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The Owasp Orizon Project is an open source tool to perform some static analysis over a source codebase. It's is focused over security and it supports multiple programming languages.


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README file for Orizon v1.30 - 20091127

Orizon is an engine based source code static analysis engine. It can be run 
standalone or it can be used to create a proper SAST tool.


	Feature         | Status
	code crawling   | working
	static analysis | not working
	report          | partial (missing html and xml output support)
	* launch bin/ and Orizon SHell (osh) will appear
		e.g.: $ bin/
	* issue the open command to tell orizon the directory containing the 
	source files to scan
		e.g.: (osh) $ open /Users/thesp0nge/src/orizon_test_cases/Java/small
	* issue the model command to tell orizon to parse the files and to create 
	a model of them
		e.g.: (osh) $ model
	* issue the crawl command to perform source code crawling
		e.g.: (osh) $ crawl
	* maybe you want to save the report in a text file for further reading
		e.g.: (osh) $ set report_format txt 
	* issue the report command to view results
		e.g.: (osh) $ report
	* if you feel yourself in trouble just use help or suggest commands to 
	have some hints or some help from the tool.
	By now, orizon will display findings using standard output and write them 
	in a text file called orizon_report.txt. This behavior will change in 
	later releases.
	 Language   | Status    | Parser's      | Information retrieved
	            |           | reliability   | from parser
	    Java    |   ***     | 90-95%        | identifiers, fields scope
	    JSP     |   *       | 60-70%        | none yet
	    PHP     |   **      | 40-50%        | identifiers
	    C       |   *       | 5%            | identifiers
		*: language support has been started. The parser is here but the 
		language grammar needs further improvements. 
		**: language support is in alpha stage. Parser performs well but
		grammar needs further little improvements
		***: language support is in beta stage. Parser performs well and
		effort needs to be spent in language information collector
		****: language support is in a release candidate stage. Parser 
		and collector are almost complete. orizon is able to build a 
		complete application model from the information retrieved
		*****: language support is complete. 

	orizon will run with JDK 1.4 and above. It relies upon log4j and jline 
	packages that are provided in the lib/ directory.

	* download the latest Orizon version from subversion trunk
	# Project members authenticate over HTTPS to allow committing changes.
		svn checkout owasp-orizon --username "your_username"
	When prompted, enter your generated password
	# Non-members may check out a read-only working copy anonymously over HTTP.
		svn checkout owasp-orizon-read-only 
	* a directory called owasp-orizon will be created, go there:
		cd owasp-orizon/
	(please note that the directory will be called owasp-orizon-read-only if you accessed the sources using HTTP)
	* move where the sources are
		cd owasp-orizon/ (it's not a typo!)
	* launch ant and compile it
	* Jars will be created in owasp-orizon/dist/lib
		ls -l dist/lib
	* Enjoy!

	* open directory_name: opens directory_name for scanning.
	* model: creates an application model from the opened directory.
	* stat: prints out some statistics coming from orizon engines
	* crawl: performs a code crawling
	* set option [value]: sets the option telling orizon how to behave
	 	valid option are:
			+ mirage [trace|notrace]: trace and notrace to put the engine in 
			trace or in no trace mode.
			+ quiet: says orizon to run quietly
			+ store_output: says orizon not to use standard output to 
			print informations (valuable only for development team)
			+ orl_root directory: specifies an alternative root for security 
			library overriding lib/orizon-library-1.19.jar
			+ report_format [txt|html|xml|console]: specifies the output 
			format. Using console, output onto disk 
			will be disabled.
			+ report_name filename: write report in filename, stored in the 
			directory you launch osh from.
	* report: prints out the findings report
	* version: prints the version number
	* info: prints the version number and the available engines signature

At the osh command prompt, enter the command set trace. Trace files will be created in the 
directory you launched osh.
Traces are text files containing a lot of debug infos, so be careful in putting engines in 
trace mode.

	Please submit bugs, comments, requests form improvements, requests for new
	features and requests to specifying:
		* your system configuration
		* engine traces (at least mirage engine trace)
		* the orizon version
		* how to reproduce the bug
		* eventually attaching the source file generating the exception


The Owasp Orizon Project is an open source tool to perform some static analysis over a source codebase. It's is focused over security and it supports multiple programming languages.







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