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Relbo.jl: Rewriting ELBO -variational inference using symbolic rewriting techniques

Relbo.jl uses expression tree to represent computational graph of variational inference, doing this, symbolic rewriting technique based on Metatheory.jl could be used to manipulate the computation procedure at compile time. Rao-Blackwellization rewriting for variance reduction could be easily implemented. It also takes advantages of codegen(meta programming) and automatic differentiation techniques(Zygote.jl) to handle the numerical calculation, in an efficient way.


This project is motivated by projects in JuliaSymbolic comminities(Metatheory.jl, Symbolics.jl) for symbolic rewriting ideas; pyro for the variational inference as PPL idea. Related projects include Turing.jl and Soss.jl. The difference between Relbo.jl and Turing.jl|Soss.jl is that Turing.jl|Soss.jl focuses on HMC based posterial sampling while Relbo.jl focuses on variational inference(currently it is a very small trial project).

Quick show case

The easest way of using Relbo.jl is through the dsl and the provided helper functions:

using Relbo 
using Relbo: train

elbo = @ELBO ga, gb begin 
    (i, j, k, l)::Index
    (a, b)::Param 

    a | i 
    b | i
    data | i
    ga | i 
    gb | i 

    z ~ Beta(a, b)
    q ~ InverseGaussian(z)
    obsq = q(data)
    guide ~ Beta(ga, gb)  z

    return Expectation(guide, obsq)

data = ones(100)
g = GD(elbo, :data; ga=12.0, gb=4.0, a=10.0, b=3.0)
train(g::GD, data, 10)

What does the expression tree of Relbo.jl looks like?

The expression tree of sf_grad_elbo_eval could be ploted using AbstractTrees:

using Relbo 
using AbstractTrees
print_tree(sf_grad_elbo_eval |> to_tree; maxdepth=20)

The result is as below:

└─ Dict{Any, Any}
   ├─ ""
   │  └─ "ExprTerm_*"
   │     └─ Dict{Any, Any}
   │        ├─ ""
   │        │  └─ "ExprTerm_observe"
   │        │     └─ Dict{Any, Any}
   │        │        ├─ ""
   │        │        │  └─ "Atom_q_InverseGaussian_observe"
   │        │        │     └─ ""
   │        │        │        └─ "Atom_z_Beta_sampling"
   │        │        │           └─ Dict{Any, Any}
   │        │        │              ├─ ""
   │        │        │              │  └─ "Param_ga"
   │        │        │              │     └─ ""
   │        │        │              │        └─ "nothing"
   │        │        │              └─ ""
   │        │        │                 └─ "Param_gb"
   │        │        │                    └─ ""
   │        │        │                       └─ "nothing"
   │        │        └─ ""
   │        │           └─ "Atom_q_data_observe"
   │        │              └─ ""
   │        │                 └─ "Param_data"
   │        │                    └─ ""
   │        │                       └─ "nothing"
   │        └─ ""
   │           └─ "ExprTerm_observe"
   │              └─ Dict{Any, Any}
   │                 ├─ ""
   │                 │  └─ "Atom_z_data_observe"
   │                 │     └─ ""
   │                 │        └─ "Param_z"
   │                 │           └─ ""
   │                 │              └─ "Atom_z_Beta_sampling"
   │                 │                 └─ Dict{Any, Any}
   │                 │                    ├─ ""
   │                 │                    │  └─ "Param_gb"
   │                 │                    │     └─ ""
   │                 │                    │        └─ "nothing"
   │                 │                    └─ ""
   │                 │                       └─ "Param_ga"
   │                 │                          └─ ""
   │                 │                             └─ "nothing"
   │                 └─ ""
   │                    └─ "Atom_z_Beta_observe"
   │                       └─ Dict{Any, Any}
   │                          ├─ ""
   │                          │  └─ "Param_a"
   │                          │     └─ ""
   │                          │        └─ "nothing"
   │                          └─ ""
   │                             └─ "Param_b"
   │                                └─ ""
   │                                   └─ "nothing"
   └─ ""
      └─ "ExprTerm_grad"
         └─ ""
            └─ "ExprTerm_log"
               └─ ""
                  └─ "ExprTerm_observe"
                     └─ Dict{Any, Any}
                        ├─ ""
                        │  └─ "Atom_z_Beta_observe"
                        │     └─ Dict{Any, Any}
                        │        ├─ ""
                        │        │  └─ "Param_gb"
                        │        │     └─ ""
                        │        │        └─ "nothing"
                        │        └─ ""
                        │           └─ "Param_ga"
                        │              └─ ""
                        │                 └─ "nothing"
                        └─ ""
                           └─ "Atom_z_data_observe"
                              └─ ""
                                 └─ "Param_z"
                                    └─ ""
                                       └─ "Atom_z_Beta_sampling"
                                          └─ Dict{Any, Any}
                                             ├─ ""
                                             │  └─ "Param_ga"
                                             │     └─ ""
                                             │        └─ "nothing"
                                             └─ ""
                                                └─ "Param_gb"
                                                   └─ ""
                                                      └─ "nothing"

How does Relbo.jl handle the rewriting

It just use the term rewriting functions provided by Metatheory.jl. Below shows how to define a score function estimator rewriter to transform a gradient over intergal into a score function version, which has smaller variance.

function sf_estimator(x::ExprTerm)
    grad_op = x.op
    @assert is_single_arg(x)
    elbo = get_single_arg(x)

    guide = elbo.args[1]

    nelbo, nguide = copy(elbo), copy(guide)

    log_guide = ExprTerm(FunctorOperation(:log), nguide)
    grad_log_guide = ExprTerm(grad_op, log_guide)
    push!(nelbo.args, grad_log_guide)
    return nelbo

function sf_estimator_2expr(x::ExprTerm)
    elbo = sf_estimator(x)
    return :($elbo)

sf_grad_rule = @rule x x::ExprTerm => sf_estimator_2expr(x) where is_sf_grad(x)
sf_grad_rule = Postwalk(PassThrough(sf_grad_rule))

Fow more informations of how to manipulate the expression tree, see src/rewrite.jl

Code generation

The expression tree of Relbo.jl could be easily transformed into runnable code using cgen functions provided in src/codegen.jl, the code for gradients are generated using Zygote.jl. The resulting code is easily broadcastable along batch dimension, which allows it to be scaled up easily.

code = cgen(sf_grad_elbo_eval)
grad_func = sampling_fun_generator(code, [:data, :ga, :gb, :a, :b], true)

ga = 12
gb = 4
a = 10 
b = 11

data = rand(100) 
@time grad_func.(data, Ref(ga), Ref(gb), Ref(a), Ref(b))

grad = sum(grad_func.(data, Ref(ga), Ref(gb), Ref(a), Ref(b)))
@show size(grad)

The generated grad_func is as below:

    (data, ga, gb, a, b)->begin
                z = Beta(ga, gb)
                z_observe = rand(z)
                var"z##328" = Beta(a, b)
                q = InverseGaussian(z_observe)
            return (pdf(q, data) * pdf(var"z##328", z_observe)) * collect(gradient(((ga, gb)->begin
                                        z = Beta(ga, gb)
                                    log(pdf(z, z_observe))
                                end), (ga, gb)...))

For more information, see test/test_terms.jl