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317 lines (278 loc) · 11.4 KB


Date: 2 Jun 2022

ldmsd_decomposition - manual for LDMSD decomposition

A decomposition is a routine that converts LDMS set into one or more rows before feeding them to the store. Currently, only store_sos, store_csv, and store_kafka support decomposition. To use decomposition, simply specify decomposition=DECOMP_CONFIG_JSON_FILE option in the strgp_add command. There are three types of decompositions: static, as_is, and `flex`. static decomposition statically and strictly decompose LDMS set according to the definitions in the DECOMP_CONFIG_JSON_FILE. as_is decomposition on the other hand takes all metrics and converts them as-is into rows. flex decomposition applies various decompositions by LDMS schema digest mapping from the configuration.


More decomposition types may be added in the future. The decomposition mechanism is pluggable. Please see as_is, static, and flex decomposition implementation in `ldms/src/decomp/` directory in the source tree for more information.

The static decomposition statically and strictly converts LDMS set to one or more rows according to the DECOMP_CONFIG_JSON_FILE. The format of the JSON configuration file is as follows:

  "type": "static",
  "rows": [
      "schema": "OUTPUT_ROW_SCHEMA",
      "cols": [
        { "src":"LDMS_METRIC_NAME", "dst":"OUTPUT_COL_NAME","type":"TYPE",
          "array_len": ARRAY_LEN_IF_TYPE_IS_ARRAY,
          "rec_member": "REC_MEMBER_NAME_IF_SRC_IS_RECORD",
          "fill": "FILL_VALUE"
      "indices": [
        { "name":"INDEX_NAME", "cols":[ OUTPUT_COLUMNS, ... ] },

The "rows" is an array of row definition object, each of which defines an output row. The "schema" attribute specifies the output schema name, which is the schema name used by the storage plugin to identify the row schema. Each row definition contains "cols" which is a list of column definitions, and "indices" which is a list of index definitions. Each column definition is an object with at least "src" describing the metric name, "dst" describing the output column name, and "type" describing the value type of the column. If the type is an array, "array_len" is required. If the "src" is a list of record, "rec_member" is required to specify the record member for the output column. The "fill" value is used to fill in the output column in the case that the "src" metric is not present in the LDMS set (e.g. in the case of meminfo).

Each index definition object contains "name" (the name of the index) and "cols" which is the names of the OUTPUT columns comprising the index.

The "timestamp", "producer", and "instance" are special "src" that refer to update timestamp, producer name and instance name of the set respectively.

The following is an example of a static decomposition definition converting meminfo set into two schemas, "meminfo_filter" (select a few metrics) and "meminfo_directmap" (select a few direct map metrics with "fill" since DirectMap varies by CPU architecture).

  "type": "static",
  "rows": [
      "schema": "meminfo_filter",
      "cols": [
        { "src":"timestamp",    "dst":"ts",      "type":"ts"                         },
        { "src":"producer",     "dst":"prdcr",   "type":"char_array", "array_len":64 },
        { "src":"instance",     "dst":"inst",    "type":"char_array", "array_len":64 },
        { "src":"component_id", "dst":"comp_id", "type":"u64"                        },
        { "src":"MemFree",      "dst":"free",    "type":"u64"                        },
        { "src":"MemActive",    "dst":"active",  "type":"u64"                        }
      "indices": [
        { "name":"time_comp", "cols":["ts", "comp_id"] },
        { "name":"time", "cols":["ts"] }
      "schema": "meminfo_directmap",
      "cols": [
        { "src":"timestamp",    "dst":"ts",          "type":"ts"               },
        { "src":"component_id", "dst":"comp_id",     "type":"u64"              },
        { "src":"DirectMap4k",  "dst":"directmap4k", "type":"u64",   "fill": 0 },
        { "src":"DirectMap2M",  "dst":"directmap2M", "type":"u64",   "fill": 0 },
        { "src":"DirectMap4M",  "dst":"directmap4M", "type":"u64",   "fill": 0 },
        { "src":"DirectMap1G",  "dst":"directmap1G", "type":"u64",   "fill": 0 }
      "indices": [
        { "name":"time_comp", "cols":["ts", "comp_id"] },
        { "name":"time", "cols":["ts"] }

The following is an example of a static decomposition with "rec_member" usage.

  "type": "static",
  "rows": [
      "schema": "netdev2_small",
      "cols": [
        { "src":"timestamp",    "dst":"ts",      "type":"ts"                         },
        { "src":"producer",     "dst":"prdcr",   "type":"char_array", "array_len":64 },
        { "src":"instance",     "dst":"inst",    "type":"char_array", "array_len":64 },
        { "src":"component_id", "dst":"comp_id", "type":"u64"                        },
        { "src":"netdev_list",  "rec_member":"name",
          "dst":"", "type":"char_array", "array_len":16 },
        { "src":"netdev_list",  "rec_member":"rx_bytes",
          "dst":"netdev.rx_bytes", "type":"u64" },
        { "src":"netdev_list",  "rec_member":"tx_bytes",
          "dst":"netdev.tx_bytes", "type":"u64" },
      "indices": [
        { "name":"time_comp", "cols":["ts", "comp_id"] },
        { "name":"time", "cols":["ts"] }

In this case, if the "netdev_list" has N members, the decomposition will expand the set into N rows.

