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File metadata and controls

350 lines (259 loc) · 12.5 KB


After installing pytest_localftpserver the fixture ftpserver is available for your pytest test functions. Note that you can't use fixtures outside of functions and need to pass them as arguments.

Basic usage

A basic example of using pytest_localftpserver would be, if you wanted to test code, which uploads a file to a FTP-server.

import os

def test_your_code_to_upload_files(ftpserver):

    uploaded_file_path = os.path.join(ftpserver.server_home, "testfile.txt")
    with open("testfile.txt") as original, open(uploaded_file_path) as uploaded:
        assert ==


Like most public FTP-servers pytest_localftpserver doesn't allow the anonymous user to upload files. The anonymous user is only allowed to browse the folder structure and download files. If you want to upload files you need to use the registered user, with its password.

An other common use case would be retrieving a file from a FTP-server.

import os
from shutil import copyfile

def test_your_code_retrieving_files(ftpserver):
    dest_path = os.path.join(ftpserver.anon_root, "testfile.txt")
    copyfile("testfile.txt", dest_path)
                               file_paths=[{"remote": "testfile.txt",
                                            "local": "testfile_downloaded.txt"
    with open("testfile.txt") as original, open("testfile_downloaded.txt") as downloaded:
        assert ==

Login with the TLS server

This example utilizes methods of the the high-level interface, which are explained in get_login_data and get_file_contents.

The below example test logs into the TLS ftpserver, creates the file testfile.txt, with content 'test text' and checks if it was written properly.

from ftplib import FTP_TLS

from ssl import SSLContext
    from ssl import PROTOCOL_TLS
except Exception:
    from ssl import PROTOCOL_SSLv23 as PROTOCOL_TLS

def test_TLS_login(ftpserver_TLS):
    if PYTHON3:
        ssl_context = SSLContext(PROTOCOL_TLS)
        ftp = FTP_TLS(context=ssl_context)
        ftp = FTP_TLS(certfile=DEFAULT_CERTFILE)

    login_dict = ftpserver_TLS.get_login_data()
    ftp.connect(login_dict["host"], login_dict["port"])
    ftp.login(login_dict["user"], login_dict["passwd"])
    filename = "testfile.txt"
    file_path_local = tmpdir.join(filename)
    file_path_local.write("test text")
    with open(str(file_path_local), "rb") as f:
        ftp.storbinary("STOR "+filename, f)
    file_list = list(ftpserver_TLS.get_file_contents()
    assert file_list == [{"path": "testfile.txt", "content": "test text"}]

High-Level Interface

To allow you a faster and more comfortable handling of common ftp tasks a high-level interface was implemented. Most of the following methods have the keyword anon, which allows to switch between the registered (anon=False) and the anonymous (anon=True) user. For more information on how those methods work, take a look at the API Documentation .


The following examples aren't working code, since the aren't called from within a function, which means that the ftpserver fixture isn't available. They are thought to be a quick overview of the available functionality and its output.

Getting login credentials

To quickly get all needed login data you can use get_login_data, which will either return a dict or an url to log into the ftp:

>>> ftpserver.get_login_data()
{"host": "localhost", "port": 8888, "user": "fakeusername", "passwd": "qweqwe"}

>>> ftpserver.get_login_data(style="url", anon=False)

>>> ftpserver.get_login_data(style="url", anon=True)

Populating the FTP server with files and folders

To test ftp download capabilities of your code, you might want to populate the files on the server. To "upload" files to the server you can use the method put_files:

>>> ftpserver.put_files("test_folder/test_file", style="rel_path", anon=False)

>>> ftpserver.put_files("test_folder/test_file", style="url", anon=False)

>>> ftpserver.put_files("test_folder/test_file", style="url", anon=True)

>>> ftpserver.put_files({"src": "test_folder/test_file",
...                      "dest": "remote_folder/uploaded_file"},
...                     style="url", anon=True)

>>> ftpserver.put_files("test_folder/test_file", return_content=True)
[{"path": "test_file", "content": "some text in test_file"}]

>>> ftpserver.put_files("", return_content=True, read_mode="rb")
[{"path": "", "content": b'PK\\x03\\x04\\x14\\x00\\x00...'}]

>>> ftpserver.put_files("test_file", return_paths="new")
UserWarning: test_file does already exist and won't be overwritten.
    Set `overwrite` to True to overwrite it anyway.

