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420 lines (338 loc) · 17.4 KB

File metadata and controls

420 lines (338 loc) · 17.4 KB


1. Installation

To use PageHelper you just need to include the pagehelper-x.x.x.jar and jsqlparser-0.9.5.jar file in the classpath.

If you are using Maven just add the following dependency to your pom.xml:


2. Config PageHelper

1. Using in mybatis-config.xml

    In the configuration file, 
    plugins location must meet the requirements as the following order:
    properties?, settings?, 
    typeAliases?, typeHandlers?, 
    environments?, databaseIdProvider?, mappers?
    <plugin interceptor="com.github.pagehelper.PageInterceptor">
        <!-- config params as the following -->
        <property name="param1" value="value1"/>

2. Using in Spring application.xml

config org.mybatis.spring.SqlSessionFactoryBean as following:

<bean id="sqlSessionFactory" class="org.mybatis.spring.SqlSessionFactoryBean">
  <!-- other configuration -->
  <property name="plugins">
      <bean class="com.github.pagehelper.PageInterceptor">
        <property name="properties">
          <!-- config params as the following -->

3. PageHelper Parameters

PageHelper provides several optional parameters, these parameters when used in accordance with the above two examples to configuration.

Optional parameters as follows:

  • dialect: Default paging using PageHelper way, if you want to implement your own page logic, you can implement Dialect(com.github.pagehelper.Dialect) interface, and then configure the attribute to the fully qualified name of the implementing class.

The following parameters are the parameters for the default dialect case. When implemented using a custom dialect, the following parameter has no effect.

  1. helperDialect: PageHelper will detect the current database url by default, automatically select the corresponding database dialect. You can configure helperDialect Property to specify the dialect. You can use the following abbreviations :
    oracle, mysql, mariadb, sqlite, hsqldb, postgresql, db2, sqlserver, informix, h2, sqlserver2012, derby.
    You can also implement AbstractHelperDialect, and then configure the attribute to achieve the fully qualified class name.
    Special note : When using the SqlServer2012 database, you need to manually specify for sqlserver2012, otherwise it will use the SqlServer2005 for paging.

  2. offsetAsPageNum: Default value is false, This parameter is valid for RowBounds as a pagination parameter. When this parameter is set to true, the offset parameter in RowBounds is used as pageNum.

  3. rowBoundsWithCount: Default value is false, When this parameter is set to true, PageHelper will execute count query.

  4. pageSizeZero: Default value is false, When this parameter is set to true, if pageSize=0 or RowBounds.Limit = 0 will query all the results (the equivalent of a Paged query did not execute, but the return type of the result is still Page).

  5. reasonable: Rationalization of paging parameters, Default value is false。 When this parameter is set to true, pageNum <= 0 will query the first page, PageNum> pages (over the total number), will query the last page. Default false, the query directly based on parameters.

  6. params: In support of startPage(Object params) method, The parameter is added to configure the parameter mapping for the value from the object based on the attribute name, you can configure pageNum,pageSize,count,pageSizeZero,reasonable, Default value is pageNum=pageNum;pageSize=pageSize;count=countSql;reasonable=reasonable;pageSizeZero=pageSizeZero

  7. supportMethodsArguments: Support via the Mapper interface parameters to pass the page parameter, the default value is 'false'. The use of methods can refer to the test code in the com.github.pagehelper.test.basic package under the ArgumentsMapTest and ArgumentsObjTest.

  8. autoRuntimeDialect: Default value is false。When set to true, it is possible to automatically recognize pagination of the corresponding dialect at run time from multiple data sources (Does not support automatic selection of sqlserver2012, can only use sqlserver), usage and precautions refer to the following Scene 5.

  9. closeConn: Default value is true。 When you use a runtime dynamic data source or do not set the helperDialect property, PageHelper will automatically get the database type, then a database connection is automatically obtained, This property is used to set whether to close the connection, the default true close. When 'false' is set, It will not close the connection.

4. How to choose Configure these parameters

Here are a few examples for some of the parameters may be used.

Scene 1

If you are still in with a way to call a namespace like iBATIS, you might use rowBoundsWithCount. If you want to count when the paging query query, you need to set this parameter to true.

Note: PageRowBounds also need true.

Scene 2

If you are still in with a way to call a namespace like iBATIS, If you think RowBounds in the two parameters offset, limit not as good as pageNum, pageSize easy to understand. You can use the offsetAsPageNum parameter, when the parameter is set to true, offset as pageNum, limit and pageSize mean the same thing.

