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executable file
59 lines (32 loc) · 1.28 KB

File metadata and controls

executable file
59 lines (32 loc) · 1.28 KB

File output

It sends event batches into files.

Config params

target_file string default=/var/log/file-d.log

File path to write events to. Each rotated file will be named with current unix timestamp.

For example, if target_file is /var/log/file-d.log file will be /var/log/1893445200_file-d.log

retention_interval cfg.Duration default=1h

How often to rotate a particular file.

time_layout string default=01-02-2006_15:04:05

Layout is added to targetFile after sealing up. Determines result file name

workers_count cfg.Expression default=gomaxprocs*4

How much workers will be instantiated to send batches.

batch_size cfg.Expression default=capacity/4

Maximum quantity of events to pack into one batch.

batch_size_bytes cfg.Expression default=0

A minimum size of events in a batch to send. If both batch_size and batch_size_bytes are set, they will work together.

batch_flush_timeout cfg.Duration default=1s

After this timeout batch will be sent even if batch isn't completed.

file_mode cfg.Base8 default=0666

File mode for log files

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