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Date: 12 Dec 2016


LDMS_QuickStart - man page for Quick Start of LDMS

LDMS is the Lightweight Distributed Metric Service. LDMS is a distributed data collection, transport, and storage tool that supports a wide variety of configuration options. There are three main functional components described below.

Samplers run one or more plugins that periodically sample data of interest. Each plugin defines a group of metrics called a metric set. The sampling frequency is user defined and can be dynamically changed. A host can simultaneously run multiple plugins. Configuration flags determine whether the sampling plugins run synchronously or asynchonously (both on a host and across hosts). Memory allocated for a particular metric set is overwritten by each successive sampling. The host daemon does not retain sample history; plugins do not typically retain history, but can be written to do so.

Aggregators collect data in a pull fashion from samplers and/or other aggregators. The collection frequency is user defined and operates independently of other collection operations and sampling operations. Distinct metric sets can be collected at different frequencies. Once started, the aggregation schedule cannot be altered without restarting the aggregator. Fan-in refers to the number of hosts collected from by a single aggregator. Maximum fan-in varies by transport but is roughly 9,000:1 for the socket transport and for the RDMA transport over Infiniband. It is > 15000:1 for RDMA over the Cray Gemini transport. Daisy chaining is not limited to two levels; multiple aggregators may aggregate from the same sampler or aggregator ldmsd. Fan-in at higher levels is limited by the aggregator host capabilities (CPU, memory, network bandwidth, and storage bandwidth).

Storage plugins write in a variety of formats. Comma Separated Value (CSV) file storage of metric sets plugins are provided. Storage occurs when a valid updated metric set data is collected by an aggregator that has been configured to write that data to storage. Collection of a metric set whose data has not been updated or is incomplete does not result in a write to storage in any format.

The host daemon is the same base code in all cases; differentiation is based on configuration of plugins for sampling or storage and on configuring aggregation of data from other host daemons.

Quick Start instructions for LDMS (Lightweight Distributed Metric Service).

This man page describes how to configure and run LDMS daemons (ldmsd) to perform the following tasks:

  • collect data
  • aggregate data from multiple ldmsds
  • store collected data to files.

There are three basic configurations that will be addressed:

  • configuring an ldmsd with collector plugins
  • configuring a ldmsd to aggregate information from other ldmsds
  • configuring a store_csv storage plugin on an ldmsd.

The order in which these configurations should be performed does not matter with respect to collectors and aggregators.

While a complete listing of flags and parameters can be seen by running ldmsd and the configuration tools with the --help directive, this document describes the flags and parameters required for running a basic setup.

There are no run scripts provided in the current release; the examples here can be used in the creation of such.

This document is arranged as follows:

  1. Prerequisites
  2. Build and install
  3. Configuring and Starting an ldmsd (general)
  4. through 8) Example ldmsd configurations and queries
  1. Protection Domain Tags (Cray Only)
  2. Troubleshooting
  3. About the man pages
  • All sections below assume the build directory is /tmp/opt/ovis.
  • libevent-2.0 is a requirement.
  • Python 2.7 or Python 2.6 with the argparse module is required for ldmsd_controller

There is a separate document with build/install instructions.

The default ldms build in v3 has authentication turned on. This document does not include use of the authentication flags; the instructions here are as if you had built with --disable_ovis_auth. For more information on authentication, see the ldms_authentication man page.

You will need to set the following environment variables when running LDMS daemons. This assumes that ldms has been installed in to /tmp/opt/ovis.

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/tmp/opt/ovis/lib/:/tmp/opt/ovis/lib/ovis-ldms/:<path to libevent-2.0>/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
export ZAP_LIBPATH=/tmp/opt/ovis/lib/ovis-ldms
export LDMSD_PLUGIN_LIBPATH=/tmp/opt/ovis/lib/ovis-ldms
export PATH=/tmp/opt/ovis/sbin/:/tmp/opt/ovis/bin:$PATH
export LDMSD_SOCKPATH=/tmp/run/ldmsd

LDMSD_SOCKPATH determines the location for the unix domain socket (described in the ldmsd args below). The default is /var/run/ldmsd. Make sure you use a location that is writeable if you are running as non-root.