The as_is decomposition generate rows as-is according to metrics in the LDMS set. To avoid schema conflict, such as meminfo collecting from heterogeneous CPU architectures, as_is decomposition appends the short LDMS schema digest (7 characters) to the row schema name before submitting the rows to the storage plugin. For example, "meminfo" LDMS schema may turn into "meminfo_8d2b8bd" row schema. The as_is decomposition configuration only takes "indices" attribute which defines indices for the output rows. When encountering a list of primitives, the as_is decomposition expands the set into multiple rows (the non-list metrics' values are repeated). When encountering a list of records, in addition to expanding rows, the decomposition also expand the record into multiple columns with the name formatted as "LIST_NAME.REC_MEMBER_NAME". The "timestamp" is not a metric in the set but it is used in all storage plugins. So, the "timestamp" column is prepended to each of the output rows.

The format of the JSON configuration is as follows:

  "type": "as_is",
  "indices": [
    { "name": "INDEX_NAME", "cols": [ COLUMN_NAMES, ... ] },

The following is an as_is decomposition configuration example with two indices:

  "type": "as_is",
  "indices": [
    { "name": "time", "cols": [ "timestamp" ] },
    { "name": "time_comp", "cols": [ "timestamp", "component_id" ] }

The flex decomposition applies various decompositions by LDMS schema digests specified in the configuration. The configurations of the applied decompositions are also specified in `flex` decomposition file as follows:

  "type": "flex",
  /* defining decompositions to be applied */
  "decomposition": {
    "<DECOMP_1>": {
      "type": "<DECOMP_1_TYPE>",
  /* specifying digests and the decompositions to apply */
  "digest": {
    "<LDMS_DIGEST_1>": "<DECOMP_A>",
    "<LDMS_DIGEST_2>": [ "<DECOMP_B>", "<DECOMP_c>" ],
    "*": "<DECOMP_Z>" /* optional : the unmatched */

Example: In the following example, the "meminfo" LDMS sets have 2 digests due to different metrics from different architecture. The configuration then maps those digests to "meminfo" static decomposition (producing "meminfo_filter" rows). It also showcases the ability to apply multiple decompositions to a matching digest. The procnetdev2 sets with digest "E8B9CC8D83FB4E5B779071E801CA351B69DCB9E9CE2601A0B127A2977F11C62A" will have "netdev2" static decomposition and "the_default" as-is decomposition applied to them. The sets that do not match any specific digest will match the "*" digest. In this example, "the_default" as-is decomposition is applied.

  "type": "flex",
  "decomposition": {
    "meminfo": {
      "type": "static",
      "rows": [
          "schema": "meminfo_filter",
          "cols": [
            { "src":"timestamp",    "dst":"ts",      "type":"ts"                         },
            { "src":"producer",     "dst":"prdcr",   "type":"char_array", "array_len":64 },
            { "src":"instance",     "dst":"inst",    "type":"char_array", "array_len":64 },
            { "src":"component_id", "dst":"comp_id", "type":"u64"                        },
            { "src":"MemFree",      "dst":"free",    "type":"u64"                        },
            { "src":"MemActive",    "dst":"active",  "type":"u64"                        }
          "indices": [
            { "name":"time_comp", "cols":["ts", "comp_id"] },
            { "name":"time", "cols":["ts"] }
    "netdev2" : {
      "type" : "static",
      "rows": [
          "schema": "procnetdev2",
          "cols": [
            { "src":"timestamp", "dst":"ts","type":"ts" },
            { "src":"component_id", "dst":"comp_id","type":"u64" },
            { "src":"netdev_list", "rec_member":"name", "dst":"",
              "type":"char_array", "array_len": 16 },
              { "src":"netdev_list", "rec_member":"rx_bytes", "dst":"dev.rx_bytes",
                "type":"u64" },
                { "src":"netdev_list", "rec_member":"tx_bytes", "dst":"dev.tx_bytes",
                  "type":"u64" }
          "indices": [
            { "name":"time_comp", "cols":["ts", "comp_id"] }
    "the_default": {
      "type": "as_is",
      "indices": [
        { "name": "time", "cols": [ "timestamp" ] },
        { "name": "time_comp", "cols": [ "timestamp", "component_id" ] }
  "digest": {
    "71B03E47E7C9033E359DB5225BC6314A589D8772F4BC0866B6E79A698C8799C0": "meminfo",
    "59DD05D768CFF8F175496848486275822A6A9795286FD9B534FDB9434EAF4D50": "meminfo",
    "E8B9CC8D83FB4E5B779071E801CA351B69DCB9E9CE2601A0B127A2977F11C62A": [ "netdev2", "the_default" ],
    "*": "the_default"

Plugin_store_sos(7), Plugin_store_csv(7), Plugin_store_kafka(7)