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Single Shell Commands

Shutdown Raspberry Pi

Assuming the Raspberry Pi is equipped with a X735 Power Management Board.

 :output-buffer "*shutdown - raspberry*"
 :path "/ssh:pi@raspberry|sudo::/")


 :output-buffer "*shutdown - raspberry*"
 :path "/ssh:pi@raspberry|sudo::/")

youtube-dl on a NAS

Assuming we're login in as the same user on the NAS with hostname nas.

(defun shell-cmd/yt-dl-on-nas (&optional url)
  (let ((url (or url (read-string "URL: "))))
     (concat "youtube-dl " url)
     :output-buffer (concat "*yt-dl - " url "*")
     :path "/ssh:nas:/volume1/download/")))

Interactive Shell-Spawning Commands

Git bash (under Windows)

(defun shell/git-bash (&optional path)
  (friendly-shell :path path
                  :interpreter "C:/Program Files/Git/bin/bash.exe"))

Cygwin bash (under Windows)

(defun prf/tramp/shell/cygwin-bash (&optional path)
  (friendly-shell :path path
                  :interpreter "c:/cygwin64/bin/bash.exe"
                  :interpreter-args (list "--init-file" (concat "/home/" (getenv "USERNAME") "/.bashrc"))))