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CUDA Arch Error #18

HakubunLuo opened this issue Aug 31, 2023 · 12 comments

CUDA Arch Error #18

HakubunLuo opened this issue Aug 31, 2023 · 12 comments


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HakubunLuo commented Aug 31, 2023

when i using it in my project, i meet:

/usr/local/cuda/include/cuda/std/detail/__atomic:11:4: error: #error "CUDA atomics are only supported for sm_60 and up on *nix and sm_70 and up on Windows."
   11 | #  error "CUDA atomics are only supported for sm_60 and up on *nix and sm_70 and up on Windows."
      |    ^~~~~

My GPU is RTX3060 on CUDA 11.4, Ubuntu 18.04
Here is my CMakeLists.txt configuration:

        NAME bght
        URL ""
        "build_tests OFF"
        "build_benchmarks OFF"

set(CUDA_ARCHS 70)
cuda_add_library(mylib SHARED mylib.cuh)
target_link_libraries(mylib bght)
set_target_properties(mylib PROPERTIES CUDA_ARCHITECTURES ${CUDA_ARCHS})`
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maawad commented Aug 31, 2023

Hi @HakubunLuo , thanks for reporting this issue. Could you please share the complete log you get from both the CMake configure and build commands? It looks like the CUDA_ARCHS are not properly set. Could you also share the rest of your CMakeLists.txt file?

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HakubunLuo commented Aug 31, 2023


cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.25)
SET(CMAKE_CUDA_COMPILER /usr/local/cuda/bin/nvcc)
project(demo_test CUDA CXX)

find_package(CUDA REQUIRED)
find_package(CUDAToolkit REQUIRED)


aux_source_directory(src SOURCES)

        NAME bght
        URL ""
        "build_tests OFF"
        "build_benchmarks OFF"

set(CUDA_ARCHS 86)
cuda_add_library(demo SHARED demo.cuh)
target_link_libraries(demo bght)

add_executable(demo_test main.cpp)

target_link_libraries(demo_test PRIVATE demo)

target_link_libraries(demo_test PRIVATE CUDA::cudart)
set_target_properties(demo_test PROPERTIES CUDA_SEPARABLE_COMPILATION ON)`

I just solved this by replacing cuda_add_library by add_library, now when I used it in my kernel function, there is another problem:
I have a kernel function:

template<class HashMap>
__global__ void createLookupHashKernel(HashMap lookupTable, const int *coordinates, int N, int max_x, int max_y) 

The size of table is about 100,000, it was very solve if I pass HashMap directly so that I used HashMap *lookupTable and pass reference into it. However, it has memory problem like this:

========= Invalid __global__ read of size 4 bytes
=========     at 0x280 in /home/dell/CLionProjects/NewSpconvOp/cmake-build-debug/_deps/bght-src/include/detail/pair.cuh:79:bght::equal_to<int>::operator ()(const int &, const int &) const
=========     by thread (132,0,0) in block (0,0,0)
=========     Address 0x7fff22e34a68 is out of bounds

My operations in kernel function is:

        int key = ...;
        int idx = ...;
        using key_type = int;
        using value_type = int;
        using pair_type = bght::pair<key_type, value_type>;

        auto block = cooperative_groups::this_thread_block();
        auto tile = cooperative_groups::tiled_partition<HashMap::bucket_size>(block);
        pair_type pair{key, idx};
        lookupTable->insert(pair, tile);

The hash map was created by:

    std::size_t capacity = num_size * 2;
    auto invalid_key = std::numeric_limits<key_type>::max();
    auto invalid_value = std::numeric_limits<value_type>::max();

    bght::bcht<key_type, value_type> hash_lookupTable(capacity, invalid_key, invalid_value); 

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maawad commented Aug 31, 2023

You should not pass the hash tables by reference or as pointers to kernels. You should pass them by value to kernels.

It looks like you are dealing with a pointer here?

 lookupTable->insert(pair, tile);

Here is an example:


Lines 176 to 210 in 140b80f

template <typename HashMap>
__global__ void test_kernel(HashMap map) {
using pair_type = typename HashMap::value_type;
auto thread_id = threadIdx.x + blockIdx.x * blockDim.x;
// tile
auto block = cooperative_groups::this_thread_block();
auto tile = cooperative_groups::tiled_partition<HashMap::bucket_size>(block);
// pair to insert
auto tile_id = thread_id / HashMap::bucket_size;
auto sm_id = get_sm_id();
pair_type pair{tile_id, sm_id};
// insert
map.insert(pair, tile);
// Note that we currently don't support concurrent insertions and queries
// however, this test should succeed
// lookup
auto find_result = map.find(pair.first, tile);
// check result
assert(find_result == sm_id);
template <typename K, typename V, template <class...> class HashMap>
void pass_to_kernel_test() {
auto sentinel_key = std::numeric_limits<K>::max();
auto sentinel_value = std::numeric_limits<V>::max();
HashMap<K, V> table(12ull, sentinel_key, sentinel_value);
test_kernel<<<1, 32>>>(table);