Plugins for an ldmsd can be configured via a configuration file specified as an argument to the "-c" flag. Also, ldmsd_controller is a configuration tool that can work in interactive mode and can also can be directed commands/scripts to a socket. The plugin configuration commands are the same in all cases.

In the instructions below, we briefly illustrate use of the configuration script to ldmsd vs ldmsd_controller. Some environmental variables have been supressed in this section for clarity. In all subsequent examples (Sections 4+), we provide versbose detail for the ldmsd configuration script method only. Altering this to use the other methods should then be obvious.

This is the most usual mode of configuring ldms in production scenarios and can also be used for test scenarios.

Example commands for configuring a sampler:

> more config.file

load name=meminfo
config name=meminfo producer=vm1_1 instance=vm1_1/meminfo
start name=meminfo interval=1000000

The path to the configuration script is then provided to the ldmsd via the "-c" flag when it is started:

Example ldmsd start command with a configuration script:

ldmsd -x sock:60000 -S tmp/ldmsd/sock1 -l /tmp/log/logfile -v DEBUG -c ./config.file

You can use ldmsd_controller to connect to the ldmsd at any time to issue plugin commands. This is most often used for dynamically issuing commands to a running ldmsd.

Example ldmsd start command without a configuration script:

ldmsd -x sock:60000 -S tmp/ldmsd/sock1 -l /tmp/log/logfile -v DEBUG

Call the ldmsd_controller interactively and enter the same commands as you would in the configuration script.

ldmsd_controller --host vm1_1 --port=61000
ldmsd_controller> load name=meminfo
ldmsd_controller> config name=meminfo producer=vm1_1 instance=vm1_1/meminfo
ldmsd_controller> start name=meminfo interval=1000000
ldmsd_controller> quit

Relatedly, you can run ldmsd_controller with the commands in script form. For example:

> more

echo "load name=meminfo"
echo "config name=meminfo producer=vm1_1 instance=vm1_1/meminfo"
echo "start name=meminfo interval=1000000"

Call the ldmsd_controller with the script:

ldmsd_controller --host vm1_1 --port=60000 --script ./

ldmsd_contoller may be executed multiple times to issues different commands to the same ldmsd.

3-3a) Set environment variables, as described above.

3-3b) Run ldmsd:

<path to executable>/ldmsd -x <transport>:<listen port> -S <unix domain socket path/name> -l <log file path/name> -v <LOG_LEVEL> -c config.file


  • Transport is one of: sock, rdma, ugni (ugni is Cray specific for using RDMA over the Gemini/Aries network)
  • The configuration file contains the commands to configure the plugins.
  • The unix domain socket can be used to communicate configuration information to an ldmsd. The default path for this is /var/run/ldmsd/. To change this the environment variable LDMSD_SOCKPATH must be set to the desired path (e.g. export LDMSD_SOCKPATH=/tmp/run/ldmsd)
  • No log can be can be obtained by using LOG_LEVEL QUIET, or specifying /dev/null for the log file, or using command line redirection.
  • The default is to run as a background process but the -F flag can be specified for foreground
  • A script can be made to start ldmsd and collectors on a host where that script contains the information to execute the command.

3-3c) Examples for launching ldmsd:

  • Start an ldmsd on the socket transport with a log file and a configuration file.
/tmp/opt/ovis/sbin/ldmsd -x sock:60000 -S /var/run/ldmsd/metric_socket -l /tmp/opt/ovis/logs/1 -c config.file

Same but with log level QUIET
/tmp/opt/ovis/sbin/ldmsd -x sock:60000 -S /var/run/ldmsd/metric_socket -l /tmp/opt/ovis/logs/1 -c config.file -V QUIET
  • Start 2 instances of ldmsd on host vm1
Note: Make sure to use different socket names and listen on different ports if you are on the same host.
/tmp/opt/ovis/sbin/ldmsd -x sock:60000 -S /var/run/ldmsd/metric_socket_vm1_1 -l /tmp/opt/ovis/logs/vm_1 -c config.file
/tmp/opt/ovis/sbin/ldmsd -x sock:60001 -S /var/run/ldmsd/metric_socket_vm1_2 -l /tmp/opt/ovis/logs/vm_2 -c config.file

