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  • To Design a web app that solves Prince Theater problem, which allows the customers to see what movies are available and which movie provider streams at a lower price.

Technologies and Dependencies used

  • Angular 11
  • Angular Flex Layout ( UI Design )
  • Angular Material ( UI Design )
  • Postman to verify API endpoint

How to use

Development server

  1. Clone the project from my github account
  2. npm i to install the packages
  3. Run npm run ng serve for a dev server. Navigate to http://localhost:4200/. The app will automatically reload if you change any of the source files.

Running unit tests

Run npm run ng test to execute the unit tests via Karma.

Running end-to-end tests

Run npm run ng e2e to execute the end-to-end tests via Protractor.


Given the wireframe provided by Lexicon Digital, I decided to use Angular 11 (TypeScript) as I have been working on it recently for work and personal projects. Below is the advantage of using Angular on this project

  1. TypeScript: Less Prone to Errors
  2. MVC: Easy Development, Eliminate unecessary code
  3. Code Structure: Organizes code into buckets, whether it is components, directives, pipes, or services. The buckets make application functionality organization easy, segregating it into features and reusable chunks. Buckets AKA Modules also allow for lazy loading, which paves way for application feature loading in the background or on-demand.
  4. Very simple unit testing: Independent of each other, the components make unit testing much easier.


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