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Timelock Server Configuration

The Timelock Server configuration file is written in YAML and is located at var/conf/timelock.yml. It has three main configuration blocks: clients, cluster, and algorithm. We will discuss how each of these may be configured in turn, as well as additional configuration parameters.


TimeLock previously required users to explicitly configure the namespaces that it would allow to be used, returning 404s otherwise. From AtlasDB 0.54.0 onwards, though, TimeLock dynamically creates clients when a request is made for that client for the first time.

A single Timelock Server or cluster of Timelock Servers can support multiple AtlasDB clients. When querying a Timelock Server, clients must supply a namespace for which they are requesting timestamps or locks in the form of a path variable. There are no guarantees of relationships between timestamps requested from different namespaces.

curl -XPOST https://localhost:8421/timelock/api/tl/ts/tom \
  --data '{"numTimestamps": 1}' -H "Authorization: Bearer q" -H "Content-Type: application/json"

# No guarantee of any relationship between the values
curl -XPOST https://localhost:8421/timelock/api/tl/ts/jerry \
  --data '{"numTimestamps": 1}' -H "Authorization: Bearer q" -H "Content-Type: application/json"

This is done for performance reasons: consider that if we maintained a global timestamp across all clients, then requests from each of these clients would need to all be synchronized.

As far as the TimeLock Server is concerned, a client is created on the first request a user makes for the namespace in question.


You will probably want to use an odd number of servers; using an even number of servers increases the overhead of distributed consensus while not actually providing any additional fault tolerance as far as obtaining a quorum is concerned. Using more servers leads to improved fault tolerance at the expense of additional overhead incurred in leader election and consensus.

The cluster block is used to identify the servers which make up a Timelock Service cluster. An example is as follows:

Property Description
localServer A string following the form hostname:port which matches the host on which this config exists.
servers A list of strings following the form hostname:port identifying the hosts in this Timelock Service cluster. Note that this list must include the localServer.

We have implemented the consensus algorithm required by the Timelock Server using the Paxos algorithm. Currently, this is the only supported implementation, though there may be more in the future. We identify an algorithm by its type field first; algorithms can have additional algorithmic-specific customisable parameters as well.

The algorithm has several configurable parameters; all parameters (apart from type) are optional and have default values.

  type: paxos
  paxosDataDir: var/log/paxos
    trustStorePath: var/security/trustStore.jks
  pingRateMs: 5000
  maximumWaitBeforeProposalMs: 1000
  leaderPingResponseWaitMs: 5000
Property Description
type The type of algorithm to use; currently only paxos is supported.
paxosDataDir A path corresponding to the location in which Paxos will store its logs (of accepted promises and learned values) (default: var/data/paxos). The Timelock Server will fail to start if this directory does not exist and cannot be created.
sslConfiguration Security settings for communication between Timelock Servers, following the palantir/http-remoting library (default: no SSL).
pingRateMs The interval between followers pinging leaders to check if they are still alive, in ms (default: 5000). The server will fail to start if this is not positive.
maximumWaitBeforeProposalMs The maximum wait before a follower proposes leadership if it believes the leader is down, or before a leader attempts to propose a value again if it couldn't obtain a quorum, in ms (default: 1000).
leaderPingWaitResponseMs The length of time between a follower initiating a ping to a leader and, if it hasn't received a response, believing the leader is down, in ms (default: 5000).

Clients that make long-running lock requests will block a thread on TimeLock for the duration of their request. More significantly, if these requests are blocked for longer than the idle timeout of the server's application connector on HTTP/2, then Jetty will send a stream closed message to the client. This can lead to an infinite buildup of threads and was the root cause of issue #1680. We thus reap the thread for interruptible requests before the timeout expires, and send an exception to the client indicating that its request has timed out, but it is free to retry on the same node. Note that this issue may still occur if a non-interruptible method blocks for longer than the idle timeout, though we believe this is highly unlikely.

This mechanism can be switched on and off, and the time interval between generating the BlockingTimeoutException and the actual idle timeout is configurable. Note that even if we lose the race between generating this exception and the idle timeout, we will retry on the same node. Even if this happens 3 times in a row we are fine, since we will fail over to non-leaders and they will redirect us back.

