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Go implementation of the Proof-of-Training (POT) protocol


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Proof-of-Training (POT)

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Golang execution layer implementation of the decentralized training network using proof of training (POT).


Table Of Content


This repo provides a miniature kernel realization of various components of the Decentralized Training Network (DTN) based on Proof-of-Training (POT). It primarily focuses on several fundamental aspects of both our Layer-1 (L1) and Layer-2 (L2) implementations.

  • Global Ledger Maintenance and Synchronization
  • Multisignature Coordination

Layer-1 Implementation and Tests

Our L1 implementation uses the Practical Byzantine Fault Tolerance (PBFT) protocol, which ensures consensus among nodes in a distributed network, even in the presence of malicious nodes or if certain nodes fail.

PBFT Package

The PBFT package ensures the uniformity of our global ledger by facilitating consensus among nodes on the set of transactions to be added. These approved transactions are synced to the global transaction pool, from which they are used to update the global ledger, ensuring data consistency across the network.

Functionality Implemented:

PBFT formula: n >= 3f + 1 where n is the total number of nodes in the entire network, and f is the maximum number of malicious or faulty nodes allowed.

The data from client input to receiving replies from the nodes is divided into 5 steps:

  1. The client sends request information to the primary node.
  2. After the primary node N0 receives the request from the client, it extracts the main information from the request data and sends a preprepare to the other nodes.
  3. The secondary nodes receive the preprepare from the primary node, firstly using the primary node's public key for signature authentication, then hash the message (message digest, to reduce the size of the information transmitted in the network), and broadcast a prepare to other nodes.
  4. When a node receives 2f prepare information (including itself), and all signature verifications pass, it can proceed to the commit step, broadcasting a commit to all other nodes in the network.
  5. When a node receives 2f+1 commit information (including itself), and all signature verifications pass, it can store the message locally, and return a reply message to the client.


To spawn a network applying PBFT with numNodes nodes, and to synchronize the transaction pool with transactions encoded in data, it is recommended to use the following function. This will help analyze the time needed for data synchronization.

Field Data Types Recommended Value
numNodes int 5-100
data string -
clientAddr string ""
synctime := genPBFTSynchronize(numNodes, data, clientAddr)

Note: The current implementations in the pbft package may contain potential race conditions, potentially leading to non-terminating execution. It is essential to implement a timing mechanism when using this function for efficient operation.


package pbft

import (

func TestAddAndGetMessage(t *testing.T) {
  var clientAddr = ""
  var data = "transactions to be synchronized"
  var numNodes = 8
  sync_time := genPBFTSynchronize(numNodes, data, clientAddr)
  s := strconv.FormatFloat(sync_time, 'f', -1, 64)
  println("It takes " + s + " seconds to synchronize the transactions to the global ledger")


=== RUN   TestAddAndGetMessage
the public and private key directory has not been generated yet, generating public and private keys...
RSA public and private keys have been generated for the nodes.
initiating client...
{"Content":"transactions to be synchronized","ID":2818938398,"Timestamp":1686148966474242384,"ClientAddr":""}
The primary node has received a request from the client...
The request has been stored in the temporary message pool.
Broadcasting PrePrepare to other nodes...
PrePrepare broadcast completed.
It takes 0.032963246 seconds to synchronize the transactions to the global ledger
--- PASS: TestAddAndGetMessage (0.12s)

FPBFT Package

FPBFT is a comprehensive simulation of the PBFT (Practical Byzantine Fault Tolerance) algorithm, designed to emulate real-world network conditions in distributed consensus scenarios. Unlike other PBFT implementations, FPBFT emphasizes the importance of varying network conditions, specifically network latency and bandwidth limit, which significantly impact the performance and fault tolerance of a distributed system. In real-world scenarios, nodes in a distributed network are dispersed across various geographical regions, each experiencing different network conditions. FPBFT integrates these parameters into the PBFT network generation, thereby setting itself apart as a full implementation of the PBFT algorithm.

Functionality Implemented:

In addition to PBFT package, the FPBFT package emulated a real network by adding bandwidthLimit and latency as input parameters when generating the network.