>>> ftpserver.put_files("test_file", return_paths="new", overwrite=True)

>>> ftpserver.put_files("test_file3", return_paths="all")
["test_file", "remote_folder/uploaded_file", ""]

Resetting files on the server

Since ftpserver is a module scope fixture, you might want to make sure that uploaded files get deleted after/before a test. This can be done by using the method reset_tmp_dirs.

`filesystem before`:

|   +---test_file1
|   +---test_folder
|       +---test_file2
>>> ftpserver.reset_tmp_dirs()

`filesystem after`:


Gaining information on which files are on the server

If you want to know which files are on the server, i.e. if you want to know if your file upload functionality is working, you can use the get_file_paths method, which will yield the paths to all files on the server.

|   +---test_file1
|   +---test_folder
|       +---test_file2
>>> list(ftpserver.get_file_paths(style="rel_path", anon=False))
["test_file1", "test_folder/test_file2"]

>>> list(ftpserver.get_file_paths(style="rel_path", anon=True))
["test_file3", "test_folder/test_file4"]

Gaining information about the content of files on the server

If you are interested in the content of a specific file, multiple files or all files, i.e. to verify that your file upload functionality did work properly, you can use the get_file_contents method.

>>> list(ftpserver.get_file_contents())
[{"path": "test_file1.txt", "content": "test text"},
 {"path": "test_folder/test_file2.txt", "content": "test text2"}]

>>> list(ftpserver.get_file_contents("test_file1.txt"))
[{"path": "test_file1.txt", "content": "test text"}]

>>> list(ftpserver.get_file_contents("test_file1.txt", style="url"))
[{"path": "ftp://fakeusername:qweqwe@localhost:8888/test_file1.txt",
  "content": "test text"}]

>>> list(ftpserver.get_file_contents(["test_file1.txt", "test_folder/"],
...                                  read_mode="rb"))
[{"path": "test_file1.txt", "content": b"test text"},
 {"path": "test_folder/", "content": b'PK\\x03\\x04\\x14\\x00\\x00...'}]


To configure custom values for for the username, the users password, the ftp port and/or the location of the users home folder on the local storage, you need to set the environment variables FTP_USER, FTP_PASS, FTP_PORT, FTP_HOME, FTP_FIXTURE_SCOPE, FTP_PORT_TLS, FTP_HOME_TLS and FTP_CERTFILE.

Environment variable Usage
FTP_USER Username of the registered user.
FTP_PASS Password of the registered user.
FTP_PORT Port for the normal ftp server to run on.
FTP_HOME Home folder (host system) of the registered user.
FTP_FIXTURE_SCOPE Scope/lifetime of the fixture.
FTP_PORT_TLS Port for the TLS ftp server to run on.
FTP_HOME_TLS Home folder (host system) of the registered user, used by the TLS ftp server.
FTP_CERTFILE Certificate (host system) to be used by the TLS ftp server.

You can either set environment variables on a system level or use tools such as pytest-env or tox, which would be the recommended way.


You might run into OSError: [Errno 48] Address already in use when setting a fixed port (FTP_PORT/ FTP_PORT_TLS). This is due to the server still listening on that port, which prevents it from adding another listener on that port. When using pythons buildin ftplib, you should use the quit method to terminate the connection, since it's the 'the “polite” way to close a connection' and lets the server know that the client isn't just experiencing connection problems, but won't come back.

Configuration with pytest-env

The configuration of pytest-env is done in the pytest.ini file. The following example configuration will use the username benz, the password erni1, the ftp port 31175 and the home folder /home/ftp_test. For the encrypted version of the fixture it uses port 31176, the home folder /home/ftp_test and the certificate ./tests/test_keycert.pem:

$ cat pytest.ini
env =
    FTP_HOME = /home/ftp_test
    # only affects ftpserver_TLS
    FTP_PORT_TLS = 31176
    FTP_HOME_TLS = /home/ftp_test_TLS
    FTP_CERTFILE = ./tests/test_keycert.pem

Configuration with Tox

The configuration of tox is done in the tox.ini file. The following example configuration will run the tests in the folder tests on python 3.6+ and use the username benz, the password erni1, the tempfolder of each virtual environment the tests are run in ({envtmpdir}) and the ftp port 31175. For the encrypted version of the fixture it uses port 31176 and the certificate {toxinidir}/tests/test_keycert.pem:

$ cat tox.ini
envlist = py{36,37,38,39,310}

setenv =
    FTP_HOME = {envtmpdir}
    # only affects ftpserver_TLS
    FTP_PORT_TLS = 31176
    FTP_HOME_TLS = /home/ftp_test_TLS
    FTP_CERTFILE = {toxinidir}/tests/test_keycert.pem
commands =
    pytest tests