Note that this may affect lock fairness in cases where timeouts occur; previously our locks were entirely fair, but now if the blocking time is longer than the connection timeout, then it is possible for the locks to not behave fairly.

  enableTimeLimiting: true
  blockingTimeoutErrorMargin: 0.03
Property Description
enableTimeLimiting Whether to enable the time limiting mechanism or not (default: false).
blockingTimeoutErrorMargin A value indicating the margin of error we leave before interrupting a long running request, since we wish to perform this interruption and return a BlockingTimeoutException before Jetty closes the stream. This margin is specified as a ratio of the smallest idle timeout - hence it must be strictly between 0 and 1 (default: 0.03).


If disabling legacy safety checks, note that clients for each namespace MUST either use pre- or post-0.49.0 versions of AtlasDB. This also precludes rolling upgrades of clients (as there is an intermediate state where some clients are using pre-0.49.0 and some using post-0.49.0). Failure to ensure this may result in SEVERE DATA CORRUPTION as transactions which would otherwise have run into a write-write conflict might successfully commit.

Since AtlasDB 0.49.0, the TimeLock Server by default runs an asynchronous implementation of the lock service. This relies on new /timelock APIs (as opposed to the previous /timestamp and /lock APIs). Configuring the asynchronous lock service may be done as follows:

  useAsyncLockService: true
  disableLegacySafetyChecksWarningPotentialDataCorruption: false
Property Description
useAsyncLockService Whether to enable the asynchronous lock service or not (default: true).
disableLegacySafetyChecksWarningPotentialDataCorruption A value indicating whether safety checks to prohibit legacy lock services from participating in the AtlasDB transaction protocol should be disabled. The safety checks are important for avoiding concurrency issues if clients for a given namespace may be running both pre- and post-0.49.0 versions of AtlasDB, but may need to be disabled if one is running clients for multiple namespaces that separately run both pre- and post-0.49.0 versions of AtlasDB.

If useAsyncLockService is specified whilst disableLegacySafetyChecksWarningPotentialDataCorruption is not, then disableLegacySafetyChecksWarningPotentialDataCorruption defaults to the complement of useAsyncLockService. Note that we do not support enabling safety checks whilst not using the async lock service (as there will be no way for client transactions to commit)!

Property Description
slowLockLogTriggerMillis Log at INFO if a lock request receives a response after given duration in milliseconds (default: 10000 i.e. 10s).
useClientRequestLimit Limit the number of concurrent lock requests from a single client. Each request consumes a thread on the server. When enabled, each client has a number of threads reserved for itself (default: false).

The Timelock Server is implemented as a Dropwizard application, and may thus be suitably configured with a server block following Dropwizard's configuration. This may be useful if, for example, one needs to change the application and/or admin ports for the Timelock Server.

HTTP/2 is a newer version of the HTTP protocol that supports, among other features, connection multiplexing. This is extremely useful in improving the latency of timestamp and lock requests, which are usually fairly small. Timelock Server is compatible with HTTP/2 as of AtlasDB v0.34.0; to configure this, one should change the protocol used by the Dropwizard application and admin connectors to h2 instead of https. For example, this block can be added to the root of the Timelock server configuration:

    - type: h2
      port: 8421
    - type: h2
      port: 8422

Note that because Timelock Server uses the OkHttp library, it is currently not compatible with HTTP/2 via cleartext (the h2c protocol).


Although HTTP/2 does offer a performance boost with connection multiplexing, it also mandates that the Galois/Counter Mode (GCM) cipher-suites are used, which suffer from a relatively unperformant implementation in the Oracle JDK. Thus, clients that are unable to use HTTP/2 may see a significant slowdown when the Timelock Server switches from an https connector to an h2 connector. It may be possible to get around this by exposing multiple application connectors, though the AtlasDB team has not tested this approach.

We have experienced issues with Logback (the logging library which Dropwizard uses) under high load. This is because rolling of request logs required synchronization among threads that wanted to write logs; given high load it was possible for requests to build up and, eventually, servers being unable to respond to pings quickly enough.

We thus implemented a NonBlockingFileAppenderFactory which never blocks when writing logs (even when files are rolled), though this could mean that a very small proportion of log lines may be dropped.

This is configured in the same way as a standard Dropwizard file appender, except that the type should be non-blocking-file instead of just file.

    - archivedFileCount: 10
      maxFileSize: 1GB
      archivedLogFilenamePattern: "var/log/timelock-server-request-%i.log.gz"
      currentLogFilename: var/log/timelock-server-request.log
      threshold: INFO
      timeZone: UTC
      type: non-blocking-file