Field Data Types Sample Value
numNodes int 30-1000
data string "transactions"
clientAddr string ""
bandwidthLimit float64 20 (Mbps)
latency float64 350 (ms)
synctime := genPBFTSynchronize(numNodes int, data string, clientAddr string, bandwidthLimit float64, latency float64)

Note: by setting bandwidthLimit and latency to 0, the function becomes PBFT as a special case.


package fpbft

import (

func TestAddAndGetMessage(t *testing.T) {
  var clientAddr = ""
  var data = "transactions to be synchronized"
  var numNodes = 10
  sync_time := genPBFTSynchronize(numNodes, data, clientAddr, 0.01, 300)
  s := strconv.FormatFloat(sync_time, 'f', -1, 64)
  println("It takes " + s + " seconds to synchronize the transactions to the global ledger")


=== RUN   TestAddAndGetMessage
initiating client...
The primary node has received a request from the client...
The request has been stored in the temporary message pool.
Broadcasting PrePrepare to other nodes...
PrePrepare broadcast completed.
It takes 2.264332033 seconds to synchronize the transactions to the global ledger
--- PASS: TestAddAndGetMessage (2.26s)

Sample experiments were conducted on a 64-bit Ubuntu 22.04.2 LTS system powered by the 12th Generation Intel® Core™ i7-12700T processor with 20 cores, and equipped with 32GB memory. With the following performance matrix:

Message Size Network Size Slow (0.1 Mbps) Medium (30 Mbps) Fast (125 Mbps)
100 transactions Small (10 nodes) 8.609 s 1.494 s 1.497 s
100 transactions Medium (30 nodes) 8.707 s 1.685 s 1.755 s
1000 transactions Medium (30 nodes) 73.536 s 1.682 s 1.833 s
100 transactions Large (50 nodes) 8.697 s 1.842 s 1.752 s
200 transactions Large (50 nodes) 15.984 s 1.908 s 1.893 s
5000 transactions Large (50 nodes) 37.532 s 1.767 s 1.678 s
10000 transactions Large (50 nodes) - 7.215 s 2.074 s

Layer-2 Implementation and Tests

This section provides a concrete implementation of a Layer-2 in the DTN. It leverages Ethereum smart contracts, deployed on the Binance Smart Chain (BSC) Testnet, to handle token balances and transactions more efficiently. In this guide, we go through how to set up the development environment and run the tests, ensuring that the Layer-2 solution functions as expected. We'll be using Truffle, a popular Ethereum development environment, to compile, deploy, and test our smart contracts on the BSC Testnet.


Before you begin, make sure you have installed the latest version of Node.js and npm. We put our implementations in the ./crypto/ directory. Change into the directory and install truffle:

npm install -g truffle

If you want to run the tests by deploying the smart contracts to BSC testnet on your own, you need to generate the keys for testing by running

node wallet/generate.js 

which helps you generate 30 random keys with private keys and addresses stored in keys.json.

Compile and Deploy

To compile the contract, run:

truffle compile

The truffle-config.js is written to migrate the contracts to BSC testnet so you might consider getting some test BNB(TBNB) by getting from the BNB faucet with the addresses you just generated. Then, replace the privateKeys in the config file with the one you have TBNB in. Once set, run:

truffle migrate --network testnet


> Compiled successfully using:
   - solc: 0.8.13+commit.abaa5c0e.Emscripten.clang

Starting migrations...
> Network name:    'testnet'
> Network id:      97
> Block gas limit: 50000000 (0x2faf080)


   Deploying 'MultiSigContract'
   > transaction hash:    0xd0598d6c326e10c0fc64f1854de44cbbce7810b1307750ae0a48283a2e707d79
   > Blocks: 3            Seconds: 11
   > contract address:    0xDf033A1959006CD99c2549d5F6B427978b1cE2e8
   > block number:        30812543
   > block timestamp:     1687132610
   > account:             0xDF86931B3Bd2a3A65b7313cE8cBf7B63a6B203ef
   > balance:             0.39154595
   > gas used:            2169081 (0x2118f9)
   > gas price:           50 gwei
   > value sent:          0 ETH
   > total cost:          0.10845405 ETH

   > Saving artifacts
   > Total cost:          0.10845405 ETH

> Total deployments:   1
> Final cost:          0.10845405 ETH

and you will be able to check the deployment details from bscscan by searching the transaction hash:

Install Aimeos TYPO3 extension


To run the test, first distribute TBNB to other multi-sig wallets.

node transfer.js

Then test functions in the delpoyed contract by running:

truffle test --network testnet

Three contract functions are involved in the rewards distribution process for _destination(address), which successfully generated the best AI model for a certain order:

Reward Update Image

Function Name Input Parameters Gas Cost Number of Executions
proposeTransaction _destination (address), _value (uint) 86,875 1
confirmTransaction _txIndex (uint) 45,371 numSignaturesRequired
executeTransaction _txIndex (uint) 161,888 1

The tests provided summarizes the gas costs and execution counts for the key functions within the MultiSigContract deployed on the BSC testnet. These metrics can help in estimating the real costs of operations on BSC or Ethereum mainnet, as the actual cost can be by multiplying the gas cost with the current gas price.


The decentralized training network (DTN) as an implementation of proof of training (POT) is licensed under the terms of MIT license and is available for free.



Go implementation of the Proof-of-Training (POT) protocol







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