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File metadata and controls

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To see all operations available on permissions:

okdata permissions -h


What are permissions

Permissions allow fine grained control over who can do what with which resources in the dataplatform. We use user, scope, and resource_name to give the who/what/which parts, respectively, so a permission can be viewed as a triplet:

<user>, <scope>, <resource_name>

Meaning <user> is allowed to do <scope> on <resource_name>. For instance:

janedoe, okdata:dataset:read, okdata:dataset:my-dataset

Meaning that the user janedoe is allowed to perform read operations on the dataset named my-dataset.

User types

The <user> part can be either a user ID (username), a team ID, which grants the permission to every member of the given team, or a client ID, in case you've been assigned a machine client user by the dataplatform team.


Scopes consist of three parts separated by colons: a namespace, a resource type, and the permission itself. Permissions currently only apply to datasets, though this might be extended in the future. For now, the available scopes are:

  • okdata:dataset:admin, allowing the user to modify the permissions for the given dataset.

  • okdata:dataset:read, allowing the user to see/download data from the given dataset.

  • okdata:dataset:update, allowing the user to change metadata for the given dataset, like its title and description.

  • okdata:dataset:write, allowing the user to write/upload new data to the given dataset.

Resource names

Resource names also consist of three parts separated by colons: a namespace, a resource type, and the resource ID itself. The only resource type currently available is okdata:dataset, and the resource ID becomes the ID of the dataset.

Listing permissions

The following command lists all permissions tied to the current user:

okdata permissions ls

To list all permissions for a specific resource, the following command is used:

okdata permissions ls <resource_name>

For instance:

okdata permissions ls okdata:dataset:my-dataset

This will list every permission associated with the dataset my-dataset.

Granting and revoking permissions

The commands for granting and revoking permissions to and from users, are:

okdata permissions add <resource_name> <user> [<scope>]
okdata permissions rm <resource_name> <user> [<scope>]

The format of resource_name, user, and scope is explained in the previous section.

Here is an example where the user janedoe is given read access to the dataset my-dataset:

okdata permissions add okdata:dataset:my-dataset janedoe okdata:dataset:read

And to revoke that same permission:

okdata permissions rm okdata:dataset:my-dataset janedoe okdata:dataset:read

The scope parameter is optional in both commands. When omitted, all permissions are granted or revoked for the user on the given resource.

Both commands support additional --team and --client flags, which are used when the given user ID belongs to a team or a machine user, instead of a person user.