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Ganeti Web Manager

is a Django based web frontend for managing Ganeti virtualization clusters. Since Ganeti only provides a command-line interface, 's goal is to provide a user friendly web interface to Ganeti via Ganeti's Remote API <rapi>. On top of Ganeti it provides a permission system for managing access to clusters and virtual machines, an in browser VNC console, and vm state and resource visualizations. You can see a few screenshots here <screenshots>.

If you don't already have a Ganeti cluster setup, these directions can help you get started.

If you are looking for support, please contact us <contact>.

If you are looking to deploy for the first time, check out our installation guide.

If you already have a instance running it might be time to upgrade <upgrading>.

Finally, if you would like to report a bug or request a feature, please file an issue <issues>.

is licensed under the GPLv2 <license>. It is currently developed and maintained by the Oregon State University Open Source Lab and a handful of volunteers. If you would like to get involved in development see our development <development> guide.

Getting Started

getting_started/requirements getting_started/installing getting_started/configuring getting_started/importing


deployment/intro deployment/apache deployment/nginx


features/permissions features/objectlog features/vnc features/sshkeys features/ldap features/templates

features/clusters features/cluster-read-only features/registration features/caching features/ganetiviz


usage/upgrading usage/clusters usage/virtualmachines usage/nodes usage/templates


dev/issues dev/process dev/release


Project Information

project_info/compatibility project_info/changelog project_info/history project_info/design project_info/contact project_info/screenshots project_info/license project_info/faq project_info/contributors project_info/release_cycle


ref/rapi-help ref/rest-api ref/git ref/logo ref/versions ref/setup-script ref/build-script ref/venv ref/search


deprecated/old_dependencies deprecated/old_installing deprecated/old_upgrading deprecated/old_caching

Indices and tables

  • genindex
  • modindex
  • search