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maawad commented Aug 31, 2023

Also if every thread is trying to insert a key, you will need to serialize them within a tile. See how we do it here:

__global__ void tiled_insert_kernel(InputIt first, InputIt last, HashMap map) {
// construct the tile
auto thread_id = threadIdx.x + blockIdx.x * blockDim.x;
auto block = cooperative_groups::this_thread_block();
auto tile = cooperative_groups::tiled_partition<HashMap::bucket_size>(block);
auto count = last - first;
if ((thread_id - tile.thread_rank()) >= count) {
bool do_op = false;
typename HashMap::value_type insertion_pair{};
// load the input
if (thread_id < count) {
insertion_pair = first[thread_id];
do_op = true;
bool success = true;
// Do the insertion
auto work_queue = tile.ballot(do_op);
while (work_queue) {
auto cur_rank = __ffs(work_queue) - 1;
auto cur_pair = tile.shfl(insertion_pair, cur_rank);
bool insertion_success = map.insert(cur_pair, tile);
if (tile.thread_rank() == cur_rank) {
do_op = false;
success = insertion_success;
work_queue = tile.ballot(do_op);
if (!tile.all(success)) {
*map.d_build_success_ = false;

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HakubunLuo commented Aug 31, 2023

Yes There are lots of threads try to insert the hash map. I reference the code to edit my kernel:

template<class HashMap>
__global__ void createLookupHashKernel(HashMap lookupTable, const int *coordinates, int N, int max_x, int max_y) {
    auto idx = threadIdx.x + blockIdx.x * blockDim.x;

    if (idx < N) {
        int x = coordinates[idx * 4 + 1];
        int y = coordinates[idx * 4 + 2];
        int z = coordinates[idx * 4 + 3];
        int key = getIndex(x, y, z, max_x, max_y);

        using key_type = int;
        using value_type = int;
        using pair_type = bght::pair<key_type, value_type>;
        auto block = cooperative_groups::this_thread_block();
        auto tile = cooperative_groups::tiled_partition<HashMap::bucket_size>(block);

        bool do_op = true;
        pair_type insertion_pair{key, (int) idx};
        bool success = true;
        // Do the insertion
        auto work_queue = tile.ballot(do_op);
        while (work_queue) {
            auto cur_rank = __ffs(work_queue) - 1;
            auto cur_pair = tile.shfl(insertion_pair, cur_rank);
            bool insertion_success = lookupTable.insert(cur_pair, tile);

            if (tile.thread_rank() == cur_rank) {
                do_op = false;
                success = insertion_success;
            work_queue = tile.ballot(do_op);

I do not add

   if (!tile.all(success)) { 
     *map.d_build_success_ = false; 

Because i get d_build_success_' is a private member of 'bght::bcht<int, int>'
This edited kernel function also looks like in dead-lock

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maawad commented Aug 31, 2023

If N is not multiple of the bucket size you will into issues. The insert function expects bucket_size threads calling it.

This if statement is problematic:

if (idx < N) {

You can replace it with a couple of lines to address this issue:

   auto thread_id = threadIdx.x + blockIdx.x * blockDim.x; 
   // tile 
   auto block = cooperative_groups::this_thread_block(); 
   auto tile = cooperative_groups::tiled_partition<HashMap::bucket_size>(block); 

   if ((thread_id - tile.thread_rank()) >= N) { 
   bool do_op = false; 
   // load the input 
   if (thread_id < N) { 
    int x = coordinates[idx * 4 + 1];
    int y = coordinates[idx * 4 + 2];
    int z = coordinates[idx * 4 + 3];
    int key = getIndex(x, y, z, max_x, max_y);

     do_op = true; 

// the insertion loop.

Correct, that variable is hidden. What you could do is just add another boolean argument to your kernel, and set it to false if any of the insertions failed. In general, if you have a non-skewed distribution then insertion should succeed otherwise you may need to decrease the load factor. Let me know if the modifications here works for you.

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It works for insert process, so if I also have a kernel function that reads hash map in multi threads, i need to use same operations?

