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Source Mapper is a Source Generator based version of functionality similar to AutoMapper

At the moment is a experimental project used to learn how to create source generators and implement advanced code based configuration systems for these.

Getting Started

  1. Make sure you use VS2022 with Latest C# Language version
  2. Install the Source Mapper Nuget Package
  3. Configure a SourceMapper Context to auto generate Cloning/Mapping extension methods (see Configuration section below)


SourceMapper different to many other source generators does not use a Attribute based linking of user and generated code. SourceMapper uses a fluent style code configuration system.

The fluent code is not real code but instead is only lightweight compiler checked configuration code that will be parsed by the source generator. You should not split it into helper methods etc. as this will definitely break parser logic.

The examples below should outline, what valid configurations look like.

Reasons to use this system:

  • Better extensibility than attributes
  • No modification of mapped types needed
  • All configuration in one place

Make a object deep cloneable

Cloning will create a new object instance of the same type. Properties that have a type that is also cloneable will also be cloned, otherwise reference assignment will be done.

    // Input objects
    public class DataTransferObject
        public string Property { get; set; }

        public InnerDataTranferObject Inner { get; set; } = new InnerDataTranferObject();

    public class InnerDataTranferObject
        public int Property { get; set; }

    // Configuration
    internal class CloneSampleContext : SourceMapperContext
        protected override void Configure(ContextConfig config)
                .Make<DataTransferObject>(it => it.Cloneable())
                .Make<InnerDataTranferObject>(it => it.Cloneable());

    // Usage
    public class CloneUsage
        public static void Use()
            var cloneable = new DataTransferObject();
            var cloned = cloneable.Clone();

The generated source code

namespace Samples
    public static class InnerDataTranferObjectCloneSampleContextSourceMapperExtensions
        public static InnerDataTranferObject Clone(this InnerDataTranferObject source)
            var obj = new InnerDataTranferObject();

            obj.Property = source.Property;

            return obj;

namespace Samples
    public static class DataTransferObjectCloneSampleContextSourceMapperExtensions
        public static DataTransferObject Clone(this DataTransferObject source)
            var obj = new DataTransferObject();

            obj.Property = source.Property;
            obj.Inner = source.Inner.Clone();

            return obj;

Make a object mapable

Mapping will map a object of some type to another type. If public get/set property names match the property will be assigned from the source property to the target property. If the source property type is cloneable, a clone will be assigned otherwise direct reference assignment will be done.

    // Input Objects
    public class A { public int Property { get; set; } }
    public class B {  public int Property { get; set; } }

    // Configuration
    internal class MappingSampleContext : SourceMapperContext
        protected override void Configure(ContextConfig config)
            config.Make<A>(it => it.MapTo<B>())
                .Make<B>(it => it.MapTo<A>());

    // Usage
    public static class MapToUsage
        public static void Use()
            var mapMe = new A();
            var b = mapMe.MapTo<B>();

Generated Code

namespace SourceMapper.Samples
    public static class BMappingSampleContextSourceMapperExtensions
        public static A MapTo<T>(this B source) where T : A
            var obj = new A();

            obj.Property = source.Property;

            return obj;

namespace SourceMapper.Samples
    public static class AMappingSampleContextSourceMapperExtensions
        public static B MapTo<T>(this A source) where T : B
            var obj = new B();

            obj.Property = source.Property;

            return obj;

Custom object instantiation

Sometimes objects needs custom initialization DI etc. You can set a custom init method for objects via the Activator config method.

    // Input objects
    public record RecA(int X)
        public string Prop { get; set; }

    public record RecB(int Y)
        public static RecB MapActivator(RecA src)
            return new RecB(src.X + 1);

        public string Prop { get; set; }

    // Configuration
    internal class ActivatorSampleContext : SourceMapperContext
        protected override void Configure(ContextConfig config)
                .Make<RecA>(it => it
                    .Cloneable(cloning => cloning
                        .Activator(src => new RecA(123)))
                    .MapTo<RecB>(mapping => mapping

Generated code:

    public static class RecAActivatorSampleContextSourceMapperExtensions
        public static RecA Clone(this RecA source)
            Func<RecA, RecA> instanceCreator = src => new RecA(123);
            var obj = instanceCreator(source);

            obj.Prop = source.Prop;

            return obj;
        public static RecB MapTo<T>(this RecA source) where T : RecB
            var obj = RecB.MapActivator(source);

            obj.Prop = source.Prop;

            return obj;

Post Processing

    // Input Objects
    public class PostProcessSource
        public string A { get; set; }
        public string B { get; set; }

    public class PostProcessTarget { public string AB { get; set; } }

    // Configuration
    internal class PostProcessSampleContext : SourceMapperContext
        protected override void Configure(ContextConfig config)
                .Make<PostProcessSource>(it => it
                    .MapTo<PostProcessTarget>(mapping => mapping
                        .Ignore(src => src.A)
                        .Ignore(src => src.B)
                        .PostProcess((ref PostProcessTarget tgt, PostProcessSource src) => tgt.AB = src.A + src.B)));

Generated code

    public static class PostProcessSourcePostProcessSampleContextSourceMapperExtensions
        public static PostProcessTarget MapTo<T>(this PostProcessSource source) where T : PostProcessTarget
            var obj = new PostProcessTarget();

            var postProcess = (ref PostProcessTarget tgt, PostProcessSource src) => tgt.AB = src.A + src.B;
            postProcess(ref obj, source);

            return obj;

Build and Test

Checkout repository, open with VS2022+ and compile the project.