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executable file
124 lines (69 loc) · 3.28 KB

File metadata and controls

executable file
124 lines (69 loc) · 3.28 KB

Elasticsearch output

It sends events into Elasticsearch. It uses _bulk API to send events in batches. If a network error occurs, the batch will infinitely try to be delivered to the random endpoint.

Config params

endpoints []string required

The list of elasticsearch endpoints in the following format: SCHEMA://HOST:PORT

username string

Username for HTTP Basic Authentication.

password string

Password for HTTP Basic Authentication.

api_key string

Base64-encoded token for authorization; if set, overrides username/password.

ca_cert string Path or content of a PEM-encoded CA file.

index_format string default=file-d-%

It defines the pattern of elasticsearch index name. Use % character as a placeholder. Use index_values to define values for the replacement. E.g. if index_format="my-index-%-%" and index_values="service,time" and event is {"service"="my-service"} then index for that event will be my-index-my-service-2020-01-05. First % replaced with service field of the event and the second replaced with current time(see time_format option)

index_values []string default=[@time]

A comma-separated list of event fields which will be used for replacement index_format. There is a special field time which equals the current time. Use the time_format to define a time format. E.g. [service, time]

time_format string default=2006-01-02

The time format pattern to use as value for the time placeholder.

Check out func Parse doc for details.

connection_timeout cfg.Duration default=5s

It defines how much time to wait for the connection.

workers_count cfg.Expression default=gomaxprocs*4

It defines how many workers will be instantiated to send batches.

batch_size cfg.Expression default=capacity/4

A maximum quantity of events to pack into one batch.

batch_size_bytes cfg.Expression default=0

A minimum size of events in a batch to send. If both batch_size and batch_size_bytes are set, they will work together.

batch_flush_timeout cfg.Duration default=200ms

After this timeout batch will be sent even if batch isn't full.

batch_op_type string default=index options=index|create

Operation type to be used in batch requests. It can be index or create. Default is index.

Check out _bulk API doc for details.

retry int default=10

Retries of insertion. If File.d cannot insert for this number of attempts, File.d will fall with non-zero exit code or skip message (see fatal_on_failed_insert).

fatal_on_failed_insert bool default=false

After an insert error, fall with a non-zero exit code or not Experimental feature

retention cfg.Duration default=1s

Retention milliseconds for retry to DB.

retention_exponentially_multiplier int default=2

Multiplier for exponential increase of retention between retries

Generated using insane-doc