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maawad commented Aug 31, 2023

Yes, you will need to follow the same steps for finds. Here is an example:

__global__ void tiled_find_kernel(InputIt first,
InputIt last,
OutputIt output_begin,
HashMap map) {
// construct the tile
auto thread_id = threadIdx.x + blockIdx.x * blockDim.x;
auto block = cooperative_groups::this_thread_block();
auto tile = cooperative_groups::tiled_partition<HashMap::bucket_size>(block);
auto count = last - first;
if ((thread_id - tile.thread_rank()) >= count) {
bool do_op = false;
typename HashMap::key_type find_key;
typename HashMap::mapped_type result;
// load the input
if (thread_id < count) {
find_key = first[thread_id];
do_op = true;
// Do the insertion
auto work_queue = tile.ballot(do_op);
while (work_queue) {
auto cur_rank = __ffs(work_queue) - 1;
auto cur_key = tile.shfl(find_key, cur_rank);
typename HashMap::mapped_type find_result = map.find(cur_key, tile);
if (tile.thread_rank() == cur_rank) {
result = find_result;
do_op = false;
work_queue = tile.ballot(do_op);
if (thread_id < count) {
output_begin[thread_id] = result;

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I use this to find values by tables we created before:
createRulesTableByHashKernel(HashMap lookupTable, const int *coordinates, int N, int *rulesTable, int max_x, int max_y,
int max_z,
int kernel_size) {

auto thread_id = threadIdx.x + blockIdx.x * blockDim.x;
int half_kernel = kernel_size / 2;

auto block = cooperative_groups::this_thread_block();
auto tile = cooperative_groups::tiled_partition<HashMap::bucket_size>(block);
if ((thread_id - tile.thread_rank()) >= N) {

bool do_op = false;
typename HashMap::key_type find_key;
typename HashMap::mapped_type result;

auto idx = thread_id;

if (idx < N) {

    int x_start = ...
    int y_start = ...
    int z_start = ...

    int x_end = ...
    int y_end = ...
    int z_end = ...

    for (int x = x_start; x <= x_end; x++)
        for (int y = y_start; y <= y_end; y++)
            for (int z = z_start; z <= z_end; z++) {

                int lookup_idx = getIndex(x, y, z, max_x, max_y);

                int target = lookupTable.find(lookup_idx, tile);




It works, but it looks like it not find the correct data by keys

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maawad commented Aug 31, 2023

You need to follow the insertion/find code. Again, this if statement is problematic:

if (idx < N) {

and if values of lookup_idx are different per thread in the tile, you will need to use the work queue loop just like you did for inserts.

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I am confused with InputIt first and InputIt last in examples, I only need to implement one search at one time. I noticed:

template <typename InputIt, typename OutputIt, typename HashMap>
global void find_kernel(InputIt first,
InputIt last,
OutputIt output_begin,
HashMap map) {
auto thread_id = threadIdx.x + blockIdx.x * blockDim.x;
auto count = last - first;

if (thread_id < count) {
auto find_key = first[thread_id];
auto result = map.find(find_key);
output_begin[thread_id] = result;

in kernel.cuh, However, I can not just use one parameter: find_key to search.

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maawad commented Aug 31, 2023

I understand the keys you are using are different. You need to follow the same strategy you followed for insertion which is similar to find as well. The two things you need to make sure happens are (1) all threads in the tile call the find function, and (2) within a tile you serially do finds. See comments here:

void createRulesTableByHashKernel(HashMap lookupTable, const int *coordinates, 
                           int N, int *rulesTable, int max_x, int max_y, int max_z, int kernel_size) {
  auto thread_id = threadIdx.x + blockIdx.x * blockDim.x;
  int half_kernel = kernel_size / 2;
  auto block = cooperative_groups::this_thread_block();
  auto tile = cooperative_groups::tiled_partition<HashMap::bucket_size>(block);
  if ((thread_id - tile.thread_rank()) >= N) { // this if statement make sure (1) happens
  bool do_op = false;
  typename HashMap::key_type find_key;
  typename HashMap::mapped_type result;
  auto idx = thread_id;
  //if (idx < N) { // violates (1)
      int x_start = ...
      int y_start = ...
      int z_start = ...
      int x_end = ...
      int y_end = ...
      int z_end = ...
      for (int x = x_start; x <= x_end; x++)
          for (int y = y_start; y <= y_end; y++)
              for (int z = z_start; z <= z_end; z++) {
                 int lookup_idx = getIndex(x, y, z, max_x, max_y);
                   // since we removed the if (idx < N) we may need to make sure the index is valid
                  bool do_op = is_valid_index(lookup_idx);
                  // is the lookup_idx different per threads in the tile of size bucket_size?
                  // if yes, you need do the following so that (2) is satisfied:
                   auto work_queue = tile.ballot(do_op); 
                   while (work_queue) { 
                     auto cur_rank = __ffs(work_queue) - 1; 
                     auto cur_key = tile.shfl(lookup_idx, cur_rank); 
                     int target  = map.find(cur_key, tile); 
                     if (tile.thread_rank() == cur_rank) { 
                       do_op = false; 
                     work_queue = tile.ballot(do_op); 

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