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File metadata and controls

119 lines (86 loc) · 3.32 KB


Date: 30 Sep 2019

ldmsd_store_app - LDMSD store_app storage plugin

load name=store_app

config name=store_app path=STORE_ROOT_PATH [ perm=OCTAL_PERM ]

strgp_add name=STRGP_NAME plugin=store_app container=CONTAINER_NAME schema=LDMS_SCHEMA

strgp_prdcr_add name=STRGP_NAME regex=PRDCR_REGEX

``store_app`` is an LDMSD storage plugin for storing data from the sets from ``app_sampler`` LDMSD sampler plugin. ``store_app`` uses ``SOS`` as its database back-end. The ``path`` option points to the directory containing ``SOS`` containers for this plugin (one container per ``strgp``). If the container does not exist, it will be created with permission given by ``perm`` option (default: 0660). The container contains multiple schemas, each of which assoicates with a metric from the sets from ``app_sampler`` (e.g. ``stat_utime``). Schemas in the container have the following attributes:

  • ``timestamp`` : the data sampling timestamp.
  • ``component_id``: the component ID producing the data.
  • ``job_id``: the Slurm job ID.
  • ``app_id``: the application ID.
  • ``rank``: the Slurm task rank.
  • METRIC_NAME: the metric value (the name of this attribute is the metric name of the metric).
  • ``comp_time``: (indexed) the join of ``component_id`` and ``timestamp``.
  • ``time_job``: (indexed) the join of ``timestamp`` and ``job_id``.
  • ``job_rank_time``: (indexed) the join of ``job_id``, ``rank``, and ``timestamp``.
  • ``job_time_rank``: (indexed) the join of ``job_id``, ``timestamp``, and ``rank``.
The name of the plugin instance to configure.
The path to the directory that contains SOS containers (one container per strgp).
The octal mode (e.g. 0777) that is used in SOS container creation. The default is 0660.
# in ldmsd config file
load name=store_app
config name=store_app path=/sos perm=0600
strgp_add name=app_strgp plugin=mstore_app container=app schema=app_sampler
# NOTE: the schema in strgp is LDMS set schema, not to confuse with the one
# schema per metric in our SOS container.
strgp_prdcr_add name=app_strgp regex=.*
strgp_start name=app_strgp

The following is an example on how to retrieve the data using Python:

from sosdb import Sos
cont = Sos.Container()'/sos/app')
sch = cont.schema_by_name('status_vmsize')
attr = sch.attr_by_name('time_job') # attr to iterate over must be indexed
itr = attr.attr_iter()
b = itr.begin()
while b == True:
  obj = itr.item()
  print(obj['status_vmsize']) # object attribute access by name
  print(obj[5]) # equivalent to above
  print(obj[:]) # get everything at once
  b =

Plugin_app_sampler(7), ldmsd(8), ldms_quickstart(7), ldmsd_controller(8),