Configure a "meminfo" collector plugin to collect every second.

load name=meminfo
config name=meminfo producer=vm1_1 instance=vm1_1/meminfo
start name=meminfo interval=1000000

For synchronous operation include "offset=<#usec>" in start line (e.g. start name=meminfo interval=xxx offset=yyy).
This will cause the sampler to target interval + yyy aligned to the second and micro second
(e.g. every 5 seconds with an offset of 0 usec would ideally result in collections at 00:00:00, 00:00:05, 00:00:10, etc.
whereas with an offset of 100,000 usec it would be 00:00:00.1, 00:00:05.1, 00:00:10.1, etc)
Different plugins may have additional configuration parameters.
ldmsd -x sock:60000 -S tmp/ldmsd/sock1 -l /tmp/log/logfile -v DEBUG -c ./config.file

At this point the ldmsd collector should be checked using the utility ldms_ls (See Using ldms_ls below)

This adds vm1_1 as a producer with its sets collected at 2 second intervals and vm1_2 as a producer with its sets collected at 5 second intervals. Here the "name" of the producer must match the "producer" name given to the sampler.

The first set of lines adds the producers. The second set of lines establishes the aggregation from them. at the specified intervals.

> more add_prdcr.config
prdcr_add name=vm1_2 host=vm1 type=active xprt=sock port=60001 interval=20000000
prdcr_start name=vm1_2
prdcr_add name=vm1_1 host=vm1 type=active xprt=sock port=60000 interval=20000000
prdcr_start name=vm1_1
updtr_add name=policy2_h1 interval=2000000 offset=0
updtr_prdcr_add name=policy2_h1 regex=vm1_1
updtr_start name=policy2_h1
updtr_add name=policy5_h2 interval=5000000 offset=0
updtr_prdcr_add name=policy5_h2 regex=vm1_2
updtr_start name=policy5_h2
/tmp/opt/ovis/sbin/ldmsd -x sock:60002 -S /var/run/ldmsd/metric_socket_agg -l /tmp/opt/ovis/logs/vm1_agg -c ./


  • There is no requirement that aggregator intervals match collection intervals
  • Because the collection and aggregation processes operate asynchronously there is the potential for duplicate data collection as well as missed samples. The first is handled by the storage plugins by comparing generation numbers and not storing duplicates. The second implies either a loss in fidelity (if collecting counter data) or a loss of data points here and there (if collecting differences of counter values or non counter values). This can be handled using the synchronous option on both collector and aggregator but is not covered here.

(See Using ldms_ls below). In this case you should see metric sets for both vm1_1 and vm1_2 displayed when you query the aggregator ldmsd using ldms_ls.

This adds a store_csv to store sets whose schema are meminfo or vmstat and whose instance name matches the regex. A set's schema and instance names will be seen in the output of ldms_ls (described below).

> more load name=store_csv config name=store_csv path=<<STORE_PATH>> action=init altheader=0 rollover=30 rolltype=1 strgp_add name=policy_mem plugin=store_csv container=csv schema=meminfo strgp_prdcr_add name=policy_mem regex=vm* strgp_start name=policy_vmstat strgp_add name=policy_vmstat plugin=store_csv container=csv schema=vmstat strgp_prdcr_add name=policy_vmstat regex=vm* strgp_start name=policy_vmstat


  • For the csv store, the whole path must pre-exist.
  • See the Plugin_store_csv man page for more info on the plugin configuration arguments.
  • If you want to collect on a host and store that data on the same host, run two ldmsd's: one with a collector plugin only and one as an aggegrator with a store plugin only.

Go to data store and verify files have been created and are being written to

cd <<STORE_PATH>>/<container>
ls -ltr

You can now utilize this data.

Data will flush to the store when the OS flushes data unless an advanced flag is used. Thus, in a default configuration, if you have a small number of nodes and/or a long interval, you may not see data appear in the store for a few minutes.

ldms_ls -h vm1 -x sock -p 60000
Should return:
ldms_ls -h vm1 -x sock -p 60002
Should return:

Should return: Set names (vm1_1/meminfo and vm1_1/vmstat in this case) as well as all names and values associated with each set respectively. Only vm1_1/meminfo shown here.

