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File metadata and controls

232 lines (163 loc) · 8.05 KB


The QpointPhononModes object contains precalculated phonon frequencies and eigenvectors at certain q-points.

Phonon frequencies and eigenvectors can be read from a .phonon file using :py:meth:`QpointPhononModes.from_castep <euphonic.qpoint_phonon_modes.QpointPhononModes.from_castep>`.

.. testsetup:: quartz_phonon

  fnames = 'quartz.phonon'
      get_castep_path('quartz', 'quartz_nosplit.phonon'), fnames)

.. testcode:: quartz_phonon

  from euphonic import QpointPhononModes

  filename = 'quartz.phonon'
  phonons = QpointPhononModes.from_castep(filename)

Phonopy should be run with the --eigvecs flag, or EIGENVECTORS = .TRUE. to enable creation of a Euphonic QpointPhononModes object.

Using :py:meth:`QpointPhononModes.from_phonopy <euphonic.qpoint_phonon_modes.QpointPhononModes.from_phonopy>` Euphonic can read frequencies and eigenvectors from Phonopy files with the following default names:

  • mesh.yaml/mesh.hdf5
  • qpoints.yaml/qpoints.hdf5
  • bands.yaml/bands.hdf5

The file to be read can be specified with the phonon_name argument. Some of these files do not include the crystal information, so it must be read from a phonopy.yaml file, which can be specified with the summary_name argument. A path can also be specified.

.. testsetup:: nacl_mesh

  fnames = 'NaCl'
  shutil.copytree(get_phonopy_path('NaCl', 'mesh'), fnames)

.. testcode:: nacl_mesh

  from euphonic import QpointPhononModes

  phonons = QpointPhononModes.from_phonopy(path='NaCl', phonon_name='mesh.hdf5')

See :ref:`Force Constants <force-constants>`

The stored frequencies can be reordered by comparing eigenvectors using :py:meth:`QpointPhononModes.reorder_frequencies <euphonic.qpoint_phonon_modes.QpointPhononModes.reorder_frequencies>`. This means that the same mode will have the same index across different q-points, so will be plotted as the same colour in a dispersion plot, allowing modes to be followed across q-space (see :ref:`Plotting <plotting>`)

.. testcode:: quartz_phonon

  from euphonic import QpointPhononModes

  phonons = QpointPhononModes.from_castep('quartz.phonon')

See :ref:`Plotting Dispersion <plotting-dispersion>`

The neutron structure factor can be calculated for each branch and q-point using the :py:meth:`QpointPhononModes.calculate_structure_factor <euphonic.qpoint_phonon_modes.QpointPhononModes.calculate_structure_factor>` method, which returns a :ref:`StructureFactor<structure-factor>` object. (See the docstring for algorithm details.)

The coherent scattering length is a physical property of the nucleus. To provide this data explicitly, the scattering_lengths argument can be set as a dictionary mapping each atom identity to a pint.Quantity (see :ref:`Units` for details).

Alternatively, this argument may be a string referring to a data file with the coherent_scattering_length property. (See :ref:`Reference Data <ref_data>` for details.) By default, :py:meth:`QpointPhononModes.calculate_structure_factor <euphonic.qpoint_phonon_modes.QpointPhononModes.calculate_structure_factor>` will use the "Sears1992" data set included in Euphonic. If you have a custom data file, this can be used instead.

Inclusion of the Debye-Waller factor is optional, and can be provided in the dw keyword argument, see Calculating The Debye-Waller Exponent.

The following example shows a full calculation from the force constants to the structure factor with Debye-Waller:

.. testsetup:: quartz_fc

  fnames = 'quartz.castep_bin'
  shutil.copy(get_castep_path('quartz', fnames), '.')

.. testcode:: quartz_fc

  import seekpath
  import numpy as np
  from euphonic import ureg, QpointPhononModes, ForceConstants
  from euphonic.util import mp_grid

  # Read the force constants
  fc = ForceConstants.from_castep('quartz.castep_bin')

  # Generate a recommended q-point path to calculate the structure factor on
  # using seekpath
  cell = fc.crystal.to_spglib_cell()
  qpts = seekpath.get_explicit_k_path(cell)["explicit_kpoints_rel"]
  # Calculate frequencies/eigenvectors for the q-point path
  phonons = fc.calculate_qpoint_phonon_modes(qpts, asr='reciprocal')

  # For the Debye-Waller calculation, generate and calculate
  # frequencies/eigenvectors on a grid (generate a Monkhorst-Pack grid of
  # q-points using the mp-grid helper function)
  q_grid = mp_grid([5,5,5])
  phonons_grid = fc.calculate_qpoint_phonon_modes(q_grid, asr='reciprocal')
  # Now calculate the Debye-Waller exponent
  temperature = 5*ureg('K')
  dw = phonons_grid.calculate_debye_waller(temperature)

  # Calculate the structure factor for each q-point in phonons. A
  # StructureFactor object is returned
  fm = ureg('fm')
  scattering_lengths = {'Si': 4.1491*fm, 'O': 5.803*fm}
  sf = phonons.calculate_structure_factor(scattering_lengths, dw=dw)

The Debye-Waller factor is an optional part of the structure factor calculation. The exponent part of the Debye-Waller factor is independent of Q and should be precalculated using :py:meth:`QpointPhononModes.calculate_debye_waller <euphonic.qpoint_phonon_modes.QpointPhononModes.calculate_debye_waller>` (see the docstring for algorithm details). This requires a QpointPhononModes object calculated on a grid of q-points and a temperature, and returns a :ref:`DebyeWaller<debye-waller>` object. The Debye-Waller exponent can be calculated by:

.. testsetup:: quartz_grid

  fnames = 'quartz-grid.phonon'
      get_castep_path('quartz', 'quartz_nosplit.phonon'), fnames)

.. testcode:: quartz_grid

  from euphonic import ureg, QpointPhononModes

  phonons = QpointPhononModes.from_castep('quartz-grid.phonon')
  temperature = 5*ureg('K')
  dw = phonons.calculate_debye_waller(temperature)

Partial and neutron-weighted density of states can be calculated using :py:meth:`QpointPhononModes.calculate_pdos <euphonic.qpoint_phonon_modes.QpointPhononModes.calculate_pdos>`. Like DOS, this requires an array of energy bin edges in energy units. This returns a :ref:`Spectrum1DCollection<spectrum1dcollection>` object, containing the atom-resolved partial density of states. If weighting is supplied, or the cross_sections are specified (this can be done in the same way as the :ref:`scattering lengths <scattering_lengths>`) the neutron-weighted partial density of states is returned. This is also resolved per-atom, and units are area/energy per atom of sample.

The Spectrum1DCollection.metadata attribute labels each PDOS spectrum by species and index, and :ref:`Spectrum1DCollection<spectrum1dcollection>` methods can be used to obtain per-species or total PDOS. For example, to produce both total and species-resolved coherent neutron-weighted PDOS:

.. testcode:: quartz_grid

  import numpy as np
  from euphonic import ureg, QpointPhononModes

  phonons = QpointPhononModes.from_castep('quartz-grid.phonon')

  ebins = np.arange(0, 165, 0.1)*ureg('meV')
  pdos = phonons.calculate_pdos(ebins, weighting='coherent')  # atom resolved pdos

  species_pdos = pdos.group_by('species')  # species resolved pdos
  total_dos = pdos.sum()  # total dos

PDOS can also be adaptively broadened :ref:`in the same way as DOS <adaptive_broadening>`.

See :ref:`Calculating DOS <dos>`

.. autoclass:: euphonic.qpoint_phonon_modes.QpointPhononModes
   :exclude-members: frequencies