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308 lines (226 loc) · 9.77 KB

Frequently asked questions

Everyone is welcome to contribute to Palladium. You can help us to improve Palladium when you:

  • Use Palladium and give us feedback or submit bug reports to GitHub.
  • Improve existing code or documentation and send us a pull request on GitHub.
  • Suggest a new feature, and possibly send a pull request for it.

In case you intend to improve or to add code to Palladium, we kindly ask you to:

  • Include documentation and tests for new code.
  • Ensure that all existing tests still run successfully.
  • Ensure backward compatibility in the general case.

Some commands, such as pld-fit use Python's own logging framework to print out useful information. Thus, we can configure where messages with which level are logged to. So maybe you don't want to log to the console but to a file, or you don't want to see debugging messages at all while using Palladium in production.

You can configure logging to suit your taste by adding a 'logging' entry to the configuration. The contents of this entry are expected to follow the logging configuration dictionary schema. An example for this dictionary-based logging configuration format is available here.

Similar to adding authentication support, we suggest to use the different pluggable decorator lists in order to send logging or monitoring messages to the corresponding systems. You need to implement decorators which wrap the different functions and then send information as needed to your logging or monitoring solution. Every time, one of the functions is called, the decorators in the decorator lists will also be called and can thus be used to generate logging messages as needed. Let us assume you have implemented the decorators my_app.log.predict, my_app.log.alive,, my_app.log.update_model, and my_app.log.load_data, you can add them to your application by adding the following parts to the configuration:

'predict_decorators': [

'alive_decorators': [

'update_model_decorators': [

'fit_decorators': [

'load_data_decorators': [

If you currently use an older version of Python or even need this older version for other projects, you should take a look at virtual environments.

If you use the default Python version, you could use virtualenv:

  1. Install Python 3 if not yet available
  2. pip install virtualenv
  3. mkdir <virtual_env_folder>
  4. cd <virtual_env_folder>
  5. virtualenv -p /usr/local/bin/python3 palladium
  6. source <virtual_env_folder>/palladium/bin/activate

If you use Anaconda, you can use the conda environments which can be created and activated as follows:

  1. conda create -n palladium python=3 anaconda
  2. source activate palladium


Palladium's installation documentation for Anaconda is already using a virtual environment including the requirements.txt.

After having successfully activated the virtual environment, this should be indicated by (palladium) in front of your shell command line. You can also check, if python --version points to the correct version. Now you can start installing Palladium.


The environment has to be activated in each context you want to call Palladium scripts (e.g., in a shell). So if you run into problems finding the Palladium scripts or get errors regarding missing packages, it might be worth checking if you have activated the corresponding environment.

In the general case, the installation should work without problems if you are using Anaconda or have already installed these packages as provided with your operating system's distribution. In case there are problems during installation, we refer to the installation instructions of these projects:

Here's an example of a grid search configuration that uses a :class:`sklearn.cross_validation.StratifiedKFold` with a parameter random_state=0. Note that the required y parameter for :class:`~sklearn.cross_validation.StratifiedKFold` is created and passed at runtime.

'grid_search': {
    'param_grid': {
        'C': [0.1, 0.3, 1.0],
    'cv': {
        '__factory__': 'palladium.util.Partial',
        'func': 'sklearn.cross_validation.StratifiedKFold',
        'random_state': 0,
    'verbose': 4,
    'n_jobs': -1,

The grid search configuration allows you to use a class other than :class:`sklearn.grid_search.GridSearchCV` to do the hyperparameter search. Here's an example configuration that uses scikit-optimize to search for hyperparameters using Bayesian optimization, assuming an :class:`sklearn.svm.SVC` classifier:

'grid_search': {
    '__factory__': 'skopt.BayesSearchCV',
    'estimator': {'__copy__': 'model'},
    'n_iter': 16,
    'search_spaces': {
        'C': {
            '__factory__': '',
            'low': 1e-6, 'high': 1e+1, 'prior': 'log-uniform',
        'degree': {
            '__factory__': '',
            'low': 1, 'high': 20,
    'return_train_score': True,
    'refit': False,
    'verbose': 4,

Yes. We support using dask.distributed for distributing jobs among many computers. To install the necessary packages, run pip install dask distributed.

Here's a piece of configuration that will use Dask workers to run the grid search:

'grid_search': {
    '__factory__': '',
    'estimator': {
        '__factory__': 'sklearn.model_selection.GridSearchCV',
        'estimator': {'__copy__': 'model'},
        'param_grid': {
            'C': [0.1, 0.3, 1.0],
        'n_jobs': -1,
    'backend': 'dask.distributed',
    'scheduler_host': '',

'_init_distributed': {
    '__factory__': 'palladium.util.resolve_dotted_name',
    'dotted_name': 'distributed.joblib.joblib',

To start up the Dask scheduler and workers you can follow the dask.distributed documentation. Here's an example that runs three workers locally:

$ dask-scheduler
Scheduler started at

$ dask-worker
$ dask-worker
$ dask-worker

If you want to interactively check components of your Palladium configuration, you can access Palladium's components as follows:

from palladium.util import initialize_config

config = initialize_config(__mode__='fit')
model = config['model']  # get model
X, y = config['dataset_loader_train']()  # load training data
# ...

You can also load the configuration to an interactive shell and access the components directly:

from code import InteractiveConsole
from pprint import pformat

from palladium.util import initialize_config

if __name__ == "__main__":
    config = initialize_config(__mode__='fit')
    banner = 'Palladium config:\n{}'.format(pformat(config))

In the interactive console, loading data and fitting a model can be done like this:

X, y = dataset_loader_train(), y)


Make sure, the PALLADIUM_CONFIG environment variable is pointing to a valid configuration file.

If you want to access the currently used model, you have to retrieve it via the process_store or you have to load it using the model persister:

from palladium.util import process_store
model = process_store.get('model')

from palladium.util import get_config
model = get_config()['model_persister'].read()


get_config()['model'] might not return the current active model as the entries in the configuration are not updated after initialization.