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Helper functions for emitting values from Vue component using composition API.



Please see full example on GitHub or CodeSandbox

    <input v-model="unitPrice" />
    <input v-model="quantity" />
    <input ... v-on="listeners" />
    <input :value="value.modifications[default]" @input="emitWith(`modifications.${default}`, $event)" />

<script lang="ts">
import useEmitHelper from "vue-emit-helper";

export default defineComponent({
  props: {
    value: { type: Object, required: true } // i.e object value: { quantity: 4, unitPrice: 12.3, modifications: {...} }
  setup(props, context) {
    // Default options are: { prop: "value", event: "input" }
    const { getVModel, emitWith, listeners, attrs } = useEmitHelper(props, context);

    // ... your setup code

    return {
      quantity: getVModel("quantity"),
      unitPrice: getVModel("unitPrice"),
      default: "vat", // For advanced usage shown in example template.


Using Vue composition API, provides helper functions which emits (immutable) values with deep objects/arrays/Maps. Also provides functions which returns values used as v-model, which emits configured event automatically.

For example:

const { getVModel } = useEmitHelper(props, context);

const quantity = getVModel("item.quantity");

// Approximately equal to:
const quantity_2 = computed({
  get: () => props.value.item.quantity,
  set: (newQuantity) => context.emit("input", immutableSet("props.value", "item.quantity", newQuantity))






useEmitHelper<P, PK>(props: P, context: SetupContext, __namedParameters: object): EmitHelper

Defined in index.ts:75

Creates helper functions for emitting values from Vue component.


    <v-numeric v-model="unitPrice" />
    <v-numeric v-model="quantity" />
    <v-numeric ... v-on="listeners" />
    <v-amount :value="value.modifications[default]" @input="emitWith(`modifications.${default}`, $event)" />

<script lang="ts">
import useEmitHelper from "vue-emit-helper";

export default defineComponent({
  props: {
    value: { type: Object, required: true } // Example: { quantity: 4, unitPrice: 12.3, modifications: {...} }
  setup(props, context) {
    const { getVModel, emitWith, listeners } = useEmitHelper(props, context, { prop: "value", event: "input" });
    // ... your setup code

    // See example in `getVModel` also.
    return {
      quantity: getVModel("quantity"),
      unitPrice: getVModel("unitPrice"),
      default: "vat"

Type parameters:

P: Record‹string, any›

PK: keyof P


props: P

is props of Vue component passed to setup() function.

context: SetupContext

is setup context of Vue component passed to setup() function.

Default value __namedParameters: object= {}

Name Type Default
event string "input"
prop PK "value" as PK

Returns: EmitHelper

helper functions.



Interface: EmitHelper


  • EmitHelper



attrs: Ref‹Record‹string, string››

Defined in index.ts:34

Computed value of object of attrs except value of emitted event. This is used to prevent down passing of emiited value.


emitWith: function

Defined in index.ts:12

Emits props.value after immutably setting given attribute to given value. If new value passed is undefined, it deletes related key instead of setting it to undefined.

param is the attribute name or path in props.value.

param is the new value to be set, or undefined to delete related key from props.value.

Type declaration:

▸ (attribute: Path, value?: any): void


Name Type
attribute Path
value? any


getVModel: function

Defined in index.ts:30

Returns vue computed value to be used target of a v-model which emits immutable value with new value of the given attribute. If new value passed to v-model is undefined, it deletes related key instead of setting it to undefined.


const { getVModel } = useEmitHelper(props, context, { prop: "value", event: "input" });
const quantity = getVModel("item.quantity");

// getVModel("item.quantity") is approximately equal to:
const quantity = computed({
  get: () => props.value.item.quantity,
  set: (newQuantity) => context.emit("input", immutableSet("props.value", "item.quantity", newQuantity))

param is the attribute name or path in props.value.

returns computed value.

Type declaration:

▸ (attribute?: Path): Ref‹any›


Name Type
attribute? Path


listeners: Ref‹Record‹string, Function››

Defined in index.ts:32

Computed value of object of events except emitted event. This is used to prevent down passing of emiited event.