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Welcome to qsonic's documentation!


  • qsonic-fit is the main continuum fitting script. It requires MPI. Each MPI task is responsible for independent sky regions based on HEALPix. Reading and fitting the continuum are done in parallel. After all quasars are fit with a continuum, all MPI tasks syncronize to calculate the mean continuum and check for convergence. See :ref:`here <qsonic fit arguments>` or execute qsonic-fit --help for help.
  • qsonic-calib calculates stacked flux, var_lss and eta terms for a given set of deltas. This script does not perform continuum fitting, and so, it enables fast calculations for data SNR splits, parameter variations in wavelength and variance binning. Also requires MPI. See :ref:`here <qsonic calib arguments>` or execute qsonic-calib --help for help.
  • qsonic-coadd is a helper program to coadd delta files by TARGETID and regroup them by HEALPix. It uses multiprocessing to read delta files in parallel and does not require MPI. See :ref:`here <qsonic coadd deltas arguments>` or execute qsonic-coadd --help for help.

Note: Some platforms require these help commands to begin with mpirun -np 1 or srun -n 1.


See :doc:`/generated/modules` for details.

  • containes noise and flux calibration classes. Can be imported without MPI. The output file of the continuum fitting attibutes.fits can be used as an input for these calibrations. As an additional feature, large-scale variance term var_lss can be applied as an additive correction in noise calibration by passing --varlss-as-additive-noise.
  • provides function to read catalog and broadcast from master pe. Needs following columns: TARGETID, Z, TARGET_RA, RA, TARGET_DEC, DEC, SURVEY, HPXPIXEL, VMIN_CIV_450, VMAX_CIV_450, VMIN_CIV_2000, VMAX_CIV_2000.
  • module contains functions to read spectra and save deltas. Can be imported without MPI.
  • provides maskers for sky, BAL and DLA. Can be imported without MPI. Sky mask is a simple text file, where colums are type (unused), wave_min mininum wavelength, wave_max maximum wavelength, frame rest-frame (RF) or observed (OBS). BAL mask assumes related VMIN_CIV_450, VMAX_CIV_450, VMIN_CIV_2000, VMAX_CIV_2000 values are already present in catalog. DLA masking takes both Lya and Lyb profiles into account, masks F<0.8 and corrects for the wings.
  • hosts some functions and classes that are purely numerical. Can be imported without MPI.
  • hosts MPI related functions such as logging. Can be imported without MPI.
  • fits each quasar continuum with a global mean as done in picca. Needs MPI.
  • has Spectrum class that stores each quasar spectrum. Can be imported without MPI.
.. toctree::
   :maxdepth: 2


Indices and tables