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Java EE 8 and Angular

This is the code repository for Java EE 8 and Angular, published by Packt. It contains all the supporting project files necessary to work through the book from start to finish.

About the Book

The demand for modern and high performing web enterprise applications is growing rapidly. No more is a basic HTML front-end enough to meet customer demands. This book will be your one stop guide to build outstanding enterprise web applications with Java EE and Angular. It will teach you how to harness the power of Java EE to build sturdy back ends while applying Angular on the front end. Your journey to building excellent web enterprise applications starts here!

Instructions and Navigation

All of the code is organized into folders. Each folder starts with a number followed by the application name. For example, Chapter02.

Chapters 1, 3, and 12 do not have codes

The code will look like the following:

  declarations: [ AppComponent, PositivePipe ],
  exports:      [ AppComponent ],
  imports:      [ BrowserModule, AppRoutingModule ],  
  providers:    [ DashboardService ],
  bootstrap:    [ AppComponent]
export class AppModule { }

The book is being written considering Java EE 8 and Payara. But a compatible/stable version of Payara for the latest EE 8, hasn't been released yet. So the code has been verified against Payara Micro 5 Alpha releases (

  • Hardware: 64-bit machine with minimum 2 GB of RAM (4 GB preferred) and at least 5 GB of free disk space
  • Software: JDK 8, Git, Maven, Payara Micro Server, Docker, Node, npm, Angular CLI
  • Oracle JDK 8: All the codes are tested on Oracle JDK 8, but OpenJDK should work fine as well
  • Docker: Docker CE and Docker Compose
  • More details: Latest version of Git and Maven (Apache Maven 3.5 or above), Payara Micro 5 (

Specific instructions

With the repository cloned or downloaded, navigate to the chapter for building and running the projects.

Chapter 2

cdise-starter Within the project run: mvn clean install This downloads the dependencies and runs the single JUnit Test for CDI.

Open the project and browse and run these classes

  • BootCDI - To see simple CDI usage.
  • Task - To see @RequestScoped usage using RequestContextController and @ActivateRequestContext binding
  • Check for observer behaviour
  • Check org.jee8ng.starter.cdise.orderedobserver.AccountService for ordered observer
  • Check org.jee8ng.starter.cdise.annotationliteral.Test for seeing qualifier in action
  • Check org.jee8ng.starter.cdise.annotationliteral.TestDynamicQualifier for seeing dynamic qualifier


Within the project run: mvn clean install
Browse code starting with class
  • App - contains CRUD operations using JPA
  • JPAProvider - used for obtaining EntityManager and cleanup


Within the project run: mvn clean install

Run project on Java EE 8 Server such as Payara 5 and observe output (Ignore the DROP TABLE exceptions)

Browse code under package org.jee8ng.jpa.validation.starter which demos validations

  • makes use of @Entity, @MappedSuperclass and @EntityListeners
  • executes JPA code on startup
  • WEB-INF/web.xml defines a datasource
  • src/main/resources/META-INF/persistence.xml defines the Persistence Unit

Chapter 4

payara folder has 3 projects Within each project run: mvn clean install

Then run each project as independent process using payara-micro-xxx.jar (xxx is version of latest server downloaded).

java -jar payara-micro-xxx.jar --deploy ims-micro-users/target/ims-microusers.war --port 8081

java -jar payara-micro-xxx.jar --deploy ims-micro-tasks/target/ims-microtasks.war --port 8082

java -jar payara-micro-xxx.jar --deploy ims-micro-notify/target/ims-micronotify.war --port 8083

Running with Docker

ims-micro-users (Uses Payara Micro base image)

  • docker build -t jee8ng/ims-micro-users .
  • docker run -p 8080:8080 jee8ng/ims-micro-users


Create the runnable jar and then next create Docker container image using it.

  • java -jar payara-micro-xxx.jar --deploy ims-micro-tasks.war --outputUberJar ims-micro-tasks.jar
  • docker build -t jee8ng/ims-micro-tasks
  • docker run -p 8080:8080 jee8ng/ims-micro-tasks

spring folder

issue-manager-users - Maven example of Spring Boot Microservice project

mvn spring-boot:run

swarm folder

issue-manager-users - Maven example of Wildfly Swarm Microservice project

mvn wildfly-swarm:run

Chapter 5

  • ims-micro-tasks
  • Deploy on a Payara 5 or Java EE 8 server and see server logs
  • Browse code under package org.jee8ng.ims.tasks

Chapter 6

Sample code to browse JAXRS features

  • ims-micro-notify
  • ims-micro-tasks
  • ims-micro-users


  • Sample code to check resource life cycle and filters.
  • Contains swagger annotations

Chapter 7

Build ims-security first by going to the project folder and running: mvn clean install

Next run these commands to get the project up and running.

  • ims-users/
  • ims-issues/
  • ims-comments/
  • ims-chat/
  • Run docker ps and see if all Docker containers are up

You can either play around with Postman or curl with the REST APIs or startup the Angular IMS app.

Chapter 11

Running the Angular IMS Application locally. This depeneds on Chapter 7 (backend).

Run npm install from ims-ui project folder. Run ng serve --open from ims-ui project folder

Two accounts would be setup already:

Account: Admin Username: admin Password: admin

Account: Guest Username: guest Password: guest

Chapter 13

This depeneds on Chapter 7 (backend).

Build project using mvn clean install

Chapter 14

This library gets used in Chapter 7 code as well.

Build project using mvn clean install

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