Scene 3

If you feel you have to paginate a page somewhere and you still want to query all the results with control parameters. You can configure pageSizeZero to true, After configuration, when pageSize = 0 or RowBounds.limit = 0 will query all the results.

Scene 4

If you want the user to enter the page number is not in the legal scope (the first page to the last page) to correctly respond to the correct results page, Then you can configure reasonable to true, and if pageNum <= 0 will query the first page, the pageNum> pages(total pages) will query the last page.

Scene 5

If you configure dynamic data sources in Spring and connect different types of databases, you can configure autoRuntimeDialect to true, which will use matching pagination queries when using different data sources. In this case, you also need to pay attention to the closeConn parameter, because the type of access to the data source will get a database connection, so the need to control this parameter to obtain a connection, whether to close the connection.

Default is true, and some database connections can not be closed after the follow-up database operations. And some database connections will not be closed soon because the number of connections out of the database caused no response. Therefore, when using this feature, in particular, you need to pay attention to whether the use of the data source needs to close the database connection.

When you do not use dynamic data sources but only automatically get helperDialect, the database connection will only get once, so there is no need to worry about whether this connection will lead to a database error, but also according to the characteristics of the data source to choose whether to close the connection.

3. How to use in your code

Please note before reading Important Notice

PageHelper supports the following usage:

//1. use by RowBounds
List<Country> list = sqlSession.selectList("x.y.selectIf", null, new RowBounds(0, 10));
//or interface
List<Country> list = countryMapper.selectIf(1, new RowBounds(0, 10));
//or PageRowBounds
PageRowBounds rowBounds = new PageRowBounds(0, 10);
List<Country> list = countryMapper.selectIf(1, new RowBounds(0, 10));
long total = rowBounds.getTotal();

//2. use static method startPage
PageHelper.startPage(1, 10);
List<Country> list = countryMapper.selectIf(1);

//3. use static method offsetPage
PageHelper.offsetPage(1, 10);
List<Country> list = countryMapper.selectIf(1);

//4. method parameters
public interface CountryMapper {
    List<Country> selectByPageNumSize(
            @Param("user") User user,
            @Param("pageNum") int pageNum, 
            @Param("pageSize") int pageSize);
//config supportMethodsArguments=true
List<Country> list = countryMapper.selectByPageNumSize(user, 1, 10);

//5. POJO parameters
public class User {
    //other fields
    //The following two parameters must be the same name as the params parameter
    private Integer pageNum;
    private Integer pageSize;
public interface CountryMapper {
    List<Country> selectByPageNumSize(User user);
//When the pageNum! = null && pageSize! = null in the user instance, this method will be automatically pagination
List<Country> list = countryMapper.selectByPageNumSize(user);

//6. ISelect interface
//jdk6,7 anonymous class, return Page
Page<Country> page = PageHelper.startPage(1, 10).doSelectPage(new ISelect() {
    public void doSelect() {
//jdk8 lambda
Page<Country> page = PageHelper.startPage(1, 10).doSelectPage(()-> countryMapper.selectGroupBy());

//return PageInfo
pageInfo = PageHelper.startPage(1, 10).doSelectPageInfo(new ISelect() {
    public void doSelect() {
//in lambda
pageInfo = PageHelper.startPage(1, 10).doSelectPageInfo(() -> countryMapper.selectGroupBy());

//do count only
long total = PageHelper.count(new ISelect() {
    public void doSelect() {
total = PageHelper.count(()->countryMapper.selectLike(country));

Introduced The most common ways.

1). RowBounds and PageRowBounds

List<Country> list = sqlSession.selectList("x.y.selectIf", null, new RowBounds(1, 10));



关于这种方式的调用,有两个特殊的参数是针对 RowBounds 的,你可以参看上面的 场景一场景二


List<Country> selectAll(RowBounds rowBounds);  

注意: 由于默认情况下的 RowBounds 无法获取查询总数,分页插件提供了一个继承自 RowBoundsPageRowBounds,这个对象中增加了 total 属性,执行分页查询后,可以从该属性得到查询总数。

2). PageHelper.startPage 静态方法调用

除了 PageHelper.startPage 方法外,还提供了类似用法的 PageHelper.offsetPage 方法。

在你需要进行分页的 MyBatis 查询方法前调用 PageHelper.startPage 静态方法即可,紧跟在这个方法后的第一个MyBatis 查询方法会被进行分页。

