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29 lines (22 loc) · 1.94 KB

File metadata and controls

29 lines (22 loc) · 1.94 KB


<FormPills v-model="emails" :value-matcher="/.+@.+\.\w+/" />

Imported Props

Prop name Description Type Values Default
id The id used for the component string - uuid


Prop name Description Type Values Default
editItemOnBackspace Defines if items should be removed when pressing backspace boolean - false
maxItems The maximym amount of items that can be added to the list number - Infinity
modelValue The model value string[] - () => []
placeholder The placeholder for the input string - ''
separator The separator that checks if an item should be separated from the next one string|RegExp - /[\s\n]+/
submitKeys The key to press to submit an item string[] - () => ['Enter']
valueMatcher The matcher to check if an item is valid string|RegExp - /^.+$/


Event name Properties Description
update:modelValue value string[] - The new value Fired when the model value is updated