsible for managing containers described in PodSpecs.
Kubernetes An open-source platform for container orchestration, developed by Google and maintained by CNCF.
Kubernetes API An application serving Kubernetes functionality through a RESTful interface and storing the cluster state.
Kubernetes API Server Validates and configures data for Kubernetes API objects (pods, services, etc.) and serves REST operations.
Kubernetes Controller Manager Manages control processes monitoring cluster state and ensuring it aligns with desired state.
Kubernetes Cloud Controller Manager Embeds cloud-specific control logic, enabling cloud provider API integration.
Kubernetes Proxy A network proxy running on each node to maintain network rules allowing communication to Pods in the cluster.
kube-scheduler A control plane component selecting nodes for pending Pods to run on.
Label Selector Allows filtering resources based on labels.
Labels Tags objects with identifying attributes.
Load balancing Balances traffic across Pods for performance and high availability.
Marathon An Apache Mesos framework for scaling container infrastructure.
Namespace An abstraction for resource isolation within a single cluster.
Node The worker machine in a Kubernetes cluster running user applications.
Nomad A cluster management and scheduling tool supporting Docker and other applications on various platforms.
Object An entity in the Kubernetes system, representing the state of your cluster.
Persistence Ensures an object exists in the system until modified or removed.
Preemption Logic in Kubernetes helping pending Pods find suitable Nodes by evicting lower-priority Pods.
Self-healing Automatically restarting, replacing, rescheduling, or terminating failing or unresponsive containers.
Service An abstraction for exposing an application running on a set of Pods as a network service.
Service Discovery The process of discovering Pods using IP addresses or a single DNS name.
StatefulSet Manages the deployment and scaling of a set of Pods with guarantees about ordering and uniqueness.
Storage A data store supporting persistent and temporary storage for Pods.
Storage Orchestration Automatically mounting chosen storage systems for containers.
Pod The smallest Kubernetes object, representing a single instance of an application running in a cluster.
Proxy In computing, a server acting as an intermediary for a remote service.
ReplicaSet A controller aiming to maintain a set of replica Pods running at all times.
Workload An application running on Kubernetes.