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63 lines (49 loc) · 2.96 KB


Vix Technical Assessment

About The Project

In this project, I'm applying the best practices I've learned for Android development. I'll explain the technologies I've used in the project. I've used advanced tools to make the app work better and faster.

Tools used:

  • Model-View-ViewModel (MVVM): A design pattern that separates the user interface, business logic, and data handling to create more organized and maintainable code.
  • Clean Architecture: A software design philosophy that promotes separation of concerns and modularity, making the codebase more scalable and testable.
  • Navigation Component: A library for handling navigation between different screens or destinations in an Android app, simplifying navigation management.
  • ExoPlayer Media3: A media playback library that provides flexible and efficient handling of audio and video playback in Android apps.
  • Dependency Injection: A technique for managing object dependencies, enhancing code reusability and making testing and maintenance easier.
  • Third-party libraries (Glide, Retrofit, Gson): These libraries offer pre-built solutions for tasks like image loading, network requests, and JSON parsing, saving development time and effort.

Proposed Design in the Assessment

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My implementation:

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Video capture: