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File metadata and controls

59 lines (41 loc) · 1.65 KB

What is Flappy++?

This is Flappy Bird clone written in C++. Currently it's being rewritten, cause my old one was litteraly bad. New version is written in much better way :)

Before rewrite...

Check how game works before rewrite. It's running on 40FPS when VSync is forced to OFF :D Yeah, thats one thing why I wanted rewrite it :)

[-> Click to download <-] (

What am I using to build this?

I'm using following software to build my project:

  • Code::Blocks 16 IDE
  • GCC 5.1 (TDM-1 32 bit)
  • SFML 2.3.2 32 bit, self-compiled, static

also useful:

  • GIMP
  • GVIM

How can I build this one?

First of all you need to get some dependencies:
  • SFML Library in /lib/Windows/ or /lib/Windows/
  • GCC compiler
  • Make
You can also get some cool tools that will make this build even better!

You just need put path to them into global variables of your OS.

  • UPX Packer
  • OptiPNG
You dont need any of these, but it's useful piece of software :D

It'll pack your executable, optimize PNG files and create up-to-date Makefiles when building ( now only on Windows ) :D

NOTE: You can use Code::Blocks project instead of makefiles.

Then you should run make -f MakeFilename.

I've generated some makefiles. You can chose what you need:

  • Windows -> Static/Dynamic SFML
  • Linux -> Static/Dynamic SFML
Built game will apear in /release directory.

NOTE: You need to compile SFML by yourself if you want use static linking.

What is in project's directories?

  • /src - Code
  • /data - Assets
  • /bin - Binaries
  • /obj - Build objects
