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File metadata and controls

241 lines (179 loc) · 13.8 KB

Data Formats

latools can be set up to work with pretty much any conceivable text-based data format. To get your data into latools, you need to think about two things:

1. File Structure

At present, latools is designed for data that is collected so that each text file contains ablations of a single sample or (a set of) standards, with a name corresponding to the identity of the sample. An ideal data structure would look something like this:


Where each of the .csv files within the 'data/' contains one or more ablations of a single sample, or numerous standards (i.e. STD-1 could contain ablations of three different standards). The names of the .csv files are used to label the data throughout analysis, so should be unique, and meaningful. Standards are recognised by latools.analyse by the presence of identifying characters that are present in all standard names, in this case 'STD'.

When importing the data, you give latools.analyse the data/ folder, and some information about the SRM identifier (srm_identifier='STD') and the file extension (extension='.csv'), and it imports all data files in the folder.

Some labs save an entire analytical session in a single data file. There are plans to accommodate this in future, but it's not implemented yet. At present, the only way to analyse this type of data in latools is to split them up into separate files, following the file structure above. If you would like us to work on this, please let us know, otherwise it will stay near the bottom of the pile...

2. Data Format

We tried to make the data import mechanism as simple as possible, but because of the diversity and complexity of formats from different instruments, it can still be a bit tricky to understand. The following will hopefully give you everything you need to write your data format description.

Data Format Description : General Principles

The data format description is stored in a plain-text file, in the JSON format. In practice, the format description consists of a number of names entries with corresponding values, which are read and interpreted by latools. A generic JSON file might look something like this:

'entry_1': 'value',
'entry_2': ['this', 'is', 'a', 'list'],
'entry_3': (['a', 'set', 'of'], 'three', 'values')

Required Sections

To work correctly, the latools dataformat file must contain three, specific entries:

- meta_regex contains information on how to read the 'metadata' in the file header. Each entry has the form: :

    "meta_regex": {
        "line_number": [["metadata_name"], "Regular Expression with a capture group."]

Don't worry at this point if 'Regular Expression' and 'capture group' mean nothing to you. We'll get to that later <regex>.


The meta_regex component of the dataformat description must contain an entry that finds the 'date' of the analysis. Background and drift correction depend upon having this information. That is, it must have an entry like {"N": {["date"], "regex_string"}}, where "N" is a line number (in quotation), and regex_string isolates the analysis date of the file, as demonstrated here.

- column_id contains information on where the column names of the data are, and how to interpret them. This requires 4 specific entries, and should look something like: :

    "column_id": {
        "delimiter": "Character that separates column headings, e.g. \t (tab) or , (comma)",
        "timecolumn": "Numeric index of time column. Usually zero (the first column). Must be an integer, without quotations.",
        "name_row": "The line number that contains the column headings. Must be an integer, without quotations",
        "pattern": "A Regular Expression that identifies valid analyte names in a capture group."

- genfromtext_args contains information on how to read the actual data table. latools uses Numpy's ~numpy.genfromtxt function to read the raw data, so this section can contain any valid arguments for the ~numpy.genfromtxt function. For example, you might include: :

    "genfromtext_args": {
        "delimiter": "Character that separates data values in rows, e.g. \t (tab) or , (comma)",
        "skip_header": "Integer, without quotations, that specifies the number of lines at the start of the file that *don't* contain data values.",

Optional Sections

- preformat_replace. Particularly awkward data formats may require some 'cleaning' before they're readable by ~numpy.genfromtxt (e.g. the removal of non-numeric characters). You can do this by optionally including a preformat_replace section in your dataformat description. This consists of {"regex_expression": "replacement_text"} pairs, which are applied to the data before import. For example: :

    "preformat_replace": {
        "[^0-9, .]+": ""

will replace all non-numeric characters that are not ., , or a space with "" (i.e. no text - remove them). The use of preformat_replace should not be necessary for most dataformats. - time_format. latools attempts to automatically read the date information identified by meta_regex (using dateutil's ~dateutil.parser.parse), but in rare cases this will fail. If it fails, you'll need to manually specify the date format. Specify the date format using standard notation for formatting and reading times. For example: :

    "time_format": "%d-%b-%Y %H:%M:%S"

will correctly read a time format of "01-Mar-2016 15:23:03".

Regular Expressions (RegEx)

Data import in latools makes use of Regular Expressions to identify different parts of your data. Regular expressions are a way of defining patterns that allow the computer to extract information from text that isn't exactly the same in every instance. A very basic example, if you apply the pattern: :

"He's not the Mesiah, (.*)"

to "He's not the Mesiah, he's a very naughty boy!", the expression will match the text, and you'll get "he's a very naughty boy!" in a capture group. To break the expression down a bit:

  • He's not the Mesiah, tells the computer that you're looking for text containing this phrase.
  • . signifies 'any character'
  • * signifies 'anywhere between zero and infinity occurrences of .
  • () identifies the 'capture group'. The expression would still match without this, but you wouldn't be able to isolate the text within the capture group afterwards.

What would the capture group get if you applied the expression to He's not the Mesiah, he just thinks he is...?

