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File metadata and controls

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Google Cloud Platform

Google Cloud Platform has excellent support for Kubernetes, and thus Pachyderm, through the Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE). The following guide will walk you through deploying a Pachyderm cluster on GCP.


If this is the first time you use the SDK, make sure to follow the quick start guide. Note, this may update your ~/.bash_profile and point your $PATH at the location where you extracted google-cloud-sdk. We recommend extracting the SDK to ~/bin.

Note, you can also install kubectl installed via the Google Cloud SDK using:

$ gcloud components install kubectl

Deploy Kubernetes

To create a new Kubernetes cluster via GKE, run:

$ CLUSTER_NAME=<any unique name, e.g. "pach-cluster">

$ GCP_ZONE=<a GCP availability zone. e.g. "us-west1-a">

$ gcloud config set compute/zone ${GCP_ZONE}

$ gcloud config set container/cluster ${CLUSTER_NAME}

$ MACHINE_TYPE=<machine type for the k8s nodes, we recommend "n1-standard-4" or larger>

# By default the following command spins up a 3-node cluster. You can change the default with `--num-nodes VAL`.
$ gcloud container clusters create ${CLUSTER_NAME} --scopes storage-rw --machine-type ${MACHINE_TYPE} 

Note that you must create the Kubernetes cluster via the gcloud command-line tool rather than the Google Cloud Console, as it's currently only possible to grant the storage-rw scope via the command-line tool. Also note, you should deploy a 1.8.x cluster if possible to take full advantage of Pachyderm's latest features.

This may take a few minutes to start up. You can check the status on the GCP Console. A kubeconfig entry will automatically be generated and set as the current context. As a sanity check, make sure your cluster is up and running via kubectl:

# List all pods in the kube-system namespace.
$ kubectl get pods -n kube-system
NAME                                                     READY     STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
event-exporter-v0.1.7-5c4d9556cf-fd9j2                   2/2       Running   0          1m
fluentd-gcp-v2.0.9-68vhs                                 2/2       Running   0          1m
fluentd-gcp-v2.0.9-fzfpw                                 2/2       Running   0          1m
fluentd-gcp-v2.0.9-qvk8f                                 2/2       Running   0          1m
heapster-v1.4.3-5fbfb6bf55-xgdwx                         3/3       Running   0          55s
kube-dns-778977457c-7hbrv                                3/3       Running   0          1m
kube-dns-778977457c-dpff4                                3/3       Running   0          1m
kube-dns-autoscaler-7db47cb9b7-gp5ns                     1/1       Running   0          1m
kube-proxy-gke-pach-cluster-default-pool-9762dc84-bzcz   1/1       Running   0          1m
kube-proxy-gke-pach-cluster-default-pool-9762dc84-hqkr   1/1       Running   0          1m
kube-proxy-gke-pach-cluster-default-pool-9762dc84-jcbg   1/1       Running   0          1m
kubernetes-dashboard-768854d6dc-t75rp                    1/1       Running   0          1m
l7-default-backend-6497bcdb4d-w72k5                      1/1       Running   0          1m

If you don't see something similar to the above output, you can point kubectl to the new cluster manually via:

# Update your kubeconfig to point at your newly created cluster.
$ gcloud container clusters get-credentials ${CLUSTER_NAME}

Deploy Pachyderm

To deploy Pachyderm we will need to:

  1. Create some storage resources,
  2. Install the Pachyderm CLI tool, pachctl, and
  3. Deploy Pachyderm on the k8s cluster

Set up the Storage Resources

Pachyderm needs a GCS bucket and a persistent disk to function correctly. We can specify the size of the persistent disk, the bucket name, and create the bucket as follows:

# For the persistent disk, 10GB is a good size to start with. 
# This stores PFS metadata. For reference, 1GB
# should work fine for 1000 commits on 1000 files.
$ STORAGE_SIZE=<the size of the volume that you are going to create, in GBs. e.g. "10">

# The Pachyderm bucket name needs to be globally unique across the entire GCP region.
$ BUCKET_NAME=<The name of the GCS bucket where your data will be stored>

# Create the bucket.
$ gsutil mb gs://${BUCKET_NAME}

To check that everything has been set up correctly, try:

$ gsutil ls
# You should see the bucket you created.

Install pachctl

pachctl is a command-line utility for interacting with a Pachyderm cluster. You can install it locally as follows:

# For OSX:
$ brew tap pachyderm/tap && brew install pachyderm/tap/pachctl@1.7

# For Linux (64 bit) or Window 10+ on WSL:
$ curl -o /tmp/pachctl.deb -L && sudo dpkg -i /tmp/pachctl.deb

You can then run pachctl version --client-only to check that the installation was successful.

$ pachctl version --client-only

Deploy Pachyderm on the k8s cluster

Now we're ready to deploy Pachyderm itself. This can be done in one command:

$ pachctl deploy google ${BUCKET_NAME} ${STORAGE_SIZE} --dynamic-etcd-nodes=1
serviceaccount "pachyderm" created
storageclass "etcd-storage-class" created
service "etcd-headless" created
statefulset "etcd" created
service "etcd" created
service "pachd" created
deployment "pachd" created
service "dash" created
deployment "dash" created
secret "pachyderm-storage-secret" created

Pachyderm is launching. Check its status with "kubectl get all"
Once launched, access the dashboard by running "pachctl port-forward"

Note, here we are using 1 etcd node to manage Pachyderm metadata. The number of etcd nodes can be adjusted as needed. Also, RBAC can be enabled as further documented here.

It may take a few minutes for the pachd nodes to be running because it's pulling containers from DockerHub. You can see the cluster status with kubectl, which should output the following when Pachyderm is up and running:

$ kubectl get pods
NAME                     READY     STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
dash-482120938-np8cc     2/2       Running   0          4m
etcd-0                   1/1       Running   0          4m
pachd-3677268306-9sqm0   1/1       Running   0          4m

If you see a few restarts on the pachd pod, that's totally ok. That simply means that Kubernetes tried to bring up those containers before other components were ready, so it restarted them.

Finally, assuming your pachd is running as shown above, we need to set up forward a port so that pachctl can talk to the cluster.

# Forward the ports. We background this process because it blocks.
$ pachctl port-forward &

And you're done! You can test to make sure the cluster is working by trying pachctl version or even creating a new repo.

$ pachctl version
pachctl             1.7.0
pachd               1.7.0