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224 lines (162 loc) · 5.56 KB

File metadata and controls

224 lines (162 loc) · 5.56 KB

Welcome to oto project

Go driven rpc code generation tool for right now.

  • 100% Go
  • Describe services with Go interfaces (with structs, methods, comments, etc.)
  • Generate server and client code
  • Production ready templates (or copy and modify)

Who's using Oto?


These templates are already being used in production.



Install the project:

go install

Create a project folder, and write your service definition as a Go interface:

// definitions/definitons.go
package definitions

// GreeterService makes nice greetings.
type GreeterService interface {
    // Greet makes a greeting.
    Greet(GreetRequest) GreetResponse

// GreetRequest is the request object for GreeterService.Greet.
type GreetRequest struct {
    // Name is the person to greet.
    // example: "Mat Ryer"
    Name string

// GreetResponse is the response object containing a
// person's greeting.
type GreetResponse struct {
    // Greeting is the greeting that was generated.
    // example: "Hello Mat Ryer"
    Greeting string

Download templates from otohttp

mkdir templates \
    && wget -q -O ./templates/server.go.plush \
    && wget -q -O ./templates/client.js.plush

Use the oto tool to generate a client and server:

mkdir generated
oto -template ./templates/server.go.plush \
    -out ./generated/oto.gen.go \
    -ignore Ignorer \
    -pkg generated \
gofmt -w ./generated/oto.gen.go ./generated/oto.gen.go
oto -template ./templates/client.js.plush \
    -out ./generated/oto.gen.js \
    -ignore Ignorer \
  • Run oto -help for more information about these flags

Implement the service in Go:

// greeter_service.go
package main

// GreeterService makes nice greetings.
type GreeterService struct{}

// Greet makes a greeting.
func (GreeterService) Greet(ctx context.Context, r GreetRequest) (*GreetResponse, error) {
    resp := &GreetResponse{
        Greeting: "Hello " + r.Name,
    return resp, nil

Use the generated Go code to write a main.go that exposes the server:

// main.go
package main

func main() {
    g := GreeterService{}
    server := otohttp.NewServer()
    server.Basepath = "/oto/"
    generated.RegisterGreeterService(server, g)
    http.Handle(server.Basepath, server)
    log.Fatal(http.ListenAndServe(":8080", nil))
  • The otohttp.Server performs its own routing and so has a Basepath field which you should use when you route the handler.

Use the generated client to access the service in JavaScript:

import { GreeterService } from "oto.gen.js";

const greeterService = new GreeterService();

    name: "Mat",
  .then((response) => alert(response.greeting))
  .catch((e) => alert(e));

Use json tags to control the front-end facing name

You can control the name of the field in JSON and in front-end code using json tags:

// Thing does something.
type Thing struct {
    SomeField string `json:"some_field"
  • The SomeField field will appear as some_field in json and front-end code
  • The name must be a valid JavaScript field name

Specifying additional template data

You can provide strings to your templates via the -params flag:

oto \
    -template ./templates/server.go.plush \
    -out ./oto.gen.go \
    -params "key1:value1,key2:value2" \

Within your templates, you may access these strings with <%= params["key1"] %>.

Comment metadata

It's possible to include additional metadata for services, methods, objects, and fields in the comments.

// Thing does something.
// field: "value"
type Thing struct {

The Metadata["field"] value will be the string value.

  • The value must be valid JSON (for strings, use quotes)

Examples are officially supported, but all data is available via the Metadata map fields.


To provide an example value for a field, you may use the example: prefix line in a comment.

// GreetRequest is the request object for GreeterService.Greet.
type GreetRequest struct {
    // Name is the person to greet.
    // example: "Mat Ryer"
    Name string
  • The example must be valid JSON

The example is extracted and made available via the Field.Example field.

Open API

To work on the Open API spec, you might find this command helpful:

oto -template ./otohttp/templates/openapi.yaml.plush -out openapi.yaml -v -ignore Ignorer ./parser/testdata/services/pleasantries


Special thank you to:

  • @mgutz - for struct tag support
  • @sethcenterbar - for comment metadata support

A PACE. project