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Server Pro: LDAP Config

Shane Kilkelly edited this page Dec 9, 2016 · 24 revisions

Sharelatex LDAP

Available in ShareLaTeX Server Pro is the ability to use a LDAP server to manage users. It is also possible to use with Active Directory systems.

Note, versions of ShareLaTeX Server Pro prior to v0.5.1 used a different LDAP configuration format, see Server Pro: LDAP Config (legacy) for more details.


  • SHARELATEX_LDAP_URL = Url of the LDAP server, E.g. 'ldaps://'

  • SHARELATEX_LDAP_EMAIL_ATT = The email attribute the LDAP server will return, defaults to 'mail'

  • SHARELATEX_LDAP_NAME_ATT = The property name holding the name of the user which is used in the application

  • SHARELATEX_LDAP_LAST_NAME_ATT = If your LDAP server has a first and last name then this can be used in conjuction with SHARELATEX_LDAP_NAME_ATT

  • SHARELATEX_LDAP_PLACEHOLDER = The placeholder for the login form, defaults to ''

  • SHARELATEX_LDAP_UPDATE_USER_DETAILS_ON_LOGIN = If set to 'true', will update the user first_name and last_name field on each login, and turn off the user-details form on /user/settings page. Otherwise, details will be fetched only on first login.

  • SHARELATEX_LDAP_BIND_DN = Optional, e.g. 'uid=myapp,ou=users,'.


  • SHARELATEX_LDAP_BIND_PROPERTY = Optional, default 'dn'. Property of user to bind against client e.g. 'name', 'email'

  • SHARELATEX_LDAP_SEARCH_BASE = The base DN from which to search for users by username. E.g. 'ou=users,'

  • SHARELATEX_LDAP_SEARCH_FILTER = LDAP search filter with which to find a user by username, e.g. '(uid={{username}})'. Use the literal '{{username}}' to have the given username be interpolated in for the LDAP search.

  • SHARELATEX_LDAP_SEARCH_SCOPE = Optional, default 'sub'. Scope of the search, one of 'base', 'one', or 'sub'.

  • SHARELATEX_LDAP_SEARCH_ATTRIBUTES = Optional, default all. Json array of attributes to fetch from LDAP server.

  • SHARELATEX_LDAP_GROUP_DN_PROPERTY = Optional, default 'dn'. The property of user object to use in '{{dn}}' interpolation of groupSearchFilter.

  • SHARELATEX_LDAP_GROUP_SEARCH_BASE = Optional. The base DN from which to search for groups. If defined, also groupSearchFilter must be defined for the search to work.

  • SHARELATEX_LDAP_GROUP_SEARCH_SCOPE = Optional, default 'sub'.

  • SHARELATEX_LDAP_GROUP_SEARCH_FILTER = Optional. LDAP search filter for groups. The following literals are interpolated from the found user object: '{{dn}}' the property configured with groupDnProperty. Optionally you can also assign a function instead, which passes a user object, from this a dynamic groupsearchfilter can be retrieved.

  • SHARELATEX_LDAP_GROUP_SEARCH_ATTRIBUTES = Optional, default all. Json array of attributes to fetch from LDAP server.

  • SHARELATEX_LDAP_CACHE = Optional, default 'false'. If 'true', then up to 100 credentials at a time will be cached for 5 minutes.

  • SHARELATEX_LDAP_TIMEOUT = Optional, default Infinity. How long the client should let operations live for before timing out.

  • SHARELATEX_LDAP_CONNECT_TIMEOUT = Optional, default is up to the OS. How long the client should wait before timing out on TCP connections.

  • SHARELATEX_LDAP_TLS_OPTS_CA_PATH = A JSON array of paths to the CA file for TLS, must be accessible to the docker container. E.g. -env SHARELATEX_LDAP_TLS_OPTS_CA_PATH='["/var/one.pem", "/var/two.pem"]'

  • SHARELATEX_LDAP_TLS_OPTS_REJECT_UNAUTH = If 'true', the server certificate is verified against the list of supplied CAs.

LDAP Config Example

At ShareLaTeX, we test the LDAP integration against a test openldap server. The following is an example of a working configuration:

# passed as docker parameters

--env SHARELATEX_LDAP_URL='ldap://ourldapserver:389'
--env SHARELATEX_LDAP_SEARCH_BASE='ou=people,dc=planetexpress,dc=com'
--env SHARELATEX_LDAP_SEARCH_FILTER='(uid={{username}})'
--env SHARELATEX_LDAP_BIND_DN='cn=admin,dc=planetexpress,dc=com'

# as a docker env file


Testing config & Debugging

As LDAP is heavily configurable and flexable by nature it can be a good starting point to have a working example with ldapsearch or even used by another applicaiton.

ldapsearch -H ldap:// -x -D -w ENUMpass  -b ou=people,dc=mydomain,dc=com "CN=\*ENUMuser\*" mail
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