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Pauli Järvinen edited this page Dec 11, 2022 · 30 revisions

The Music app contains an Ampache compatible server. However, it does not function with all the client applications which are advertised to be compatible with Ampache. This may be because of errors in the clients or because the Music app may implement different version of the Ampache interface than what is expected by a specific client. Furthermore, the Music app does not implement the whole Ampache interface but only a large subset of it.

NOTE: Ampache doesn't work on Nextcloud versions 20.0.0 - 20.0.4 because of the issue If you are using NC 20, be sure to update to 20.0.5 or newer before setting up the Ampache connection.

The following Ampache client applications have been tested to be compatible with the Music app v1.3.1:

(*) Power Ampache and Amdroid have been reported to not work on Android 10

(**) Requires Music v0.17.0 or newer.

(***) The app can use both Ampache and Subsonic APIs. Ampache is recommended but it doesn't work on Music app versions older than 0.15.1.

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