Applying this to metadata extraction, imagine you have a line in your file header like: :

Acquired      : Oct 29 2015  03:11:05 pm using AcqMethod OB102915.m

And you need to extract the date (Oct 29 2015 03:11:05 pm). You know that the line always starts with Acquired [varying number of spaces] :, and ends with using AcqMethod [some text]. The expression: :

Acquired +: (.*) using.*

will get the date in its capture group! For a full explanation of how this works, have a look at this breakdown by Regex101 (Note 'Explanation' section in upper right).

Writing your own Regular Expressions can be tricky to get your head around at first. We suggest using the superb Regex101 site to help you design the Regular Expressions in your data format description. Just copy and paste the text you're working with (e.g. line from file header containing the date), play around with the expression until it works as required, and then copy it across to your dataformat file.


If you're stuck on data formats, submit a question to the mailing list and we'll try to help. If you think you've found a serious problem in the software that will prevent you importing your data, file an issue on the GitHub project page, and we'll look into updating the software to fix the problem.

Writing a new Data Format Description : Step-By-Step

Data produced by the UC Davis Agilent 8800 looks like this:

Intensity Vs Time,CPS
Acquired      : Oct 29 2015  03:11:05 pm using AcqMethod OB102915.m
Time [Sec],Mg24,Mg25,Al27,Ca43,Ca44,Mn55,Sr88,Ba137,Ba138

This step-by-step guide will go through the process of writing a dataformat description from scratch for the file.


We're working from scratch here for illustrative purposes. When doing this in reality, you might find the ~latools.helpers.config.get_dataformat_template (accessible via latools.config.get_dataformat_template()), which creates an annotated data format file for you to adapt.

  1. Create an empty file, name it, and give it a .json extension. Open the file in your favourite text editor. Data in .json files can be stored in lists (comma separated values inside square brackets, e.g. [1,2,3]) or as {'key': 'value'} pairs inside curly brackets.
  2. The data format description contains three named sections - meta_regex, column_id and genfromtext_args, which we'll store as {'key': 'value'} pairs. Create empty entries for these in your new .json file. Your file should now look like this:
    'meta_regex': {},
    'column_id': {},
    'genfromtext_args': {}
  1. Define the start time of the analysis. In this case, it's Oct 29 2015 03:11:05 pm, but it will be different in other files. We therefore use a 'regular expression' to define a pattern that describes the date. To do this, we'll isolate the line containing the date (line 2 - numbers start at zero in Python!), and head on over to Regex101 to write our expression. Add this expression to the meta_regex session, with the line number as its key:
    'meta_regex': {'2': (['date'],
                         '([A-Z][a-z]+ [0-9]+ [0-9]{4}[ ]+[0-9:]+ [amp]+)')},
    'column_id': {},
    'genfromtext_args': {}


Having trouble with Regular Expressions? We really recommend Regex101!

  1. Set some parameters that define where the column names are. name_row defines which row the column names are in (3), delimeter describes what character separates the column names (,), timecolumn is the numberical index of the column containing the 'time' data (in this case, 0). This will grab everything in row 3 that's separated by a comma, and tell latools that the first column contains the time info. Now we need to tell it which columns contain the analyte names. We'll do this with a regular expression again, copying the entire column over to Regex101 to help us write the expression. Put all this information into the 'column_id' section:
 'meta_regex': {'2': (['date'],
                      '([A-Z][a-z]+ [0-9]+ [0-9]{4}[ ]+[0-9:]+ [amp]+)')},
 'column_id': {'name_row': 3,
               'delimiter': ',',
               'timecolumn': 0,
               'pattern': '([A-z]{1,2}[0-9]{1,3})'},
 'genfromtext_args': {}
  1. Finally, we need to add some parameters that tell latools how to read the actual data table. In this case, we want to skip the first 4 lines, and then tell it that the values are separated by commas. Add this information to the genfromtext_args section:
 'meta_regex': {'2': (['date'],
                      '([A-Z][a-z]+ [0-9]+ [0-9]{4}[ ]+[0-9:]+ [amp]+)')},
 'column_id': {'name_row': 3,
               'delimiter': ',',
               'timecolumn': 0,
               'pattern': '([A-z]{1,2}[0-9]{1,3})'},
 'genfromtext_args': {'delimiter': ',',
                      'skip_header': 4}
  1. Test the format description, using the ~latools.helpers.config.test_dataformat function. In Python:
import latools as la

my_dataformat = 'path/to/my/dataformat.json'
my_datafile = 'path/to/my/datafile.csv

la.config.test_dataformat(my_datafile, my_dataformat)

This will go through the data import process for you file, printing out the results of each stage, so if it fails you can see where if failed, and fix the problem.

Fix any errors, and you're done! You have a working data description.

I've written my dataformat, now what?

Once you're happy with your data format description, put it in a text file, and save it as 'my_dataformat.json' (obviously replace my_dataformat with something meaningful...). When you want to import data using your newly defined format, you can point latools towards it by specifying dataformat='my_dataformat.dict' when starting a data analysis. Alternatively, you can define a new manage-configurations, to make this the default data format for your setup.