> ldms_ls -h vm1 -x sock -p 60000 -l
vm1_1/meminfo: consistent, last update: Wed Jul 31 21:51:08 2013 [246540us]
U64 33084652         MemTotal
U64 32092964         MemFree
U64 0                Buffers
U64 49244            Cached
U64 0                SwapCached
U64 13536            Active
U64 39844            Inactive
U64 5664             Active(anon)
U64 13540            Inactive(anon)
U64 7872             Active(file)
U64 26304            Inactive(file)
U64 2996             Unevictable
U64 2988             Mlocked
U64 0                SwapTotal
U64 0                SwapFree
U64 0                Dirty
U64 0                Writeback
U64 7164             AnonPages
U64 6324             Mapped
U64 12544            Shmem
U64 84576            Slab
U64 3948             SReclaimable
U64 80628            SUnreclaim
U64 1608             KernelStack
U64 804              PageTables
U64 0                NFS_Unstable
U64 0                Bounce
U64 0                WritebackTmp
U64 16542324         CommitLimit
U64 73764            Committed_AS
U64 34359738367      VmallocTotal
U64 3467004          VmallocUsed
U64 34356268363      VmallocChunk
U64 0                HugePages_Total
U64 0                HugePages_Free
U64 0                HugePages_Rsvd
U64 0                HugePages_Surp
U64 2048             Hugepagesize
U64 565248           DirectMap4k
U64 5726208          DirectMap2M
U64 27262976         DirectMap1G
ldms_ls -h vm1 -x sock -p 60000 -l vm1_1/foo
ldms_ls: No such file or directory
ldms_ls: lookup failed for set 'vm1_1/foo'
ldms_ls -h vm1 -x sock -p 60000 -v
vm1_1/meminfo: consistent, last update: Fri Dec 16 17:12:08 2016 [5091us]
  METADATA --------
    Producer Name : vm1_1
    Instance Name : vm1_1/meminfo
      Schema Name : meminfo
             Size : 1816
     Metric Count : 43
               GN : 2
  DATA ------------
        Timestamp : Fri Dec 16 17:12:08 2016 [5091us]
         Duration : [0.000072s]
       Consistent : TRUE
             Size : 384
               GN : 985
killall ldmsd

If you are going to be using the "ugni" transport (RDMA over Gemini) you will need to run with either system (as root) or user (as user) ptags. While root CAN run using any ptag the fact that its use is unknown to ALPS could cause collisions with applications.

> apstat -P
PDomainID           Type    Uid   PTag     Cookie
LDMS              system      0     84 0xa9380000
apmgr pdomain -c <somenamehere>

> apmgr pdomain -c foo
> apstat -P
PDomainID           Type    Uid   PTag     Cookie
LDMS              system      0     84 0xa9380000
foo                 user     12345  233 0xa1230000

Note: A system administrator will have to setup system ptags and/or enable users to set up ptags.

apmgr pdomain -r <somenamehere>

Note: The userid of the ptag being removed must match that of the user running the command or root

Set the following environment variables for either user or system ptags (example shows user ptag values):

export ZAP_UGNI_PTAG 233
export ZAP_UGNI_COOKIE 0xa1230000

When running with user space ptags you must specify the ptag name when using aprun

aprun <<usual aprun args here>> -p foo ldmsd <<usual ldmsd flags here>>
aprun <<usual aprun args here>> -p foo ldms_ls <<usual ldms_ls flags here>>

Note: On some systems you will run aprun after a qsub -I or within a script specified in qsub or similiar.

If you are going to be using the "ugni" transport (RDMA over Aries) you will need to run with either system (as root) or user (as user) ptags. While root CAN run using any ptag the fact that its use is unknown to ALPS could cause collisions with applications.

