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It's Tinder 🔥 but for cats 😹

This is a simple exercise of a React Native application.

To build && run:

$ expo install && expo prebuild && expo run:android

This project includes

  • Expo 45 DevClient, Bare workflow
  • React Navigation
  • Reanimated2
  • Tailwind React Native
  • RN Gesture Handler
  • RN SVG

How to install this build on Android

On devices running Android 8.0 (API level 26) and higher, you must navigate to the Install unknown apps system settings screen to enable app installations from a particular location (i.e. the web browser you are downloading the app from).

On devices running Android 7.1.1 (API level 25) and lower, you should enable the Unknown sources system setting, found in Settings > Security on your device.

On scan this code with a device:

Open the Camera app and point it at this code. Then tap the notification that appears.
