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MyMoment Backend

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. This app uses go version go version go1.15 windows/amd64


Go [link]

Version I am using : go1.15 windows/amd64

Redis [link]

Version I am using : Redis server version 2.4.5. This must be started before running the app.

MySQL DB [link]

Version I am using : mysql Ver 8.0.16 for Win64 on x86_64 (MySQL Community Server - GPL)

MailHog SMTP Server [link]

Project setup

Add Config File

Create new file config.json inside config folder.

The following is brief axplanation of the config

        "Host": "<your db host, example : localhost>",
        "Port": <your db port, default port for mysql : 3306>,
        "Username": "<your db username>",
        "Password":"<your db password>",
        "DbName":"<your db name>"
        "From":"<smtp from address, you can type any email address for development environment>",
        "Host":"<smtp host, example : localhost >",
        "Port":<smtp port, MailHog default port : 1025>,
        "Username":"<smtp username, can be left empty for development>",
        "Password":"<smtp password, can be left empty for development>",
        "Subject":"<subject to be used for email verification>"
        "Subject":"<subject to be used for reset password email>"
        "Host":"<redis host, example : localhost>",
        "Password":"<redis passwrod, can be left empty for development>",
        "Port":<redis port, default port : 6379>
    "Host":"<backend host>",
    "FEHost":"<frontend host>"

The following is sample of config file :

        "Subject":"Email Verification"
        "Subject":"Reset Password"

DB Schema

Db Name : mymoment
Schema Files : 

.env File

Create .env file on the root workspace (same level with main.go) then add the following value :

JWT_SECRET=<random string>

For examle


The value will be used jwt encryption key.

Run the App

### Build project
go build

### Run project
go run main.go


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