PageHelper.startPage(1, 10);
List<Country> list = countryMapper.selectIf(1);
assertEquals(2, list.get(0).getId());
assertEquals(10, list.size());
assertEquals(182, ((Page) list).getTotal());
//request: url?pageNum=1&pageSize=10
//支持 ServletRequest,Map,POJO 对象,需要配合 params 参数
List<Country> list = countryMapper.selectIf(1);

List<Country> list2 = countryMapper.selectIf(null);
assertEquals(2, list.get(0).getId());
assertEquals(10, list.size());
assertEquals(182, ((Page) list).getTotal());
assertEquals(1, list2.get(0).getId());
assertEquals(182, list2.size());
PageHelper.startPage(1, 10);
List<Country> list = countryMapper.selectAll();
PageInfo page = new PageInfo(list);
assertEquals(1, page.getPageNum());
assertEquals(10, page.getPageSize());
assertEquals(1, page.getStartRow());
assertEquals(10, page.getEndRow());
assertEquals(183, page.getTotal());
assertEquals(19, page.getPages());
assertEquals(1, page.getFirstPage());
assertEquals(8, page.getLastPage());
assertEquals(true, page.isFirstPage());
assertEquals(false, page.isLastPage());
assertEquals(false, page.isHasPreviousPage());
assertEquals(true, page.isHasNextPage());

3). 使用参数方式

想要使用参数方式,需要配置 supportMethodsArguments 参数为 true,同时要配置 params 参数。 例如下面的配置:

    <!-- com.github.pagehelper为PageHelper类所在包名 -->
    <plugin interceptor="com.github.pagehelper.PageInterceptor">
        <!-- 使用下面的方式配置参数,后面会有所有的参数介绍 -->
        <property name="supportMethodsArguments" value="true"/>
        <property name="params" value="pageNum=pageNumKey;pageSize=pageSizeKey;"/>

在 MyBatis 方法中:

List<Country> selectByPageNumSize(
        @Param("user") User user,
        @Param("pageNumKey") int pageNum, 
        @Param("pageSizeKey") int pageSize);

当调用这个方法时,由于同时发现了 pageNumKeypageSizeKey 参数,这个方法就会被分页。params 提供的几个参数都可以这样使用。

除了上面这种方式外,如果 User 对象中包含这两个参数值,也可以有下面的方法:

List<Country> selectByPageNumSize(User user);

当从 User 中同时发现了 pageNumKeypageSizeKey 参数,这个方法就会被分页。

注意:pageNumpageSize 两个属性同时存在才会触发分页操作,在这个前提下,其他的分页参数才会生效。

3). PageHelper 安全调用

1. 使用 RowBoundsPageRowBounds 参数方式是极其安全的
2. 使用参数方式是极其安全的
3. 使用 ISelect 接口调用是极其安全的

ISelect 接口方式除了可以保证安全外,还特别实现了将查询转换为单纯的 count 查询方式,这个方法可以将任意的查询方法,变成一个 select count(*) 的查询方法。

4. 什么时候会导致不安全的分页?

PageHelper 方法使用了静态的 ThreadLocal 参数,分页参数和线程是绑定的。

只要你可以保证在 PageHelper 方法调用后紧跟 MyBatis 查询方法,这就是安全的。因为 PageHelperfinally 代码段中自动清除了 ThreadLocal 存储的对象。

如果代码在进入 Executor 前发生异常,就会导致线程不可用,这属于人为的 Bug(例如接口方法和 XML 中的不匹配,导致找不到 MappedStatement 时), 这种情况由于线程不可用,也不会导致 ThreadLocal 参数被错误的使用。


PageHelper.startPage(1, 10);
List<Country> list;
if(param1 != null){
    list = countryMapper.selectIf(param1);
} else {
    list = new ArrayList<Country>();

这种情况下由于 param1 存在 null 的情况,就会导致 PageHelper 生产了一个分页参数,但是没有被消费,这个参数就会一直保留在这个线程上。当这个线程再次被使用时,就可能导致不该分页的方法去消费这个分页参数,这就产生了莫名其妙的分页。


List<Country> list;
if(param1 != null){
    PageHelper.startPage(1, 10);
    list = countryMapper.selectIf(param1);
} else {
    list = new ArrayList<Country>();


如果你对此不放心,你可以手动清理 ThreadLocal 存储的分页参数,可以像下面这样使用:

List<Country> list;
if(param1 != null){
    PageHelper.startPage(1, 10);
        list = countryMapper.selectAll();
    } finally {
} else {
    list = new ArrayList<Country>();


4. MyBatis 和 Spring 集成示例



这两个集成框架集成了 PageHelper 和 通用 Mapper

5. Spring Boot 待定