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Converting dist-git to source-git

This should be similar to How to source-git?, except that it isn't :)

The main difference is that How to source-git? starts with the upstream history and applies the patches from dist-git.

In this case though, the starting point is dist-git itself, so a few things need to be done differently.

Note: things below were done on

Intermezzo: what should happen to all the patches?

Here is what we could do with all the patches:

  • Patches which are used in the spec file and are applied to the sources will be deleted, a.k.a they wont show up in the source-git tree.

  • Patches which are used in the spec file and cannot be applied - this is where tooling should err out, as something bad happened in dist-git.

  • Patches which are not used in the spec file will end up being in the source-git tree under centos-packaging/SOURCES/. Maintainers might want to clean this up in the future. Or these might be other kinds of files stored for yet unknown reasons.

For the future

Are there any expectations for how the history of a source-git repo will evolve?

What should happen when sources in dist-git are updated? Currently we will recreate the source-git branch.

What should happen when the spec file or the patches in dist-git are updated?


You should always run this tool in the provided container (CentOS 8) to get the correct environment - RPM macros. See down below how to do it.

dist2src get-archive calls or the script specified in DIST2SRC_GET_SOURCES, so you either need to get and place this script in a directory in your PATH or use the environment variable to specify the tools to download the sources from the lookaside cache of the dist-git of your choice.

The Process

When creating a source-git commit from dist-git, the process will be the following:

  1. Take the content of the lookaside cache from a dist-git commit.

  2. Run rpmbuild -bp to unpack the archive and apply patches.

  3. Copy spec file, other sources and rebase patches on top.

Simply put:

$ cd
$ dist2src convert rpms/rpm:c8s src/rpm:c8s

Using rpmbuild -bp to generate source-git repositories

The core way of the conversion process is running rpmbuild -bp to execute the %prep stage from the spec file which results in a directory containing the unpacked sources (under <dist-git>/BUILD/*).

With the following RPM-macro tweaks this directory can be turned into a Git repository from where the script can pull the history resulting from the conversion:

  • We override all scm_setup and scm_apply macros so they create a git repo from the archive and commit every patch applied.
  • SPEC-files which use %setup are modified before the conversion to use %autosetup -N instead. This means the tool initializes a Git repository and applies the patches as Git commits. Currently it will also create a "Changes after running %prep" commit to capture any modification of the exploded sources which happens additionally to applying the patches.

Converting in a CentOS environment

In order to correctly evaluate the macros up to the %prep section, the right target environment has to be used. This is achieved by running the conversion script in a container, built to match the target environment. By default this is CentOS 8.

To build the image, run:

$ podman build \
    [--build-arg base_image=centos:8] \
    [--build-arg package_manager="yum -y"]  \
    -t dist2src .

The build arguments are optional, the defaults being centos:8 and yum -y.

To run the conversion:

podman run --rm -v $PWD:/workdir:z \
    dist2src dist2src convert rpms/<package>:<branch> source-git/<package>:<branch>

Where the current working directory has the package cloned in an rpms sub-directory and the resulting source-git repo is going to be stored in source-git.


In the tests test suite, you can find functional tests which convert real dist-git packages.

They can be run in a container (make build-test-image and make check-in-container) or on localhost (make check).

  • You can override the container engine via the env var CONTAINER_ENGINE.
  • When running locally, have mock installed and set up -- the last step of the testing is to build the generated SRPM from a source-git repo using mock --rebuild -r centos-stream-x86_64).

It's also possible to invoke a single case (package):

$ TEST_TARGET="tests/[rpm-c8s]" make check-in-container
/usr/bin/podman run \
	-ti --rm \
	-v /??...??/dist-git-to-source-git/dist2src:/usr/local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/dist2src:Z \
	-v /??...??/dist-git-to-source-git/packitpatch:/usr/bin/packitpatch:Z \
	-v /??...??/dist-git-to-source-git/macros.packit:/usr/lib/rpm/macros.d/macros.packit:Z \
	-v /??...??/dist-git-to-source-git/tests:/tests:Z \
	--entrypoint= \
	-u 1000 \
	dist2src pytest --color=yes --showlocals -vv /tests/[rpm-c8s]
============================ test session starts =============================
platform linux -- Python 3.6.8, pytest-6.0.1, py-1.9.0, pluggy-0.13.1 -- /usr/bin/python3.6
cachedir: .pytest_cache
rootdir: /tests
collected 1 item

../tests/[rpm-c8s] PASSED             [100%]

======================= 1 passed in 15.02s =======================