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Local Installation

This guide will walk you through the recommended path to get Pachyderm running locally on OSX or Linux.

If you hit any errors not covered in this guide, check our troubleshooting docs for common errors, submit an issue on GitHub, join our users channel on Slack, or email us at and we can help you right away.



Kubernetes offers a fantastic guide to install minikube. Follow the Kubernetes installation guide to install Virtual Box, Minikibe, and Kubectl. Then come back here to install Pachyderm.

Note: Any time you want to stop and restart Pachyderm, you should start fresh with minikube delete and minikube start. Minikube isn't meant to be a production environment and doesn't handle being restarted well without a full wipe.


pachctl is a command-line utility used for interacting with a Pachyderm cluster.

# For OSX:
$ brew tap pachyderm/tap && brew install pachyderm/tap/pachctl@1.5

# For Linux (64 bit):
$ curl -o /tmp/pachctl.deb -L && sudo dpkg -i /tmp/pachctl.deb

Note: To install an older version of Pachyderm, navigate to that version using the menu in the bottom left.

To check that installation was successful, you can try running pachctl help, which should return a list of Pachyderm commands.

Deploy Pachyderm

Now that you have Minikube running, it's incredibly easy to deploy Pachyderm.

pachctl deploy local

This generates a Pachyderm manifest and deploys Pachyderm on Kubernetes. It may take a few minutes for the pachd nodes to be running because it's pulling containers from DockerHub. You can see the cluster status by using kubectl get all:

$ kubectl get all
NAME                        READY     STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
po/etcd-4197107720-br61m    1/1       Running   0          8m
po/pachd-3548222380-s086m   1/1       Running   2          8m

NAME             CLUSTER-IP     EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)                       AGE
svc/etcd   <nodes>       2379:32379/TCP                8m
svc/kubernetes      <none>        443/TCP                       10m
svc/pachd    <nodes>       650:30650/TCP,651:30651/TCP   8m

deploy/etcd    1         1         1            1           8m
deploy/pachd   1         1         1            1           8m

NAME                  DESIRED   CURRENT   READY     AGE
rs/etcd-4197107720    1         1         1         8m
rs/pachd-3548222380   1         1         1         8m

Note: If you see a few restarts on the pachd nodes, that's ok. That simply means that Kubernetes tried to bring up those containers before etcd was ready so it restarted them.

Port Forwarding

The last step is to set up port forwarding so commands you send can reach Pachyderm within the VM. We background this process since port forwarding blocks.

$ pachctl port-forward &

Once port forwarding is complete, pachctl should automatically be connected. Try pachctl version to make sure everything is working.

$ pachctl version
pachctl             1.4.6
pachd               1.4.6

We're good to go!

If for any reason port-forward doesn't work, you can connect directly by setting ADDRESS to the minikube IP with port 30650.

$ minikube ip
$ export ADDRESS=

Next Steps

Now that you have everything installed and working, check out our Beginner Tutorial to learn the basics of Pachyderm such as adding data and building analysis pipelines.