> apstat -P
PDomainID   Type   Uid     Cookie    Cookie2
LDMS      system     0 0x86b80000          0
apmgr pdomain -c <somenamehere>

> apmgr pdomain -c foo
> apstat -P
PDomainID   Type   Uid     Cookie    Cookie2
LDMS      system     0 0x86b80000          0
foo         user 20596 0x86bb0000 0x86bc0000

Note: A system administrator will have to setup system ptags and/or enable users to set up ptags.

apmgr pdomain -r <somenamehere>

Note: The userid of the ptag being removed must match that of the user running the command or root

Set the following environment variables. On XC the ptag value doesn't matter but ZAP_UGNI_PTAG must be defined. Set the Cookie (not Cookie2) for either user or system ptag.

export ZAP_UGNI_PTAG=0
export ZAP_UGNI_COOKIE=0x86bb0000

When running with user space ptags you must specify the ptag name when using aprun

aprun <<usual aprun args here>> -p foo ldmsd <<usual ldmsd flags here>>
aprun <<usual aprun args here>> -p foo ldms_ls <<usual ldms_ls flags here>>

Note: On some systems you will run aprun after a qsub -I or within a script specified in qsub or similiar.

Running as a user with "max locked memory" set too low. The following is an example of trying to run ldms_ls as a user with "max locked memory" set to 32k:

ldms_ls -h <hostname> -x rdma -p <portnum>
libibverbs: Warning: RLIMIT_MEMLOCK is 32768 bytes.
   This will severely limit memory registrations.
RDMA: recv_buf reg_mr failed: error 12
ldms_ls: Cannot allocate memory

Possible options:

  • Check for existing /var/run/ldms/metric_socket or similar. Sockets can be left if an ldmsd did not clean up upon termination. kill -9 may leave the socket hanging around.
  • The port you are trying to use may already be in use on the node. The following shows the logfile output of such a case:
Tue Sep 24 08:36:54 2013: Started LDMS Daemon version 2.1.0
Tue Sep 24 08:36:54 2013: Process 123456 listening on transport ugni:60020
Tue Sep 24 08:36:54 2013: EV_WARN: Can't change condition callbacks once they have been initialized.
Tue Sep 24 08:36:54 2013: Error 12 listening on the 'ugni' transport.
Tue Sep 24 08:36:54 2013: LDMS Daemon exiting...status 7
If using the -l flag make sure that your log directory exists prior to running
If writing to a store with this particular lmdsd make sure that your store directory exists prior to running
If you are running on a Cray with transport ugni using a user space PTag, check that you called aprun with the -p flag
aprun -N 1 -n <number of nodes> -p <ptag name>
netstat -abno

Possible options:

  • use -m flag on the aggregator to use more memory when adding a lot of hosts
  • use -p on the aggregator to use more processors

Currently, this is not supported. You can use a separate ldmsd on the same host to gather another ldmsd's data for that host.

Running a ldmsd aggregator as a user but trying to aggregate from a ldmsd that uses a system ptag can result in the aggregator hanging (alive but not responding and not writing to the store). The following is the logfile output of such an aggregator:

Tue Sep 24 08:42:40 2013: Connected to host 'nid00081:60020'
Tue Sep 24 08:42:42 2013: cq_thread_proc: Error 11  monitoring the CQ.

ldms comes with man pages. In the build process these will be installed in <build_path>/ovis/share/man. Man pages are in the following catagories:

General pages address information, such as ldms_build_install, ldms_quickstart, and ldms_authentication.

Utilities pages address the various utilities and commands such as ldmsd, ldmsd_controller, and ldms_ls.

Plugin pages address all plugins, both samplers and stores. Naming convention for these pages is Plugin_XXX. For example: Plugin_aries_mmr, Plugin_cray_system_sampler_variants, Plugin_kgnilnd, Plugin_meminfo, Plugin_procinterrupts, Plugin_procnetdev, Plugin_procnfs, Plugin_store_csv, Plugin_store_function_csv, Plugin_store_sos, and Plugin_vmstat.

As part of the install, test scripts are placed in /tmp/opt/ovis/bin. These scripts may serve as additional examples. These are being converted from using the obsolete ldmsctl tool to the ldmsd_controller tool, so they may not be fully updated at any given time.

No known bugs.

ldms_build_install(7), ldmsd(8), ldmsd_controller(8), ldms_authentication(7), ldms_build_install(7), ldms_ls(8)