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Miguel Serrano edited this page Aug 10, 2022 · 12 revisions

Here are some possible causes for errors in the logs.


Log location in the container: /var/log/sharelatex/clsi.log

(HTTP code 400) unexpected - OCI runtime create failed

...opt/synctex ... not a directory

Full message reads roughly (after removing quite a lot of noise): <path> is not a directory; Are you trying to mount a directory onto a file (or vice-versa)? Check if the specified host path exists and is the expected type

Check the value of the SYNCTEX_BIN_HOST_PATH environment variable --- please see this documentation.

Recovering deleted docs

Docs are logically deleted and will be in the deletedDocs array in the project document.

List the deleted docs in mongo:

db.projects.findOne({_id: ObjectId("<project_id>")}, { deletedDocs: 1} )

Then open a shell in the sharelatex container. From there you can run the restore_soft_deleted_docs script.

You will need:

  • your admin user ID
  • the project ID
  • the list of doc names from deletedDocs

Example restoring a deleted restoreMe.tex document:

node /var/www/sharelatex/web/scripts/restore_soft_deleted_docs.js <admin_id> <project_id> restoreMe.tex
{ doc:
   { _id: 5f91b367e86f6d0001680ecc,
     name: '2020-10-22T16-29-27.066Z-restoreMe.tex' },
  folderId: null }

This will have created a bunch of docs in the root of the project that look like TIMESTAMP-original-name. They should have the content and the tracked changes and comments from before deletion.

Running Overleaf with a NFS filesystem

Mounting a NFS filesystem in an Overleaf container is technically possible, but it's not recommended and can result in different types of performance errors.

I particular we advise against using NFS backed filesystems for ephemeral data, like the directories use for compilation data. We recommend using a local scratch disk, preferably a local SSD for the following directories:

  • /var/lib/sharelatex/data/tmp: ephemeral data such as uploads and processing zip file data, Settings.path.dumpFolder and Settings.path.uploadFolder are sub-directories of this folder
  • /var/lib/sharelatex/data/cache: cache for binary files of projects that are being compiled (Settings.path.clsiCacheDir)
  • /var/lib/sharelatex/data/compiles: ephemeral compile dir data (Settings.path.compilesDir)
  • /var/lib/sharelatex/data/output: ephemeral compile artifacts for download by the browser (Settings.path.outputDir)

For docker-compose based setups, we suggest just overriding the bind-mount from NFS, which avoids changing paths in the application. Here's an example of a docker-compose config excerpt with the use of a scratch disk that is mounted at /scratch:

      SANDBOXED_COMPILES_HOST_DIR: /scratch/compiles/
      - nfs:/var/lib/sharelatex/data
      - /scratch/cache/:/var/lib/sharelatex/data/cache
      - /scratch/compiles/:/var/lib/sharelatex/data/compiles
      - /scratch/output/:/var/lib/sharelatex/data/output
      - /scratch/tmp/:/var/lib/sharelatex/data/tmp
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