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CurrentModule = Oscar


This is the documentation of the straight-line programs (SLP) implementation by Rafael Fourquet. Originally this was supposed to become a separate Julia module, however it has now been incorporated into the OSCAR core.

The main SLP type is SLProgram, to which other types can "compile" (or "transpile"). The easiest way to create an SLProgram is to combine "generators":

julia> using Oscar;

julia> using Oscar.StraightLinePrograms; const SLP = Oscar.StraightLinePrograms;

julia> x, y, z = SLP.gens(SLProgram, 3)
3-element Vector{SLProgram{Union{}}}:

julia> p = (x*y^2 + 1.3*z)^-1
#1 = ^   y  2  ==>  y^2
#2 = *   x #1  ==>  (x*y^2)
#3 = * 1.3  z  ==>  (1.3*z)
#4 = +  #2 #3  ==>  ((x*y^2) + (1.3*z))
#5 = ^  #4 -1  ==>  ((x*y^2) + (1.3*z))^-1
return: #5

On the right side of the above output is the representation of the computation so far. It's done via another SLP type (tentatively) called Lazy which represent "formulas" as trees:

julia> using Oscar;

julia> using Oscar.StraightLinePrograms; const SLP = Oscar.StraightLinePrograms;

julia> x, y, z = SLP.gens(SLProgram, 3);

julia> p = (x*y^2 + 1.3*z)^-1;

julia> X, Y, Z = SLP.gens(Lazy, 3)
3-element Vector{Lazy}:

julia> q = (X*Y^2 + 1.3*Z)^-1
((x*y^2) + (1.3*z))^-1

julia> f = SLP.evaluate(p, [X, Y, Z])
((x*y^2) + (1.3*z))^-1

julia> SLP.evaluate(f, [X, Y, Z]) == f

julia> SLP.evaluate(p, Any[x, y, z]) == p

julia> dump(q) # q::Lazy is a tree
  x: Oscar.StraightLinePrograms.Exp
    p: Oscar.StraightLinePrograms.Plus
      xs: Array{Oscar.StraightLinePrograms.LazyRec}((2,))
        1: Oscar.StraightLinePrograms.Times
          xs: Array{Oscar.StraightLinePrograms.LazyRec}((2,))
            1: Oscar.StraightLinePrograms.Input
              n: Int64 1
            2: Oscar.StraightLinePrograms.Exp
              p: Oscar.StraightLinePrograms.Input
                n: Int64 2
              e: Int64 2
        2: Oscar.StraightLinePrograms.Times
          xs: Array{Oscar.StraightLinePrograms.LazyRec}((2,))
            1: Oscar.StraightLinePrograms.Const{Float64}
              c: Float64 1.3
            2: Oscar.StraightLinePrograms.Input
              n: Int64 3
    e: Int64 -1
  gens: Array{Symbol}((3,))
    1: Symbol x
    2: Symbol y
    3: Symbol z

Evaluation of SLPs is done via evaluate, which can take a vector of anything which supports the operations used in the SLP (e.g. *, + and ^ in this example; - is also supported but division not yet). Note that currently, the eltype of the input vector for SLProgram must be a supertype of any intermediate computation (so it's always safe to pass a Vector{Any}).

julia> using Oscar;

julia> using Oscar.StraightLinePrograms; const SLP = Oscar.StraightLinePrograms;

julia> x, y, z = SLP.gens(SLProgram, 3);

julia> p = (x*y^2 + 1.3*z)^-1;

julia> X, Y, Z = SLP.gens(Lazy, 3);

julia> SLP.evaluate(p, [2.0, 3.0, 5.0])

julia> SLP.evaluate(X*Y^2, ['a', 'b'])

Returning multiple values

There is a low-level interface to return multiple values from an SLProgram; for example, to return the second and last intermediate values from p above, we would "assign" these values to positions #1 and #2, delete all other positions (via the "keep" operation), and return the resulting array (the one used for intermediate computations):

julia> using Oscar;

julia> using Oscar.StraightLinePrograms; const SLP = Oscar.StraightLinePrograms;

julia> x, y, z = SLP.gens(SLProgram, 3);

julia> p = (x*y^2 + 1.3*z)^-1;

julia> X, Y, Z = SLP.gens(Lazy, 3);

julia> SLP.pushop!(p, SLP.assign, SLP.Arg(2), SLP.Arg(1))
       SLP.pushop!(p, SLP.assign, SLP.Arg(5), SLP.Arg(2))
       SLP.pushop!(p, SLP.keep, SLP.Arg(2))
#1 = ^   y  2  ==>  y^2
#2 = *   x #1  ==>  (x*y^2)
#3 = * 1.3  z  ==>  (1.3*z)
#4 = +  #2 #3  ==>  ((x*y^2) + (1.3*z))
#5 = ^  #4 -1  ==>  ((x*y^2) + (1.3*z))^-1
#1 =    #2     ==>  (x*y^2)
#2 =    #5     ==>  ((x*y^2) + (1.3*z))^-1
keep: #1..#2
return: [#1, #2]

julia> SLP.evaluate(p, [X, Y, Z])
list([(x*y^2), ((x*y^2) + (1.3*z))^-1])

Straight line decisions

A "decision" is a special operation which allows to stop prematurely the execution of the program if a condition is false, and the program returns true if no condition failed. Currently, the interface is modeled after GAP's SLPs and defaults to testing the AbstractAlgebra.order of an element. More specifically, test(prg, n::Integer) tests whether the order of the result of prg is equal to n, and dec1 & dec2 chains two programs with a short-circuiting behavior:

julia> p1 = SLP.test(x*y^2, 2)
#1 = ^ y  2  ==>  y^2
#2 = * x #1  ==>  (xy^2)
test: order(#2) == 2 || return false
return: true

julia> p2 = SLP.test(y, 4)
test: order(y) == 4 || return false
return: true

julia> p1 & p2
#1 = ^ y  2  ==>  y^2
#2 = * x #1  ==>  (xy^2)
test: order(#2) == 2 || return false
test: order(y) == 4 || return false
return: true

julia> SLP.evaluate(p1 & p2, [X, Y])
test((xy^2), 2) & test(y, 4)

julia> using AbstractAlgebra; perm1, perm2 = perm"(1, 4)", perm"(1, 3, 4, 2)";

julia> SLP.evaluate(p1 & p2, [perm1, perm2])

julia> SLP.evaluate(p1 & p2, [perm2, perm1])


Please direct questions about this part of OSCAR to the following people:

You can ask questions in the OSCAR Slack.

Alternatively, you can raise an issue on github.